(†Identifies a Post-Doctoral Fellow directly under supervision.)
(*Identifies a Graduate student directly under mentoring.)
2014 – present
- H. Lee, U. K. Subash*, M. K. Poutous, “Evaluation of area scaling of the reactive ion-plasma etched astronomical diffraction gratings”, Proc. SPIE 13100, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI, 131001V (26 August 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3020302.
- H. Lee, B. L. Vattiat, U. K. Subash*, M. K. Poutous, “On-sky evaluation of AWACS-Duo (dual-unit arrayed wide-angle camera system)”, Proc. SPIE 13100, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI, 131001G (26 August 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3020322.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, M. K. Poutous, “Predictive model comparisons to optical scatter measurements of structured diffusers”, Proc. SPIE 12882, Optical Components and Materials XXI, 128820E (8 March 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3001823.
- S. Paudel*, P. Gadamsetti*, M. K. Poutous, “Design and fabrication of deterministic, pseudo-randomly distributed, binary phase nanostructures for reflectivity suppression”, Proc. SPIE 12898, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics XVII, 1289806 (13 March 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3002514.
- V. P. Stinson, U. Subash*, N. Shuchi, M. K. Poutous, T. Hofmann, “Dynamic polarization and mechanical tuning of slanted wire diffraction gratings”, Proc. SPIE 12899, MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XXIII, 1289902 (12 March 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3003380.
- S. Srenevas*, D. A. Gonzalez*, M. K. Poutous, “Organizational disorder of nanostructured antireflective surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 12880, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXXII, 128800I (11 March 2024); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3002844.
- S. Srenevas*, M. K. Poutous, “Shannon’s entropy and structural complexity of random antireflective nanostructures on fused silica surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 12653, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, Thin Films, and Devices XX, 126530C (3 October 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2676013.
- U. Subash*, H. Lee, M. K. Poutous, “UV to IR high-efficiency antireflective surface modification of freeform and cylindrical lenses for space platform optical instrumentation”, Proc. SPIE 12676, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts XI, 126760H (4 October 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2675746.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, K. Vijayraghavan, M. K. Poutous, “Random nanostructured infrared window scatter analysis using the Harvey-Shack transfer function method”, Proc. SPIE 12430, Quantum Sensing and Nano Electronics and Photonics XIX, 1243018 (15 March 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2648542.
- P. Gadamsetti*, M. K. Poutous, Comparison between effective-medium and structure-distribution models for antireflective nanostructures on functional diffractive optics, Proc. SPIE 12417, Optical Components and Materials XX, 124170H (14 March 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2648949.
- H. Lee, U. Subash*, M. K. Poutous, “Fabrication and evaluation of reactive ion-plasma etched astronomical diffraction grating with anti-reflective surface nanostructures”, Proc. SPIE 12188, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V, 1218826 (29 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2627342.
- H. Lee, B. L. Vattiat, U. Subash*, M. K. Poutous, “Integration/test of dual unit arrayed wide-angle camera system and its evaluation in the context of Extremely Large Telescopes”, Proc. SPIE 12184, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, 121848E (29 August 2022) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2627344.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, K. Vijayraghavan, P. Gadamsetti*, M. K. Poutous, Optical surface absolute specular reflectance measurement using an infrared etalon and interferometer combination method, Proc. SPIE 12008, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IX, 1200809 (5 March 2022); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2608809.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, K. Vijayraghavan, M. K. Poutous, MWIR scatter of antireflective nanostructured windows, Proc. SPIE 11997, Optical Components and Materials XIX, 1199702 (4 March 2022); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2601567.
- P. Gadamsetti*, K. Kunala, M. K. Poutous, “Random anti-reflection subwavelength surface structures on deterministic illumination diffusers”, Proc. SPIE 11694, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures XI, 1169416 (5 March 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2577040.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, M. K. Poutous, “Bidirectional scattering distribution function of random antireflective nano-roughened surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 11682, Optical Components and Materials XVIII, 1168215 (5 March 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2577306.
- P. Gadamsetti*, M. E. Testorf, P. Batoni, M. K. Poutous, “Optical super-resolving phase filters with random anti-reflection subwavelength surface structures”, Proc. SPIE 11682, Optical Components and Materials XVIII, 1168214 (5 March 2021); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2576985.
- H. Lee, J. M. Good, B. L. Vattiat, M. K. Poutous, “Arrayed wide-angle camera system for wide field imaging and spectroscopy on ELTs: proof-of-concept on-sky test results on McDonald Observatory 2.7m telescope”, Proc. SPIE 11445, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VIII, 114453W (13 December 2020); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2562586.
- H. Lee, M. K. Poutous, C. Brooks, “Surface-relief gratings with anti-reflective nanostructures for panchromatic astronomical low/medium/high resolution spectroscopic surveys”, Proc. SPIE 11451, Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation IV, 1145140 (13 December 2020); doi.org/10.1117/12.2576333.
- K. Vijayraghavan, D. Gonzalez*, J. Meza-Galvan, M. K. Poutous, “Mid-wave and long-wave IR angular scatter of random anti-reflective nanostructured surfaces on ZnS, ZnSe, and GaAs” (Conference Presentation), Proc. SPIE 11388, Image Sensing Technologies: Materials, Devices, Systems, and Applications VII, 1138806 (27 April 2020); doi.org/10.1117/12.2558706.
- P. Gadamsetti*, K. Kunala, M. K. Poutous, “Optical scattering measurements of random anti-reflection subwavelength surface structures on binary gratings”, Proc. SPIE 11276, Optical Components and Materials XVII, 1127619 (3 March 2020); doi.org/10.1117/12.2544368.
- D. A. Gonzalez*, J. Meza-Galvan, D. Sharp, K. Vijayraghavan, M. K. Poutous, “Optical scattering measurements of random anti-reflective nanostructured surfaces in the mid- and long-wave IR”, Proc. SPIE 11289, Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures X, 112891Q (26 February 2020); doi.org/10.1117/12.2543788.
- K. J. Major, J. S. Sanghera, T. C. Hutchens, M. K. Poutous, I. D. Aggarwal, K. J. Ewing. “Examination of stochastic and ordered methods to select optical filters for discrimination between chemical vibrational absorption bands”, Proc. SPIE 11010, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XX, 1101017 (17 May 2019); doi.org/10.1117/12.2518238.
- T. C. Hutchens, C. R. Wilson, M. G. Potter*, M. K. Poutous, K. J. Major, K. J. Ewing, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal. “Infrared Reflectance Characterization of Ammonium Nitrate Residue on Roughened Aluminum for Potential Bioinspired Stand-off Sensor”, Proc. SPIE 11010, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XX, 1101018 (17 May 2019); doi.org/10.1117/12.2519110.
- K. J. Major, K. J. Ewing, J. S. Sanghera, T. C. Hutchens, M. K. Poutous, M. G. Potter*, C. R. Wilson, I. D. Aggarwal, M. E. Farrell, E. L. Holthoff, P. M. Pellegrino. “High-confidence discrimination of explosive materials on surfaces using a non-spectroscopic optical biomimetic sensing method”, Proc. SPIE 10629 Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIX 106290P:1-8 (16 May 2018); doi.org/10.1117/12.2304349.
- K. Kunala*, G. Sapkota†, M. K. Poutous, “Optical characterization of random anti-reflecting subwavelength surface structures on binary gratings”, Proc. SPIE 10528, Optical Components and Materials XV, 105280S:1-7 (22 February 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2284523.
- C. R. Wilson, M. G. Potter*, L. E. Busse, J. A Frantz, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, M. K. Poutous, “Laser damage of optical windows with random antireflective surface structures on both interfaces”, Proc. SPIE 10447, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials 2017, 1044706:1-7 (13 November 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2279614.
- L. E. Busse; J. A. Frantz; L. B. Shaw; M. K. Poutous; I. D. Aggarwal; J. S. Sanghera. “Broadband, ultralow reflectance surface structures on silica windows for high-energy laser applications” (Conference Presentation). Proc. SPIE 10179, Window and Dome Technologies and Materials XV, 1017905 (June 7, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2262873.
- K. J. Major; M. K. Poutous; I. D. Aggarwal; J. S. Sanghera; K. J. Ewing. “Analyte detection in complex samples using a biomimetic, non-spectroscopic sensing method”. Proc. SPIE 10072, Optical Diagnostics and Sensing XVII: Toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics, 100720Z:1-7 (February 17, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2252890.
- A. Peltier*; G. Sapkota†; M. Potter*; L. E. Busse; J. A. Frantz; L. B. Shaw; J. S. Sanghera; I. D. Aggarwal; M. K. Poutous; “Control of spectral transmission enhancement properties of random anti-reflecting surface structures fabricated using gold masking”. Proc. SPIE 10115, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics X, 101150B:1-7 (February 20, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2252382.
- G. Sapkota†, J. R. Case†, M. G. Potter*, L. E. Busse, J. A. Frantz, L. B. Shaw, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, M. K. Poutous. “Entry and exit facet laser damage of optical windows with random antireflective surface structures”. Proc. SPIE 10014, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials, 1001404; doi:10.1117/12.2244540.
- G. Sapkota†; J. R. Case†; L. E. Busse ; J. A. Frantz ; L. B. Shaw ; J. S. Sanghera ; I. D. Aggarwal ; M. K. Poutous. “Characterization of random anti-reflecting surface structures and their polarization response at off-normal angles of incidence”. Proc. SPIE 9927, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices XIII, 992712 (September 15, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2235380.
- K. J. Major, M. K. Poutous, K. F. Dunnill*, K. J. Ewing, J. S. Sanghera, P. C. Deguzman, I. D. Aggarwal. “Evaluation of a biomimetic optical-filter based chemical sensor for detection of hazardous chemical vapors in the infrared”. Proc. SPIE 9823, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXI, 98230U, pp.1-6, (May 3, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2224145.
- J. A. Frantz, L. E. Busse, K. J. Major, G. Sapkota†, M. K. Poutous, I. D. Aggarwal, J. S. Sanghera. “Random anti-reflection structures on large optics for high energy laser applications”, Proc. SPIE 9726, Solid State Lasers XXV: Technology and Devices, 97261T (March 17, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2211149.
- K. J. Major, M. K. Poutous, K. F. Dunnill*, K. J. Ewing, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal. “Filter selection criteria for the discrimination of strongly overlapping chemical spectra”, Proc. SPIE 9482, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies VIII, 948213 (June 3, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2176623.
- C. Taylor*, K. J. Major†, R. Joshi*, L. E. Busse, J. Frantz, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, M. K. Poutous. “Optical Performance of random anti-reflection structures on curved surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 9359, Optical Components and Materials XII, 935916 (16 March 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2076791.
- I. D. Aggarwal, K. Major†, M. Poutous, K. Ewing, and J. Sanghera, “Biomimetic Optical Filter Based Chemical Sensing Techniques”, in Advanced Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper SeTh2C.3.
- K. J. Major†, K. J. Ewing, M. K. Poutous, J. S. Sanghera, I. D. Aggarwal, “Filter-based chemical sensors for hazardous materials”, Proc. SPIE 9072, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XIX, 907212 (May 29, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2050437.
- L. E. Busse, C. Florea, J. Frantz, M. K. Poutous, R. Joshi*, B. Shaw, I. D. Aggarwal, J. S. Sanghera, “Antireflective surface structures on optics for high-energy lasers”, Proc. SPIE 8959, Solid State Lasers XXIII: Technology and Devices, 89591L (February 28, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2041025.
- K. J. Major†, C. M. Florea, M. K. Poutous, L. E. Busse, J. S. Sanghera and I. Aggarwal, “Surface transmission enhancement of ZnS via continuous-wave laser microstructuring”, Proc. SPIE 8968, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing VIII, 896810 (March 6, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2036790.
- K. Major†, K. Ewing, R. Joshi*, M. Poutous, C. Florea, J. Sanghera and I. Aggarwal, “Optical Sensors via Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy for the Detection of Homemade Explosives.” Innovative Applications of Mid- and Near-IR Spectroscopy, SCIX 2013, FACSS Analytical Science & Innovation, Milwaukee, WI, Sept.-Oct. 2013.
2008 – 2013
- E. G. Johnson, M. K. Poutous, Y. Li, I. R. Srimathi, A. Pung, M. Richardson, L. Shah, R. Shori and R. Magnusson, “Resonant Optical Devices for IR Lasers”, Proc. SPIE 8599, Solid State Lasers XXII: Technology and Devices, 8599-53 (2013); doi.org/10.1117/12.2012525.
- Yuan Li, R. Woodward, I. R. Srimathi, M. K. Poutous, R. Shori, and E. G. Johnson, “Guided mode resonance filter as wavelength selecting element in Er:ZBLAN fiber laser”, Specialty Optical Fibers of the OSA, Colorado Springs, CO, presentation STu3F.1 (June 2012); doi.org/10.1364/SOF.2012.STu3F.1.
- E. G. Johnson, R. Woodward, M. K. Poutous, A. J. Pung, Yuan Li, I. R. Srimathi, “Design and fabrication of mid-IR guided mode resonance filters”, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon & Nano Photonics of the OSA, IPRSN 2012, presentation ITu3B.2 (June 2012.)
- A. J. Pung, M. K. Poutous, R. C. Rumpf, Z. A. Roth, and E. G. Johnson, “Monolithic, low-index guided mode resonance filters: Fabrication and Simulation”, Optical Fabrication & Testing meeting of the OSA, Monterey, CA, presentation OTu4D.6 (June 2012.)
- M. K. Poutous, I. R. Srimathi and E. G. Johnson, “Monolithic fabrication and performance control of multilayered, polarization sensitive, guided-mode resonance filters”, Proc. SPIE 8249, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics V, 82490D, 1-7 (February 9, 2012); doi.org/10.1117/12.906854.
- A. J. Pung, M. K. Poutous, R. C. Rumpf, Z. A. Roth and E. G. Johnson, “Fabrication of optically monolithic, low-index guided mode resonance filters”, Proc. SPIE 8249, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics V, 82490F (February 9, 2012); doi.org/10.1117/12.908582.
- Z. A. Roth, M. K. Poutous, and E. G. Johnson, “Spatially and spectrally varying guided mode resonant filter by modifying the waveguide layer”, Proc. SPIE 8249, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics V, 82490H (February 9, 2012); doi.org/10.1117/12.908470.
- Z. Hosseinimakarem, M. K. Poutous and E. G. Johnson, “Photoresist roughness characterization in additive lithography processes for the fabrication of phase-only optical vortices”, Proc. SPIE 8249, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics V, 82491M (February 9, 2012); doi.org/10.1117/12.909719.
- L. Shah, R. A. Sims, P. Kadwani, C. C. C. Willis, J. B. Bradford, Z. Roth, A. Pung, M. Poutous, E. G. Johnson and M. Richardson, “Integrated 100-W polarized narrow linewidth thulium fiber MOPA system”, Proc. SPIE 8237, Fiber Lasers IX: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 82371M (February 9, 2012.)
- E. G. Johnson , M. K. Poutous, Z. A. Roth, P. Srinivasan, A. J. Pung, and Y. O. Yilmaz, “Advanced fabrication methods for 3D meta-optics”, Proc. SPIE 7927, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics IV, 792706 (February 07, 2011); doi:10.1117/12.877173.
- M. K. Poutous, M. J. Maston, S. Leibholz, and E. G. Johnson, “Fabrication of singulated micro-retro-reflectors for textured surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 7927, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics IV, 79270J (February 11, 2011); doi:10.1117/12.875352.
- A. T. Cannistra, M. K. Poutous, E. G. Johnson, and T. J. Suleski, “Fabrication of guided mode resonance filters on conformal surfaces”, Proc. SPIE 7927, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics IV, 79270Y (February 14, 2011); doi:10.1117/12.876280.
- M. K. Poutous, M. J. Maston, S. Leibholz, and E. G. Johnson, “Fabrication of Singulated Micro-Retro-Reflecting Elements”, in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper FThX5. doi:10.1364/FIO.2010.FThX5.
- Z. A. Roth, M. K. Poutous, P. Srinivasan, A. Pung, and E. G. Johnson, “Azimuthally Varying Graded Reflectivity Mirrors”, in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper FWS5. doi:10.1364/FIO.2010.FWS5.
- R. A. Sims, C. C. C. Willis, P. Kadwani, T. McComb, L. Shah, V. Sudesh, Z. Roth, M. Poutous, E. G. Johnson, M. Richardson, “Spectral beam combining of Tm fiber laser systems.” Proc. SPIE 7580, Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 75801Q (February 17, 2010); doi:10.1117/12.842500.
- E. Johnson, P. Srinivasan, M. Poutous, Z. Roth, and R. Rumpf, “Applications and Engineering of Three-Dimensional Optics”, Invited paper in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest, paper FTuO1 (2009.)
- M. K. Poutous, Z. Roth, K. Buhl, A. Pung, R. C. Rumpf, E. G. Johnson, “Correlation of fabrication tolerances with the performance of guided-mode-resonance micro-optical components.” Proc. SPIE 7205, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano Optics and Photonics II, 72050Y (February 24, 2009); doi:10.1117/12.814514.
- R. A. Sims, T. McComb, V. Sudesh, M. Reichert, M. Richardson, M. Poutous, Z. Roth, E. G. Johnson, “Narrow linewidth tunable CW thulium fiber lasers with VBG and GMRF stabilization.” Proc. SPIE 7193, Solid State Lasers XVIII: Technology and Devices, 71930U (February 27, 2009); doi:10.1117/12.815317.
1998 – 2007
- M. D. Himel, M. K. Poutous, J. D. Stack, J. L. Leonard, “Microfabrication of controlled angle diffusers used for resolution enhancement in microlithography.” Invited paper in Micromachining Technology for Micro-Optics and Nano-Optics, Proc. SPIE 4984, Micromachining Technology for Micro-Optics and Nano-Optics, 230 (January 25, 2003); doi:10.1117/12.477845.
- M. K. Poutous, B. Delaney, M. D. Himel, J. Stack, and R. E. Hutchins. “Controlled-angle-diffusers in Calcium Fluoride for application in 157 nm lithography systems.”Presentation at the Lambda Physik International 157 nm/EUV Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL (April 2002.)
- M. K. Poutous, M. D. Himel, R. E. Hutchins, B. Delaney, J. Stack, A. D. Kathman, J. Leonard and A. S. Fedor. “Design and fabrication of customized illumination patterns for low k1 lithography: a diffractive approach part II: Calcium Fluoride controlled-angle-diffusers.” Proc. SPIE 4691, Optical Microlithography XV, 1556 (July 15, 2002); doi:10.1117/12.474543.
- M. D. Himel, R. E. Hutchins, J. C. Colvin, M. K. Poutous, A. D. Kathman and A. S. Fedor. “Design and fabrication of customized illumination patterns for low k1 lithography: a diffractive approach.” Proc. SPIE 4346, Optical Microlithography XIV, pp. 1436-1442 (September 14, 2001); doi:10.1117/12.435682.
- J. W. Blaker, M. K. Poutous and W. Rosemblum. “Monochromatic Aberrations of the Human Model Eye.” JOSA A 4:59 (1987).