- PhD in Curriculum & Instruction, Urban Literacy, UNC Charlotte, 2014
- M.A. in English, University of Texas at Arlington, 2004
- B.A. in English, University of Connecticut, 2002
Areas of Interest
- Rhetoric and Composition
- First Year Writing Programs/Writing Program Administration
- Writing Centers
- Digital Literacies and Multimodality
- Sociolinguistics
- Genre Studies
- Identity Studies/Narrative Studies
- Blended Learning
Selected Publications and Presentations
“The Art of Likes: Writing Centers’ Navigation of Social Media’s Tensions.” International Writing Center Association conference, (Columbus, OH), October 2019.
“Performing Disciplinary Identity Through Undergraduate Degree Programs in Independent Writing Programs/Departments.” Independent Writing Departments and Programs Association (IWDPA) sponsored panel at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, (Pittsburgh, PA), March 2019.
“From the Ground Up and Through the Weeds: Independence, Contingent Faculty and Growing a Program on Collaboration.” Independent Writing Departments and Programs Association (IWDPA) sponsored panel at the Conference on College Composition and Communication (Kansas City, MO), March 2018.
“‘What Have You Always Wanted to Know’: Guiding Students to Ask The ‘Big Questions’ in Their Inquiry Projects.” Teacher to Teacher Forum (T2T) at the Conference on College Composition and Communication (Kansas City, MO), March 2018.
“Curricular Archipelagos: Teacher Networks and Large Course Redesign in a First Year Writing Program.” Presentation at the College English Association Conference (Hilton Head, SC), April 2017.
“Re-visioning Writing in Online Spaces: Ensuring Student Learning in the Future of Hybrid Writing Courses.” Panel presentation given at the 2015 John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence’s Gateway Course Experience Conference (Charlotte, NC), April 2015.
“No Answers Barred: a [F]risky Roundtable on Teacher/Administrator Status and Student Learning.” Panel presentation at the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication (Tampa, FL), March 2015.
“Her/HisStory in the Writing Classroom: Teaching Literacy Autobiography, Doing Writing Ethnography.” Presentation given at the National Council of Teachers of English annual convention (Washington, DC), Nov. 2014.
“Understanding Students’ Perceptions of Teachers and Teaching.” Presentation at the UNC Charlotte University Writing Program conference (Charlotte, NC), Sept. 2014.
“Reframing College and Career Readiness in the Common Core State Standards.” Panel Presentation given at the Council for Writing Program Administrators Conference (Savannah, GA), July 2013.
“(Re)Negotiating College Readiness: Building Bridges Between K-12 and First-Year Writing Teachers and Students.” Panel Presentation given at the National Writing Project Urban Sites Network Conference (Birmingham, AL), April 2013.
“Relative Agency: Negotiating Classrooms, Spaces, and Communities in a First Year Writing Program.” Presentation given at the College English Association Conference (Savannah, GA), April 2013.
Courses Taught
- UWRT 1101: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I
- UWRT 1102: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II
- WRDS 1103: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I and II
- UWRT 1103 Honors
- WRDS 1104: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts I and II with Studio
- LBST 2301: Critical Thinking and Communication–The Rhetoric of Consumption and Money
- EDCI 8999: Dissertation Hours
- ENGL 4400/5400/WRDS 4402: Research, Theory, and Practice of Tutoring Writing
Professional Appointments
- UNC Charlotte: Associate Director, Writing Resources Center (2019-present), Senior Lecturer (2017-present), Lecturer (2011-2017), Honors Faculty Member (2013-present), Adjunct Instructor (2010-2011)
- Johnson and Wales University, Charlotte, NC. Adjunct Instructor (2010-2011)
- University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT. Adjunct Instructor (2006-2008)