GEMPAK, the GEneral Meteorology PAcKage, is an analysis, display, and product generation package for meteorological data. It is developed by NCEP (the National Centers for Environmental Prediction) for use by the National Centers (Storm Prediction Center (SPC), Tropical Prediction Center (TPC), Aviation Weather Center (AWC), Hydrologic Prediction Center (HPC), Marine Prediction Center (MPC), Environmental Modeling Center (EMC), etc.) in producing operational forecast and analysis products such as those distributed as Redbook Graphics and others displayed on the NWS web pages and utilized internally within the centers. Graphical User Interfaces provide convenient access to interactive data manipulation. A comprehensive set of decoders enables integration of real-time and archive data, products, and bulletins. The GEMPAK distribution consists of a suite of application programs, Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), meteorologic computation libraries, graphic display interfaces, and device drivers for the decoding, analysis, display and diagnosis of geo-referenced and meteorological data.
Categories: Analysis & Modeling