“The Narrator-Protagonist of El masacre se pasa a pie as Apologist of the Parsley Massacre” in Caribe. 18.1-2 (Summer/Winter 2015-2016) 53-67.
“The Bigoted Education of a Dominican Young Man or the Narrator-Protagonist of El masacre se pasa a pie as Dilettante” in Postcript. Vol. 33, no. 1, 2017, . Accessed 19 March 2017.
“Parody, Ritual and Counter-Conquest in Felix Darío Mendoza’s La Hispaniola: El reino del zombí” in The Latin Americanist. Vol. 61, no. 1, 2017, l . Accessed 17 May 2017.
“Inclusiveness Denied: The Unsavory Effects of Martianismo in Alberto Peña and Emilio Ballagas.” Hispanófila 156 (2009) 83-100. [Number submitted per year: 90; Published per year: 30]
“Ni cósmico, ni democrático: El Contracanto a Walt Whitman de Pedro Mir.” (Neither Cosmic, nor Democratic: the Counter Song to Walt Whitman by Pedro Mir) Symposium 62.4 (Winter 2009) 235-257. [Number submitted per year: 65-75; Published per year: 14-16]
“El rapsoda dominicano, el amanuense chileno y la rosa que había de florecer en la isla Quisqueya.” (The Dominican Rhapsodist, the Chilean Scribe and the Rose that Would Bloom in the Island of Quisqueya) Anales de Literatura Chilena. 9.9 (June 2008) 257-264. [The number was edited by the foremost scholar of Huidobro Studies, Cedomil Goic; Invited to collaborate]
“In the Shadow of a Giant: Mir’s Struggle against Neruda.” SECOLAS Annals. 38 (2006) 79-92. [Number submitted per year: 30-45; Published per year: 10-13]
“Matters of Difference: Plácido, Heredia, and Avellaneda in Menéndez y Pelayo.” The Latin Americanist. 48.2 (Spring 2005) 57-79. [Number submitted per year: 30-45; Published per year: 10-13]
“Dos voces dominicanas de la poesía neoyorquina escrita en castellano: Alexis Gómez Rosa y Pedro Antonio Valdez” (Two Dominican Voices in New York City: Alexis Gómez Rosa y Pedro Antonio Valdez) of the Aproximaciones a la literatura dominicana: 1980-2005. Vol 2. Ed. Rei Berroa. Santo Domingo: Colección del Banco Central de la República Dominicana, 2008. 137-156.
“El pesimismo en tres novelas dominicanas de la posguerra de Rita Tejada.” (Pessimism in Three Dominican Novels of the Postwar Period by Rita Tejada) The Latin Americanist. 50.2 (Spring 2007) 140-142. [N/A]
“La poesía Latinoamericana desde la vanguardia” (Latin American Poetry Since the Avant-Garde Movement). Chasqui. 34.2 (November 2005) 145-149.
“El Caribe afro-hispánico” (The Afro-Hispanic Caribbean). Chasqui. 34.1 (May 2005) 142-144.
Lamouth, Juan Sanchez. “Choral Salute to the Poet Leopold Senghor” (“Saludo conjunto al poeta Leopoldo Sedar Senghor”). Tran. José Manuel Batista. The Black Scholar 45.2 (2015).
“Blas Jiménez” In Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Oxford UP. May 2016. [1,222 words; invited to contribute]
“Manuel del Cabral” In Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Oxford UP. May 2016. [935 words; invited to contribute]
“Ramón Marrero Aristy” In Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Oxford UP. May 2016. [1094 words; invited to contribute]