This final chapter is where all the theory has been leading. For me, it’s what this whole book has been about. Gender stereotypes cause real, profound, and pervasive social suffering and hardship. The suffering is no less real because we don’t always see the issue. It’s time we organized to stop it. It’s time we put theory into action.
—Riki Wilchins, Queer Theory, Gender Theory (141)
Required Readings
Wilchins Queer Theory, Ch. 11 “Butler and the Problem of Identity” (123-139), ; Ch. 12 “GenderPAC and Gender Rights” (141-157), ;
Wilchins, “Eighteen Things You Don’t Say to a Transsexual”
Salih, Introduction “Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions (1990)” (90-94) [Moodle2]
Salih, Preface [to second edition of Gender Trouble] (94-103) [Moodle2]
Graduate Readings [Moodle2]:
Salih, The Judith Butler Reader: Introduction (1-17)
Butler, Gender Trouble: Preface (pp. ix-xiv), Ch. 1 “Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire” (1-9), Ch. 3 “Subversive Bodily Acts”:
“iv. Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions” (128-141),
Conclusion “From Parody to Politics” (142-49)