Readings on Moodle2:
Piontek Queering, Conclusion (95-97)
Sedgwick, “How to Bring Your Kids Up Gay” (69-81)
Butler, Undoing Gender, Introduction (1-16)
Halberstam, Queer as Failure, Introduction: “Low Theory” (1-25)
Williams, The Chronicle of Higher Education Review1/6/12,“Queer 2.0: Judith ‘Jack’ Halberstam Complicates Gender” (B13-15)
Halley and Parker, After Sex: On Writing Since Queer Theory, Introduction (1-14)
Essig, The Chronicle of Higher Education Blog 1/5/12 “Michael Warner’s Queer Essay”
Graduate Readings (Moodle2):
Butler, Undoing Gender, Ch. 10 “The Question of Social Transformation” (204- 231) Halberstam, Queer as Failure, Ch. 6 “Animating Failure: Ending, Fleeing, Surviving” (173-187)
Freccero, “Queer Times,” (17-26)
Moon, “Do You Smoke? Or, Is There Life? Afer Sex?” (55-65) in After Sex
Germano, The Chronicle of Higher Education Review 1/1/12,“The Q Factor: A publisher looks back at queer studies”