This research project encompasses work that addresses issues facing the Charlotte food system specifically, but also touches on issues common to many urban settings. I usually collaborate with undergraduate and graduate students on these projects, which have included:
- Collaborating with Friendship Gardens to examine the awareness of and perceived need for their mobile market at the transit center
- Collaborating with the Jamil Niner Food Pantry at UNCC to assess student food insecurity and perceived need for the Pantry and its services (ongoing)
- Leading the State of the Plate assessment of the Charlotte food system in 2020 (ongoing)
- Collaborating with Community Dream Builders to complete neighborhood oral histories for the Lockwood neighborhood (ongoing)
Together, we have written the following for these organizations:
- Adams, Kara, Jessica Allison, Quinn Barnette, Victoria Bracken, Curtis Chancy, Crystal Cruz, Heather Dinkins, Daniel Dvorak, John Hemrick, Corrine Huffman, Taylor Hurwitz, Hadley Mason, Alexis Mitchell, Audrey Page, Nicole Peterson, Julian Robinson, Christopher Smith, Mitchell Souders, Shanna Stewart, and Maya Washington. 2017. Understanding the Elements of Food Insecurity at UNCC. Report on ANTH 4111 project to the UNCC Jamil Niner Food Pantry Spring 2017.
- Peterson, N, K. Blanchett, E. Bukhamseen, P. Bynam, C. Gattis, J. Lomax, J. Mack, A. Rhoades, T. Spring, A. Thring, S. Walsh. 2015. Niner Food Pantry Need Assessment and Evaluation. Report to UNC Charlotte Niner Food Pantry, Charlotte, NC.
- Peterson, Nicole, Arafat AbuKhalaf, William Alberts, Yuriko Arizumi, Victoria Byrum, Christina Claudio, Jonathan Ford, Michelle Gray, Danelle Haggerson, Tionna Henderson, Ronada Hewitt, Kyle Hickman, Eric Holsinger, Ashley Hovis, Benjamin Johnson, Briauna Jones, Amira Kalala, Joseph Larrimore, Savannah Larimore, Dawnya Little, Raven Lovelace, Nicholas Mathis, Noah Maximov, Jarrod Moore, Jonimay Morgan, Gabrielle Peterson, Patrick Preudhomme, Megan Samuels, G Trevor Stilphen, Christopher Tenny, and Melissa Washington. 2014. Assessment of Friendship Gardens’ Garden Leader Experiences. Report to Friendship Gardens, Charlotte, NC.
- Peterson, Nicole, Jessica Ballard, Lauren Ballard, Rebecca Bubp, Josh Buck, Mary Cassada, Ucha David, Benjamin Douglas, Monica Dyer, Brianna Fulp, Bryan Guess, Athina Hinson, Eric Holsinger, Michele Kohan, Kristy Lally, Nicholas Evan Mathis, Erica McLeod, Gabrielle Peterson, Patrick Preudhomme, Hayden Sisk, Lauren Whipp. 2013. Assessment of the Friendship Gardens Mobile Market in Spring 2013. Report to Friendship Gardens, Charlotte, NC.