Riel, V., Parcel, T., Mickelson, R., & Smith, S.S. (2018). Do Magnet and Charter Schools Exacerbate or Ameliorate Inequality? Sociology Compass, (12) 7
Rainey, R., Dancy, M., Mickelson, R.; Stearns, E., & Moller,. (2018). Race and Gender Differences in How Sense of Belonging Influences Decisions to Major in STEM,” International Journal of STEM Education, 5:10.
Van Houtte, M., Vervaet, Roselien, Mickelson, R. A., & Stevens, P., (2018). The Ethnic Prejudice of Flemish Pupils: The Roles of School Gender Composition and Laddish Culture, Gender and Education.
Bottia, M.C., Mickelson, R. & Stearns, E., & Moller (2017). “Boosting the Number of STEM Majors: The Role of High Schools with a STEM Program” Science Education Policy, 1-27
Bottia, M.C., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E., Moller, S. & Giersch, J. “The Role of High School Racial Composition and Opportunities to Learn in Students’ STEM College Participation” (2017) Journal of Research in Science Teaching).
Dancy, M., Rainey, K., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E. & and Moller, S. (2017). Influences of teaching style and perceived care of instructor on retention of underrepresented groups in STEM. Proceedings of the Physics Education Research Conference, Summer
Banerjee, N., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R. & Moller, S. (2016). “Teacher Job Satisfaction and Student Achievement: The Roles of Teacher Professional Collaboration in Schools, American Journal of Education, 123 (2)
Bottia, M.C., Valentino, L., Moller, S., Mickelson, R. & Stearns, E. (2016) “Teacher Collaboration and Latinos’ Mathematics Achievement Trajectories” American Journal of Education, 122: 505-535.
Giersch, J., Bottia, M., Mickelson, R. A., & Stearns, E. (2016). “Exposure to School and Classroom Racial Segregation in Charlotte-Mecklenburg High Schools and Students’ College Achievement” Education Policy Analysis Archives. 24 (32).
Stearns, E., Bottia, M., Davalos, E., Mickelson, R., Moller, S., & Valentino, L. (2016). “Demographic Characteristics of High School Math and Science Teachers and Girls’ Success in STEM.” Social Problems, 63, 87-110.
Valentino, L., Moller, S., Stearns, E., & Mickelson, R. (2016). “Perceptions of Future Career Family Flexibility as a Deterrent from Majoring in STEM” Social Currents,
Bottia, M., Giersch, J., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E., & Moller, S. (2015). “Distributive Justice Antecedents of Race and Gender Disparities in First Year College Performance ” Social Justice Research, published online 21 June 2015.
Mickelson, R. A. (2015). “The Cumulative Disadvantages of First- and Second-Generation Segregation for Middle School Achievement” American Educational Research Journal, 52 (4): 657-692.
Stearns, E., Banerjee, N., Moller, S., and Roslyn Mickelson. (2015). “Collective Pedagogical Teacher Culture and Teacher Satisfaction.” Teachers College Record, 117 (8), 1-32.
Bottia, M., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R., Moller, S., & Valentino, L (2015). “Growing the Roots of STEM Majors: Female Math and Science High School Faculty and the Participation of Students in STEM.” Economics of Education Review, 45, 14-27.
Bottia, M., Stearns, E., Parker, A., Mickelson, R., & Moller, S.. (2015).“The Relationships among High School STEM Learning Experiences and Students’ Intent to Declare and Declaration of a STEM Major in College.” Teachers College Record 117(4), 1-46.
Mickelson, R.A. (2014) “The Problem of the Color Line in 21st Century Sociology of Education: Researching and Theorizing Demographic Change, Segregation, and School Outcomes.”Social Currents, 1 (2): 157-165.
Moller, S., Banerjee, N., Bottia, M., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R., Dancy, M., Wright, E., & Valentino, L. (2014). “Moving Latino/a Students into STEM Fields: The Role of Teachers and Professional Communities in Secondary Schools.” Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 1-31
Moller, S., Stearns, E., Mickelson, R., Bottia, M., & Banerjee, N., (2014). “Is Academic Engagement the Panacea for Achievement in Mathematics across Racial/Ethnic Groups? Assessing the Role of Teacher Culture.” Social Forces 92(4): 1513-1544.
Bottia, M., Moller, S., Mickelson, R., & Stearns, E., (2014).“Foundations of Mathematics Achievement: Curricular Practices and Diverse Kindergarten Students.” Elementary School Journal 115(1): 124-150.
Stearns, E., Banerjee, N., Mickelson, R., & Moller, S. (2014). “Collective Pedagogical Teacher Culture, Teacher-Student Ethno-racial Mismatch, and Teacher Job Satisfaction.” Social Science Research 45 (56-72).
Mickelson, R., Giersch, J., Stearns, E., & Moller S. (2013). “How (and Why) NCLB Failed to Close the Achievement Gap: Evidence from North Carolina, 1998- 2004.” ECI Interdisciplinary Journal for Legal and Social Policy 3 (1): 2-23.
Moller, S., Mickelson, R., Stearns, E., Bottia, M. & Banerjee, N. (2013) “Collective Pedagogical Teacher Culture and Mathematics Achievement: Differences by Race, Ethnicity, and Socio-Economic Status.” Sociology of Education 86: 174-194.
Kuyath, S., Mickelson, R. A., Saydam, C., & Winters, S. (2013). “Reducing Social Isolation Among Distance Education Students Through the Use of Instant Messaging” International Journal of Business, Humanities, and Technology, 3: 1-14.
Mickelson, R. A., Bottia, M., & Lambert, R. (2013). “Effects of School Racial Composition on K-12 Mathematics Outcomes: A Metaregression Analysis,” Review of Educational Research, 83: 121-158.
Mickelson, R.A., & Nkomo, M. (2012). “Integrated Schooling, Life-course Outcomes, and Social Cohesion in Multiethnic Democratic Societies” Review of Research in Education, 36: 197-238.
Cousins, L., & Mickelson, R.A. (2011). “Making Success in Education: What Black Parents Believe About Participation in Their Children’s Education” Current Issues in Education, 14 (3):
Mickelson, R.A., & Bottia, M. (2010). “Integrated Education and Mathematics Outcomes: A Synthesis of Social Science Research.” North Carolina Law Review 87, 993-1089.
Mickelson, R.A. (2010). “Goals, Grades, Fears, and Peers.” Teachers College Record, 112 (4): 1-12.
Mickelson, R.A. (2008). “Twenty-first Century Social Science Research on School Diversity and Educational Outcomes” Ohio State Law Journal 69: 1173-1228.
Cousins, L. H., Mickelson, R.A; Williams, B.; Velasco, A. (2008). “Class and Race Challenges to Community Collaboration for Educational Change.” School/Community Journal, 18 (2): 29-52.
Southworth, S., & Mickelson, R.A. (2008). “The Interactive Effects of Race, Gender, and High School Racial Composition on College Track Placement” Social Forces (82) 2:497-523.
Mickelson, R.A., & Everitt, B. (2008). “Neotracking in North Carolina: How High School Courses of Study Reproduce Race and Class-based Stratification” Teachers College Record, 110 (3): 535-570.
Mickelson, R.A, & Greene, A. (2006). “Connecting the Pieces of the Puzzle: Gender Differences Among African American Middle School Students.” Journal of Negro Education, 75: 34-48.
Mickelson, R.A. (2006). “Segregation and the SAT” Ohio State Law Journal 67: 157-199.
Mickelson, R.A., & Southworth, S. (2005). “When Opting-Out is Not a Choice; Implications for NCLB from Charlotte, North Carolina. “Equity & Excellence in Education 38: 1-15, 2005.
Mickelson, R.A. (2003). “Achieving Equality of Educational Opportunity in the Wake of Judicial Retreat from Race Sensitive Remedies: Lessons from North Carolina” American University Law Review 52 (6): 152-184.
Mickelson, R.A. (2003). “Gender, Bourdieu, and the Anomaly of Women’s Achievement Redux” Sociology of Education 76 (4): 373-376.
Mickelson, R.A . (2003). “The Academic Consequences of Desegregation and Segregation: Evidence from the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools” North Carolina Law Review 81 (4): 120-165, April.
Mickelson, R.A. (2003). “When are Racial Disparities in Education the Result of Discrimination? A Social Science Perspective.” Teachers College Record, 105 (6): 1052-1086 August.
Mickelson, R.A. (2001). “Subverting Swann: First- and Second- Generation Segregation in Charlotte, North Carolina” American Educational Research Journal, 38(2): 215-252.
Mickelson, R.A., Nkomo, M., & Smith, S. (2001). “Education, Ethnicity, Gender and Social Transformation: A Comparison of Israel and South Africa” Comparative Education Review, 45: 1-29.
Smith, S. S, & Mickelson, R.A. (2000). “All That Glitters is Not Gold: The Outcomes of Educational Restructuring in Charlotte, North Carolina “Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 22:101-127.
Mickelson, R.A., & Heath, D. (1999). “The Effects of Segregation on African American High School Seniors’ Academic Achievement” Journal of Negro Education, 68 (4): 566-586.
Mickelson, R.A., & Wadsworth, A. (1996). “NASDC’s Odyssey in Dallas (NC): Women, Class and School Reform” Educational Policy, 10: 315-341.
Mickelson, R.A., Yon, M., & Carlton-LaNey, I. (1993). “A Child’s Place: Developing Interagency Collaboration on Behalf of Homeless Children” Education and Urban Society, 31 (3): 312-27.
Ray, C.A., & Mickelson, R.A. (1993). “Restructuring Students for Restructured Work: The Economy, School Reform, and Noncollege-bound Youth” 66 (1): 1-23, Sociology of Education.
Mickelson, R.A., & Ray, C.A. (1991). “Markets, Values, and the Business Vision for School Reform: A Retreat from Educational Equity” Humanity and Society 14(4): 345-372.
Ray, C.A., & Mickelson, R.A. (1990). “Corporate Leaders, Resistant Youth, and School Reform in Sunbelt City: The Political Economy of Education” Social Problems, 37 (2): 178-190.
Mickelson, R.A. (1990). “The Attitude-Achievement Paradox Among Black Adolescents” Sociology of Education, 63 (1): 44-61.
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Oliver, M.L., Mickelson, R.A., & Rodriguez, C. (1985). “Black and Brown in White: The Social Adjustment and Academic Performance of Chicano and Black Students in a Predominantly White University” The Urban Review, 17 (1): 3-24.
Mickelson, R.A. (1980). “The Secondary School’s Role in Social Stratification: A Comparison of Beverly Hills High School and Morningside High School” Journal of Education, 162 (4): 83-112