Education / Positions / Courses / Publications / Presentations / Grants / Activities / Skills
- Ph.D. University of California, San Diego, Anthropology, 2005
“Casting a wide net: Decision-making in a Mexican Marine Park.”
Committee: Joel Robbins (chair), Roy D’Andrade (co-chair), Shirley Strum, Ed Hutchins, David Kirsh, Mark Spalding - M.A. University of California, San Diego, Anthropology, 1999
- B.A. Rice University, Biochemistry, 1997
- 2016-present Associate professor, UNC Charlotte Department of Anthropology
- 2024-2025 Resident Director for UNC Charlotte students at Kingston University (London) through the Office of Education Abroad
- 2015-2016 AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow
- 2010-2016 Assistant professor, UNC Charlotte Department of Anthropology
- 2009-2010 Visiting assistant professor, Barnard College Department of Anthropology
- 2009 Associate Research Scientist, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Columbia University
- 2005-2008 Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Columbia University
- 2007 Adjunct Professor, Barnard College Department of Anthropology
- 2004-2005 Visiting fellow, Center for US-Mexican Studies, UCSD
- 2004 Teaching Assistant, UCSD International Studies Program, with Nancy Postero
- 2000-2004 Research Assistant with David Kirsh, Department of Cognitive Science, UCSD
- 2000-2003 Instructor, introductory writing courses, Muir College Writing Program, UCSD
- 1998-2000 Research Assistant with Michael Cole, Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, UCSD
- 1998-1999 Teaching assistant, UCSD Department of Anthropology, with Joel Robbins and Steve Parish
- Introduction to Anthropology (four field, undergraduate)
- Money, health, and happiness: how culture shapes (y)our future – Prospect for Success Course (first year undergraduate lecture)
- Applied anthropology (undergraduate seminar/practicum, graduate)
- Introduction to Environmental Anthropology (undergraduate)
- Ethnographic methods (undergraduate and graduate seminar)
- Capstone course for senior applied anthropology students (undergraduate seminar)
- Sociocultural theory in anthropology (core graduate seminar)
- Environment and Development (undergraduate seminar)
- Political ecology (undergraduate and graduate seminar)
- Anthropology and the politics of climate change (undergraduate seminar)
- Directed readings:
- Environmental anthropology and arctic climate change (graduate student)
- States and environment (graduate student)
- Ecotourism (undergraduate)
- Food security (undergraduate)
- Environmental decision-making mini-course (for the MA Program in Climate and Society, Columbia University)
- Culture and Consumption (co-taught graduate seminar)
- Environment, economic development, and change in Mexican fishing communities, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
- Urban food access in Charlotte, NC (a collaboration with many food organizations in Charlotte and the UNCC Niner Food Pantry)
- Student food and housing access (a collaboration with the UNC Charlotte Jamil Niner Food Pantry)
- Women’s Health Equity Institute (a collaboration with different organizations, including Council on Black Health)
- Empowering Minority Mothers to Believe and Receive Access to Care Equity (EMMBRACE), a collaboration with CW Williams Community Health Clinic, the Council on Black Health, and other organizations
Research interests: food systems, adaptation to environmental and social change, decision-making, political ecology, climate change, institutions and organizations, participatory processes, sustainability, applied anthropology
Peterson, N. and A. Freidus. 2023. University Student Food Insecurity as a Form of Structural Violence. Human Organization 82(2): 182–194.
Peterson, N., Freidus, A., and D. Tereshenko*. 2022. Why college students don’t access resources for food insecurity: Stigma and perceptions of need. Annals of Anthropological Practice 46(2):140-152.
Frederick, Quinton*, and Peterson, Nicole. 2021. Community and the Built Environment: The Physical and Social Consequences of Gentrification in Charlotte’s Lockwood. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate Research Journal 1(1).
Arora, P. , Hoeller, S. , Scalone, E. , Okumura, T. & Peterson, N. 2021 The Impact of Economic Uncertainty and Trust on Cooperation in Environmental Dilemmas Across Cultures. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research. 14(3). doi:
Peterson, N, and Freidus, A. 2020. More than money: barriers to food security on a college campus. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 42(2):125-137.
Biehl, Peter F., Susan Crate, Maaz Gardezi, Lawrence Hamilton , Sharon L. Harlan , Carrie Hritz, Bryan Hubbell, Timothy A. Kohler, Nicole Peterson, and Julie Silva. 2017 Social Science Perspectives on Climate Change: Innovative tools, methods and analysis. White paper for USGCRP Social Science Working Group.
Peterson, ND. 2017. Caguama (Sea Turtle). Anthropology and Humanism 42(1): 42-43. DOI: 10.1111/anhu.12158
Boyer, RHW, Peterson, ND, Arora, P, and Caldwell, K. 2016. Five Approaches to Social Sustainability and an Integrated Way Forward. Sustainability 8(9), 878; doi:10.3390/su8090878
Arora, P., Peterson, N., Bert, F., and Podesta, G. 2016. Managing the Triple Bottom Line for Sustainability: A Case Study of Argentine Agribusinesses. Sustainability: Science, Policy, and Practice 12(1)
Peterson, N. 2016. Introduction to the special issue on social sustainability: integration, context, and governance. Sustainability: Society, Practice, and Policy 12(1)
Peterson, N., and D. Osgood. 2016. Insuring the rain as climate adaptation in an Ethiopian agricultural community. Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, Second Edition. Eds. Susie Crate and Mark Nuttall. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Peterson, N. 2015. Unequal sustainabilities: The role of social inequalities in conservation and development projects. Economic Anthropology 2(2): 264-277.
Peterson, N. and C. Isenhour. 2014. Introduction: Moving Beyond the ‘Rational Actor’ in Environmental Governance and Conservation. Conservation and Society 12(3):229-232.
Peterson, N. 2014. Breaking the bounds of rationality: Values, relationships, and decision-making in Mexican fishing communities. Conservation and Society 12(3):245-256.
Peterson, N. 2014. “We are daughters of the sea”: Strategies, networks, and gender in a Mexican women’s cooperative. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 19(1): 148–167.
Norton, Michael, Daniel Osgood, Malgosia Madajewicz, Eric Holthaus, Nicole Peterson, Rahel Diro, Conner Mullally, Tse-Ling Teh & Mengesha Gebremichael. 2014. Evidence of Demand for Index Insurance: Experimental Games and Commercial Transactions in Ethiopia, The Journal of Development Studies, 50(5):630-648.
Peterson, N. 2012 Developing climate adaptation: The intersection of climate research and development programmes in index insurance, Development and Change 43(2): 557-584.
Arora, P, Peterson, N, Krantz, D, Hardisty, D, and Reddy, K. 2012 When is a Social Dilemma not a Dilemma: Experimental Evidence for the Impact of Social Affiliation on Cooperation. Journal of Economic Psychology 33(4): 842-853.
Peterson, N. 2011. Climate Change Adaptation through Micro-Insurance in Ethiopia. CourseReader: Anthropology. Detroit: Gale. ISBN-10: 1111769559
Peterson, N. 2011. Excluding to include: (Non)participation in Mexican natural resource management. Agriculture and Human Values 28 (1): 99-107, as part of an organized symposium, “Participatory processes in agricultural development projects.” doi: 10.1007/s10460-010-9258-x
Glezner, K., Peterson, N., and Roncoli, C. 2011. Introduction to symposium on rethinking farmer participation in agricultural development: development, participation, and the ethnography of ambiguity. Agriculture and Human Values 28(1):97.
Peterson, N. 2010. Choices, Options, and Constraints: Decisions in Natural Resource Management. Human Organization 69(1): 54-64.
Peterson, N, K. Broad, B. Orlove, A. Pfaff, C. Roncoli, R. Taddei, M. Velez. 2010. Participatory processes and climate forecast use: sociocultural context, discussion, and consensus. Climate and Development 2(1): 1-16. doi:10.3763/cdev.2010.0033
Patt, A, Peterson, N, Carter, M, Velez, M, Hess, U, Pfaff A, and Suarez, P. 2009. Making index insurance attractive to farmers. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 14 (8): 737-753. DOI 10.1007/s11027-009-9196-3
Peterson, N. and Broad, K. 2009. Climate and Weather Discourse in Anthropology: From Determinism to Uncertain Futures. Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, Eds. Susie Crate and Mark Nuttall. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Hellmuth M.E., Osgood D.E., Hess U., Moorhead A. and Bhojwani H. (eds) 2009. Index insurance and climate risk: Prospects for development and disaster management. Climate and Society No. 2. International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), Columbia University, New York, USA. (contributing author)
Center for Research on Environmental Decisions. 2009. The Psychology of Climate Change Adaptation: A Guide for Scientists, Journalists, Educators, Political Aides, and the Interested Public. New York. (contributing author)
Krantz, D., Peterson, N., Arora, P., Milch, K., Orlove, B. 2008. Individual Values and Social Goals in Environmental Decision Making. In Decision Modeling and Behavior in Uncertain and Complex Environments, Eds. Kugler, T.; Smith, J.C.; Connolly, T.; Son, Y.-J. Springer Press.
Broad, K., Bolson,J., Clement, A., Balstad, R., Marx, S., Peterson, N., Ramirez, I. 2007. Climate and Human Health: Physics, Policy and Possibilities. Oceans and Human Health: Risks and Remedies from the Sea, Eds. Walsh, P.J., S.L. Smith, L.E. Fleming, H. Solo-Gabriele, W.H. Gerwick. Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.
Kirsh, D., Peterson, N., and Lenert, L. 2005. Toward An Ontology of Geo-Reasoning to Aid Response to Weapons of Mass Destruction. American Medical Informatics Association Annu Symp Proc. 2005; 2005: 400–404. Awarded the Diana Forsythe Award.
REPORTS AND BOOK REVIEWS (*=with students)
Peterson, N. and R. Gordon*. 2024. State of the Plate household survey results. Report for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Food Policy Council.
Gordon, Rae*, Yoder, Anna*, Hammelman, Colleen, and N. Peterson 2023 Community conversations report, State of the Plate. Report for the American Heart Association and other partners.
Escobar De Marco, Jessica, C. Hammelman, N. Peterson, M. Sackey Harris, H. Samani*, and P. Tadesse. 2023. Building Food Security Collaboration through an Online Hub and Coalition working groups: Final Report and Food Security Action Plan. Submitted to Mecklenburg County Public Health
Nicole Peterson in collaboration with Andrea Freidus, Maggie Devine*, Kaley Aucello*, Ellissa Brooks Nelson, and Jes Dormady. Summary of Spring 2022 student survey about housing, food, transportation, health, and digital access. Report to Vice Chancellor Kevin Bailey and the campus food security working group.
Mercer, Shanara*, Patrick, Claire*, and Peterson, Nicole. 2021. Review of Reinventing Food Banks and Pantries by Katie Martin. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 43(1): 76-78.
Racine, Elizabeth, Lilian Ademu*, Rajib Paul, Nicole Peterson, Niraj Bista, Shanika Jerger Butts*, Maggie Devine*, Alejandra Fernandez-Borunda, Ethan Gallagher, Claire Hollowell, Alexandra Pardo*, Shae Watson*. 2021. Nutrition Security Action Plan at UNC Charlotte. Unpublished report for the Building Resilient Inclusive Communities (BRIC) program.
Adams, Kara, Jessica Allison, Quinn Barnette, Victoria Bracken, Curtis Chancy, Crystal Cruz, Heather Dinkins, Daniel Dvorak, John Hemrick, Corrine Huffman, Taylor Hurwitz, Hadley Mason, Alexis Mitchell, Audrey Page, Nicole Peterson, Julian Robinson, Christopher Smith, Mitchell Souders, Shanna Stewart, and Maya Washington. 2017 Understanding the Elements of Food Insecurity at UNCC. Report on ANTH 4111 project to the UNCC Jamil Niner Food Pantry Spring 2017.
Peterson, N, K. Blanchett, E. Bukhamseen, P. Bynam, C. Gattis, J. Lomax, J. Mack, A. Rhoades, T. Spring, A. Thring, S. Walsh. 2015. Niner Food Pantry Need Assessment and Evaluation. Report to UNC Charlotte Niner Food Pantry, Charlotte, NC.
Peterson, Nicole, Arafat AbuKhalaf, William Alberts, Yuriko Arizumi, Victoria Byrum, Christina Claudio, Jonathan Ford, Michelle Gray, Danelle Haggerson, Tionna Henderson, Ronada Hewitt, Kyle Hickman, Eric Holsinger, Ashley Hovis, Benjamin Johnson, Briauna Jones, Amira Kalala, Joseph Larrimore, Savannah Larimore, Dawnya Little, Raven Lovelace, Nicholas Mathis, Noah Maximov, Jarrod Moore, Jonimay Morgan, Gabrielle Peterson, Patrick Preudhomme, Megan Samuels, G Trevor Stilphen, Christopher Tenny, and Melissa Washington. 2014. Assessment of Friendship Gardens’ Garden Leader Experiences. Report to Friendship Gardens, Charlotte, NC.
Peterson, Nicole, Jessica Ballard, Lauren Ballard, Rebecca Bubp, Josh Buck, Mary Cassada, Ucha David, Benjamin Douglas, Monica Dyer, Brianna Fulp, Bryan Guess, Athina Hinson, Eric Holsinger, Michele Kohan, Kristy Lally, Nicholas Evan Mathis, Erica McLeod, Gabrielle Peterson, Patrick Preudhomme, Hayden Sisk, Lauren Whipp. 2013. Assessment of the Friendship Gardens Mobile Market in Spring 2013. Report to Friendship Gardens, Charlotte, NC.
Public facing engagement
Peterson, N. and Freidus, A. 2019. Politics of Engagement: Building Community Partnerships in an Undergraduate Summer Research Program. Viewpoints Blogpost for the Consortium of Practicing & Applied Anthropologists (COPAA)
Mahoney, Ashley. 2019. Food security, race and Charlotte’s history intersect: Social mobility part of civic discussion. in The Charlotte Post. May 27.
Rogers, Amy. 2019. WFAEats: Why Are People Hungry In Charlotte? WFAE 90.1. August 23.
Rogers, Amy. 2018. WFAEats: With Food Insecurity In Mind, An Alliance Is Formed. WFAE 90.1. April 13.
Peterson, Nicole. 2016 “Transforming science through international collaboration at the NSF Brussels office” On the US Embassy in Brussels blog Website editor review.
Peterson, Nicole. 2016 “Challenges for Urban Food Access in an Era of Big Data” on the EnviroSociety blog: Website editor review
Peterson, Nicole. 2015. “Building Bridges to Where? Sustainability Collaborations and the Arts of Ethnography” EnviroSociety. 18 March. Website editor review
“Understanding student well-being through food security action research” Poster presentation for Society for Economic Anthropology conference, May 18-20, 2023, in Chicago, Illinois
“Power, history, and environmental decision-making in a Mexican marine protected area” Presentation for Southeastern Conference of Latin American Studies, March 22-26, 2023, in Antigua, Guatemala
“Understanding graduate student food insecurity and identifying paths to wellness” Plenary roundtable for the Graduate Student Success and Wellness Conference, UNC Charlotte, May 7, 2021
“Engaged scholarship: building partnerships and teams.” Presented at the UNC Charlotte Engaged Scholarship Symposium, Nov 8, 2019.
“Rethinking what food security means to students.” Co-authors Andrea Freidus and various students. Paper presented at the Assoc.for the Study of Food & Society/Agric. Food & Human Values Society Conference, Anchorage, AK, June 28, 2019.
“How the policies that created the wealth gap play out in Charlotte’s food system.” Presented at the Charlotte Food & Social Mobility Summit by the Duke World Food Policy Center. Charlotte, NC May 15, 2019.
“Addressing hungry college student communities through participatory action research.” Co-authors Andrea Freidus and Heather Dinkins. Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Jose, CA. November, 2018.
“The consequences of tourism development for inequalities and livelihoods in Loreto, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies conference, Nashville, TN, March 8-11, 2018.
“Beyond affordability: Redefining measures of food access for student populations.” Invited lecture at Davidson College Environmental Studies colloquium, October 5, 2017
“Participatory governance and its challenges for smart communities.” Paper presented at the International Workshop on Sustainable Smart Cities, Alexandria, Egypt, May 8-11, 2017.
“Governing Engaged Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Challenges for Climate Change.” Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Santa Fe, NM March 28-April 2, 2017.
“The Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS): A Collaborative Approach to Strengthen Sustainability’s Neglected Third Leg.” Presentation given at the Schiele Museum of Natural History, January 12, 2017
“Planning for interdisciplinary, community-oriented, and networked sustainability programs.” Co-authors Brett Tempest, Robert Boyer, and the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education conference, October 2016
“The Integrated Network for Social Sustainability: A Collaborative Approach to Strengthen Sustainability’s Neglected Third Leg.” Co-authors Helene Hilger, Robert Boyer, Brett Q. Tempest, Thomas A Gentry, and Gary S. Silverman. Presented at the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference June 24, 2015, San Diego, CA.
“Perceiving the environment through relationships: Argentinian agribusiness owners’ decisions about management and their relationships with neighbors” Presented at the INSS Annual Conference April 10, 2015. With Poonam Arora.
“Ethical Economies and Community Capital: Revaluing Connections Between Economy, Environment, and Society” Presented at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington DC. Dec 5, 2014
“Integrated Network for Social Sustainability” Presented at the International Conference on Sustainability and Resilience, London, UK, Nov 4, 2014
“ ‘Will People Buy Vegetables in the Bus Fumes?’: Class Research on a Mobile Farmers Market” Poster presented at the UNCC Service Learning Showcase, May 2014.
“Women’s Work and Adaptation to Ecological and Economic Changes in Mexican Fishing Communities.” Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov 24, 2013.
“Social Sustainability: A Case for a New Conversation.” UNCC Ethics Center Symposium (April, 2013) with Jen Munroe
“Unequal sustainabilities: The role of social inequalities in conservation and development projects.” Society for Economic Anthropology Meetings, St. Louis, MO, April 2013.
“Toothless vigilance and the politics of government conservation.” Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Denver, CO, March 19-23, 2013.
- CW Williams Community Health Center. “Empowering Minority Mothers to Believe and Receive Access to Care Equity (EMMBRACE),” contract for resource mapping project, $50,676 (2024-2025)
- Mecklenburg County Public Health. “Building Food Security Collaboration through an Online Hub and Coalition working groups” Co-PIs Colleen Hammelman, Nicole Peterson, and Jessica Escobar DeMarco. 2022-2023 ($10,146)
- Gambrell Faculty Fellowship, UNC Charlotte Urban Institute. “Adaptations and resilience in the Mecklenburg County food system during COVID-19: opportunities and next steps.” PI: Nicole Peterson, Department of Anthropology, Co-PI: Colleen Hammelman, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences and director of CHARP. $15,000 (July 2020-July 2022)
- Ignite COVID-19 Flash Grant, UNC Charlotte. “Adaptations and resilience in the Mecklenburg County food system during COVID-19: opportunities and next steps.” PI: Nicole Peterson, Department of Anthropology, UNC Charlotte. $15,000 (2020)
- Finalist, Bonnie Cone Professorship in Civic Engagement at UNC Charlotte (2020)
- Provost’s Faculty Fellow at UNC Charlotte, 2019
- NSF REU “Collaborative REU Site: Examining the Intersection of Food, Housing and Healthcare in the Beatties Ford Road Corridor, Charlotte, NC.” PI Joseph C. Ewoodzie (Davidson College). Senior personnel. (2018-2020)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science: Science and Technology Policy Fellowship (2015-2016)
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant, UNC Charlotte, “Acquiring skills, critical engagement, and professionalization through research-based service learning in Applied Anthropology” (2014)
- Junior Faculty Award, UNC Charlotte. “Strategies of the commons: Environment and economy of a Mexican fishing village” (2013)
- Faculty Research Grant, UNC Charlotte, “Causes and Consequences of Problems of Food Access in Charlotte, NC” (2013)
- NSF: Research Coordination Networks, Engineering and Education for Sustainability track: Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS): Concepts, Language, and Assessment. Principal investigator. (2012) Integrated Network for Social Sustainability
- Faculty Research Grant, UNC Charlotte, “Global Commodities, Social Networks, and Agency in a Mexican Fishing Community” (2011)
- NSF: Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions. Senior personnel (2010)
- Center for Global Sustainability and Development Seed Grant, The Earth Institute, “Insuring the rain: Drought index insurance and farmer decision-making.” (2006)
- Lead Coordinator, State of the Plate research effort for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Food Policy Council (2019-current)
- Member, Charlotte Collaboration for Equitable Health Engagement Council, 2023-present
- Editorial board for Environment and Society: Advances in Research, 2014-present
- Faculty representative, Culture of Sustainability Working Group, Facilities Management Advisory Council (2023-present)
- Faculty representative, Student food insecurity task force, convened by Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (2019-present)
- Faculty mentor of Charlotte Community/Research Scholars, Office of Undergraduate Research, UNC Charlotte, 2015, 2018-present
- Affiliate, Charlotte Area Research Projects (CHARP) (2023-present)
- Chair, CHESS cluster hire search committee, social and environmental justice (2023-2024)
- Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee, University Faculty Council (2022-2024)
- Graduate program director, UNC Charlotte, Department of Anthropology 2016-2021, Fall 2023
- Co-organizer, NEXUS interdisciplinary workshops (2022, 2023)
- College representative to the university Graduate Council (2021-2023)
- Levine Scholar Mentor at UNC Charlotte 2019-2023
- Moderator, Farm Bill Listening Session, Charlotte, NC March 16, 2023
- UNC Charlotte Chapter of AAUP: Board member 2020-2023, President 2020-2022
- Co-instructor, Sustainability Curriculum Workshop for Faculty at UNCC, May 2017, 2018, 2022
- Online Session Moderator, Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, 2021
- Led effort to bring together environmental efforts into Earth Semester, 2019-2020
- Board Vice Chair, Charlotte Mecklenburg Food Policy Council, 2017-2018, 2020
- Board member, 2016-2020,
- Member of Experts Panel 2011-2016
- Lead Coordinator, Beatties Ford Road Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. June 2-July 27, 2019.
- Executive committee co-chair, 2019 American Anthropological Association Annual Conference
- Board Member, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, 2015-2017
- Co-organizer, Charlotte Sustainability Summit, June 7-9, 2018
- Co-organizer, annual conference for the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability, 2012-2018,
- Organizer, Community Food Advocacy Forum. April 28, 2018, Johnson C. Smith University.
- Co-organizer, William Brown Conference: “Who is there to speak my name?”: Rhetoric and Memory in Indigenous and Iberian Contacts. April 21, 2018
- Organizer, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting Roundtable, “Engaging with policymakers and physical scientists around climate change: Best practices and challenges.” November/December 2017, Washington, DC.
- Board Member and AAA program co-chair, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, 2015-2017
- Webmistress for Society for Economic Anthropology, 2013-2017
- Co-organizer, Society for Applied Anthropology panel, Moving toward Sustainability and Addressing Climate Change through Local Governance, Citizen Engagement and Anthropology/Ethnography. March 2017, Santa Fe, NM.
- Participant, AASHE Sustainability across the Curriculum Leadership Workshop, January 2017
- Board Member, Environment and Anthropology Society, 2014-2016
- Organizer, Society for Applied Anthropology panel, Anthropologists Influencing Climate Change Policies and Programs in Government, Non-Profits, and Other Organizations, March 2016, Vancouver, Canada
- Board Member, Society for Economic Anthropology, 2011-2014
- Co-organizer, panel and roundtable on Contemporary theory in Environmental Anthropology at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington DC, Dec 5, 2014
- Organizer, Society for Applied Anthropology roundtable, Pedagogies of Practice: Using class research projects to teach applied anthropology, March 2014, Albuquerque NM, with Susan Andreatta
- Organizer, Society for Economic Anthropology Schneider Prize for graduate and undergraduate student papers, 2011-2013
- Co-organizer of special issue of Conservation and Society, “Moving beyond the Legacy of the Rational Actor and Individual Responsibility”
- Organizer, Society for Economic Anthropology Schneider Prize for graduate and undergraduate student papers, 2011-present
- Co-organizer of panel, Environmental Governance and Policy: Moving beyond the Legacy of the Rational Actor and Individual Responsibility, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, Nov 19, 2011.
- Workshop participant, NSF Short course in research methods in Anthropology: Ethnoecology, August 2011
- Co-organizer of roundtable: Anthropology in a Box: Extending the Reach of Anthropology in Institutional Settings. Chairs: Lanclos, Donna, Fuentes, Catherine, and Peterson, Nicole (UNC- Charlotte). Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Seattle, WA, March 30, 2011.
- Co-organizer of symposium of papers, “Participatory processes in agricultural development,” for Agriculture and Human Values, published in 2011.
- Reader, Society for Economic Anthropology Schneider Prize for student papers, 2009-2010
- Judge, Environment and Anthropology Rappaport Prize for graduate student papers, 2009
- Contributor, Greening the American Anthropological Association Working Group, 2008
Fluency in spoken and written Spanish
Proficiency with online course materials and webpage design (Courseworks, Moodle, Canvas, WordPress, Dreamweaver)
Proficiency in data analysis software (SPSS, R, NVivo)