- Special Section on “Control, PDEs, and Inverse Problems”, 2024 Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Southern Georgia University, Savannah, GA, October 5-6, 2024.
- Special Section on “Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Applications”, SIAM SouthEastern Atlantic Section Annual Meeting, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, March 25-26, 2023.
- Special Section on “Recent Developments on Analysis and Computation for Inverse Problems for PDEs”, Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting – AMS, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, March 18-19, 2023.
- Special Section on “Recent Developments in Inverse Problems for PDEs and Applications”, Fall Western Sectional Meeting – AMS, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, October 22-23, 2022.
- Special Section on “Recent advances in inverse problems for PDEs” AMS Fall Western Virtual Sectional Meeting, 2021.
- Mini-symposium on “Recent developments on Partial Differential Equations and Applications”, SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, 2021.
- Special Section on “Recent developments on Analysis and Computation for Inverse Problems for PDEs” AMS Spring Southeastern Virtual Sectional Meeting, 2021.
- Special Section on “The Analysis of Inverse Problems and Their Applications”. AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November, 2016.
Upcoming talk(s)
Seminar and Colloquium Talks
A Convexification-based approach for solving the 3D inverse scattering problem, Math seminar at NC State University, February, 2025.
- The inverse scattering problem with experimental data, Applied Math seminar at University of North Carolina Greensboro, April 3, 2023.
- The convexification method for the 3D inverse scattering problem, Colloquium, University of Idaho, October 2022 (pdf).
- Carleman estimates, the convexification method for PDEs and applications in inverse problems, May 2022, dien giai toan hoc, in Vietnamese. (link)
- The Carleman-based convexification approach for the 3D inverse scattering problem with experimental data, PDE & GA seminar at University of Wisconsin Madison, April 2022.
- Carleman estimates and their applications, Applied Math Seminar, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2021.
- Numerical solution to the linearized travel time tomography problem with incomplete data, PDE/Applied Math Seminar, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2020.
- A PDE approach for X-ray tomography with incomplete data, Colloquium, Tufts University, Medford, MA, February 2019.
- A numerical method for the inverse tomographic problem with incomplete data: the PDE approach, PDE/Applied Mathematics Seminar, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, November 2018.
- Phased and Phaseless Coefficient Inverse problems using only one direction of incident wave, Differential Equation Seminar, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November 2017.
- A three sphere inequality and its application to cloaking using complementary media in finite frequency regime, Analysis Seminar, Clemson University, March 2016.
- Mathematical Problems in Bio-medical Imaging and Invisibility Cloak, Colloquium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 2015.
- Diffuse optical tomography and cloaking using complementary media, CCMA PDEs and Numerical Methods Seminar Series, Penn State University, State College, 2015.
- A stable algorithm to reconstruct absorption maps and cloaking using complementary media, Applied Math – PDE Seminar, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2015.
Conference talks
- The Carleman-contraction mapping approach for the inverse scattering problem, the 42nd SEARCDE, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, November 2024.
- A Carleman based-numerical method for the inverse scattering problem with experimental data, NSF CompMath PI Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2024.
- The time dimensional reduction method to determine the initial conditions without the knowledge of damping coefficients, Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, March 2024.
- Numerical differentiation by the polynomial-exponential basis, Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, March 2024.
- The time dimensional reduction method to determine the initial conditions without the knowledge of damping coefficients, the 41st Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, November 2023.
- The time dimensional reduction method to determine the initial conditions without the knowledge of damping coefficients, International Symposium on Applied Science, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 2023.
- The dimensional reduction method for solving a nonlinear inverse heat conduction problem with limited boundary data, Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, Buffalo, New York, September 2023.
- The dimensional reduction method for solving a nonlinear inverse heat conduction problem with limited boundary data, 10th Vietnam Mathematical Congress, Danang, Vietnam, August 2023.
- Convexification method based on Carleman estimates for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, SIAM SouthEastern Atlantic Section Annual Meeting, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, March 25-26, 2023.
- Carleman Estimates And The Contraction Principle For An Inverse Source Problem For Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations, Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting – AMS, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, March 18-19, 2023.
- The Carleman-based numerical method for the 3D inverse scattering problem, 40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Raleigh, NC, November 12-13, 2022. (link)
- Reconstructing a space-dependent source term of the Helmholtz equation via the quasi-reversibility method, 5th Annual Meeting of the SIAM Texas-Louisiana Section, Houston, Texas, November 4-6, 2022 (link).
- The Carleman-based contraction principle to reconstruct the potential of nonlinear hyperbolic equations, Fall Western Sectional Meeting – AMS, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, October 22-23, 2022 (link) (pdf).
- An inverse space-dependent source problem for hyperbolic equations and the Lipschitz like convergence of the quasi-reversibility method, International Conference on Differential Equations and Applications, Hanoi, Vietnam, August 2022, (link) (pdf).
- The Carleman convexification method for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Summer meeting, Saigon University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 2022. (link, pdf)
- A Carleman-based contractive method for PDEs and applications in nonlinear inverse problems, Workshop on PDE and related topics, VIASM, Hanoi, Vietnam, July 2022. (link, pdf)
- A convexification approach for the 3D inverse scattering problem via a Carleman estimate, 6th International Virtual Workshop on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, June 2022. (link)
- A Carleman-Based Numerical Method for An Inverse Source Problem for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations, Virtual SIAM Conferences on Imaging Science, March 21-25, 2022.
- The Carleman estimates, the convexification method, and its applications in Hamilton-Jacobi equations and the inverse scattering problem, Workshop series in Applied Mathematics, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, March 16-17, 2022.
- The gradient descent method for the convexification to solve boundary value problems of quasi-linear PDEs and a coefficient inverse problem, AMS Fall Western Virtual Sectional Meeting, October 2021.
- Carleman estimates and the contraction principle for an inverse source problem for nonlinear hyperbolic equations, 6th Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, October 2021.
- Numerical viscosity solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations via a Carleman estimate and the convexification method, SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, September 2021.
- Numerical solutions to the linearized travel time tomography problem with incomplete data, AMS Spring Southeastern Virtual Sectional Meeting, 2021.
- A convergent numerical method to recover the initial condition of nonlinear parabolic equations from lateral Cauchy data, Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, SaiGon University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December, 2020.
- Numerical solution to the linearized travel time tomography problem with incomplete data, Applied Math Seminar, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2020.
- A Numerical Method for an Inverse Source Problem for Parabolic Equations and its Application to a Coefficient Inverse Problem, The 5th Annual Meeting of SIAM Central States Section, Ames, Iowa, October 2019.
- A convergent numerical method for a multi-frequency inverse source problem in inhomogeneous media, Summer meeting, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2019.
- A numerical method inverse source problem for hyperbolic equations by using the quasi-reversibility method, The 9th International Conference “Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Malta, May 2018.
- A numerical method to solve an inverse source problem for wave equations, International Conference on Mathematics and Statistic, Memphis, Tennessee, May 2018.
- A phaseless coefficient inverse problem with applications in nano-imaging, 42nd SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, March 2018.
- Phaseless Scattering and Global Convergence for Coefficient Inverse Problems, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, December 2017.
- A globally convergent numerical method for a 1-d inverse medium problem with experimental data, AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Raleigh, NC, November, 2016.
- A three sphere inequality and its applications to cloaking in the finite frequency regime, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspect of Materials Science, Philadelphia, May 2016.
- Inverse Scattering Problems without the Phase Information, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspect of Materials Science, Philadelphia, May 2016.
- Rigorous numerical solutions for inverse scattering problem without the phase information, AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Memphis, TN, October 2015.
- Cloaking and Illusion optics using complementary media in finite frequency regime, CIMPA Research School, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Imaging, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2014.
- Exact reconstruction of electromagnetic parameters from multi-frequency hybrid data, CIMPA Research School, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Imaging, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2014.
- Illusion optics using complementary media in finite frequency regime, Seoul ICM Satellite Conference, Imaging, Multi-scale and high contrast PDEs, 2014.
- A three sphere inequality motivated from cloaking using complementary media in finite frequency regime, VIASM – Some Mathematical Problems related to Electromagnetic Waves, Hanoi, Vietnam 2014.
- Micro – Electrical Impedance Tomography, the 10th AIMS, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
- Cloaking Using Complementary Media in Finite Frequency Regime, the 10th AIMS, Madrid, Spain, 2014.
- Resonance behavior of electric fields in media made of negative index materials, Vietnam National University at Hochiminh city, 2014.
- Ultrasound-modulated Optical Tomography: A Nonlinear Model, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Orlando, FL, 2013.
- An exact reconstruction formula in quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging, seminaire d’analyse, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2013.
Obstacle detection using spherical Radon transform and an acousto-opticprocess, Applied Inverse Problem, Conference, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
A reconstruction algorithm for ultrasound-modulated optical tomography, Applied Inverse Problem Conference, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
Singular elliptic problems and sub-supersolution theorems, Pusan National University, Korea, 2013.
Exact reconstruction formula in hybrid imaging, Meeting on Imaging, École Normale Superieure Paris, 2013.
Quantitative thermo-acoustic imaging: An exact reconstruction formula, the 9th AIMS, Orlando, FL, 2012.
Bernstein-Nagumo conditions and solutions to nonlinear differential inequalities, the 9th AIMS, Orlando, FL, 2012.
Bounds on the volume fraction of 2-phase, 2-dimensional elastic bodies and on (stress, strain) pairs in composites, Methodes mathematiques pour l′imagerie, ENS at Paris, 2011.
Applications of Sub-supersolution theorems to singular nonlinear elliptic problems, AMS Western Section Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 2011.
Boundary value problems for singular elliptic equations, Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA, 2011.
Existence of solutions to singular elliptic equations, Applied mathematics seminar, University of Utah, 2010.
- On positive solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations, Summer Meeting, Vietnam National University, at Hochiminh City, 2008.