

BrianMagi-UNCCharlotteBrian Magi, PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Washington, and BSc in Physics/Applied Math from the University of Arizona. I worked as a postdoc at NOAA GFDL, started at UNC Charlotte in 2011, and earned tenure in 2017. In January 2021, I started as our department’s Graduate Program Director (GPD) for the MS Earth Sciences program. Contact me anytime at brian dot magi at charlotte dot edu.

Graduate Students

bluemarble.westCarolina Cardona graduated from UNC Charlotte with her BS Meteorology in Spring 2021. She then was accepted to our MS Earth Sciences and started in Spring 2023. She is exploring global patterns of weather variability and it’s relationship to the Ensemble Oceanic Nino Index. She is also a Teaching Assistant for ESCI 1101 Labs.

Undergraduate Students

None currently

Future Postdocs, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Please see the Prospective Students tab.


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