Shepherd W. McKinley, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor
Recent Publications
- (Co-Editor). North Carolina During the First World War, 1914-1922 (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2018).
- Stinking Stones and Rocks of Gold: Phosphate, Fertilizer, and Industrialization in Postbellum South Carolina. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2014. Winner of the George C. Rogers Jr. Book Award (South Carolina Historical Society, best book of South Carolina history, 2014).
- (Co-author). North Carolina: New Directions for an Old Land. Sun Valley, CA: American Historical Press, 2006.
- “John W. Burgess, Godfather of the Dunning School.” In The Dunning School: Historians, Race, and the Meaning of Reconstruction, edited by John David Smith and J. Vincent Lowery. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2013.
- “Radical Reconstruction.” In Interpreting American History: Reconstruction, edited by John David Smith. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2016.
- (Co-author). “A Foreign Field That is Forever England.” Tar Heel Junior Historian 48 (Fall 2008): 5.
- “Phosphate.” South Carolina Encyclopedia. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2006.
- (Co-author). “Francis J. Pelzer.” South Carolina Encyclopedia. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2006.
- (Co-author). “The Great Migration & North Carolina.” Tar Heel Junior Historian 45 (Spring, 2006): 28-30.
Research Interests
- South Carolina phosphate and fertilizer industries, southern industrialization, emancipation, Reconstruction, Redemption, southern conservatives 1865-1920, southern business and labor 1865-1920, the convict lease, Jim Crow, industrial pollution, and advertising.
- United States bankers and banking in the Dominican Republic, and the Trujillo regime, 1920s-1930s.
Courses Taught
- HIST 5000 North Carolina History for Teacher Licensure Candidates
- HIST 4600 The new New South (Senior Seminar)
- HIST 2297 North Carolina History
- HIST 2600 The New South (History Skills Seminar)
- HIST 3000 US History for Teachers
- LBST 2101 Capitalism in the South
- LBST 2101 Liberty, Equality, & Power in American History (online)
- HIST 1100 20th Century World History
- HIST 2101 American Business History
- HIST 3213 The South Since 1865
- HIST 3256 US Foreign Relations, 1901-Present
- HIST 1160 US History I
- HIST 1161 US History II
- HIST 3211 Civil War & Reconstruction
- Ph.D. University of Delaware (Hagley Fellow)
- M.A. UNC Charlotte
- B.A. Duke University
Educational Outreach and Professional Activities
- Southern Industrialization Project (formerly Organization for the Study of Southern Economy, Culture, and Society): Secretary, Executive Committee, 2011-16. Member since 1998.
- Charlotte Teachers Institute (associated with Yale National Initiative), UNC Charlotte, Davidson College, and Charlotte Mecklenburg School System.
- Seminar Leader, “Charlotte as a New South City, Using the Collections of the Levine Museum of the New South,” 2013.
- Seminar Leader, “The Rise of the New South,” 2010.
- Member, University Advisory Council, 2007-2014.
- Member, Planning Committee, 2007-08.
- Participating faculty member, Intensive Session, Yale National Initiative, New Haven CT, July 2007.
- Coordinator, National History Day, Southwest Piedmont District, North Carolina, 2003-09. Coordinator Emeritus, 2009-present.
- Leader, National Humanities Center workshops, US History Consortium, Cleveland County, NC (and surrounding counties), Teaching American History Grant, US Department of Education, 2005-10.
- Content and Pedagogy Expert, US History Consortium, Cleveland County, NC (and surrounding counties), Teaching American History Grant, US Department of Education, 2004-06.
- Member, World War I Centennial Planning Committee, Office of Archives and History, N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, 2011-16.
- Member, North Carolina Highway Historical Marker Advisory Committee, 2007-12.
- Member: Historical Society of North Carolina, South Carolina Historical Society, Southern Historical Association.
Current Projects
Dr. McKinley is beginning research on his grandfather’s career as a U.S. banker during the Trujillo regime in the Dominican Republic of the 1920s-1930s. Eventually, Dr. McKinley would like to continue his work on the South Carolina phosphate and fertilizer industries into the 20th century.