Research in our group focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of novel hybrid inorganic-organic materials for biomedical applications. Our approach is multidisciplinary, interfacing chemistry, biology, medicine and material science. By its very nature our research will provide an excellent training environment for undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows.
(Updated December 2024)
December 2024:
Ending a Successful Year
November 2024:
- Punnya Anil Kumar Jeeja and Allison Stadick present their oral presentations at the SERMACS Atlanta 2024
October 2024:
- Published work: “Optimized Fabrication of Dendritic Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles as Efficient Delivery System for Cancer Immunotherapy.”
September 2024:
- Thank you Dr. Vivero for presenting our research at the 2024 Biomedical Sciences Symposium!
- Congratulations to Varsha for passing her Dissertation Defense 2024!! We have a new PhD graduate from the V-lab!
May, 2024:
- Congratulations to Dr. V for getting the Harshini V. de Silva Graduate mentor Award!!
March, 2024:
Congratulations to Sudip Dam for getting the 1st place in Oral Presentation in Interdisciplinary Research at the Graduate Research Symposium 2024!!
November, 2023:
Congratulations to Allison Stadick for getting the 3rd place overall at the UNC Charlotte Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition!!
August, 2023:
Book chapter on the use of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Nucleic Acid Nanostructures recently published. Congratulations Tamanna Binte Huq https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-0716-3417-2_13
Collaborative work with Dr. Kirill Afonin recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education. Congratulations Varsha Godakhindi and Alex!! https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00125
Congratulations to Audrey Bejger and Erica Flores for presenting their summer research. It was great to have Audrey and Erica in the V-lab during summer!!
July, 2023:
Check Dr. Vivero-Escoto interviews, for the AGEP-NC program:
- English version: AGEP-NC Interview with Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto – YouTube
- Spanish version: Una Entrevista con Juan Vivero Escoto – Versión Español – YouTube
- Collaborative IC proposal led by Dr. Vivero was funded. Congratulations to the team!
https://research.charlotte.edu/departments/center-research-excellence-cre/locating-funding/internal-funding-programs Looking forward to the next steps for our Center for Innovation, Translational Research and Applications of Nanostructured Systems (CITRANS). - The summer is coming to an end! We have had so much fun doing research! V-lab having lunch at Monterrey restaurant.
- Dr. Vivero gave an invited talk at the GRC Cancer Nanotechnology conference (https://www.grc.org/cancer-nanotechnology-conference/2023/).
- Welcome to the V-lab: Audrey Berger (NanoSURE student) and Erica Flores (LSAMP program).
Looking forward to a great summer!!
May, 2023:
- Congratulations to our more recent graduates; Ash, Alina and Anh!! All the best on the next step
in your professional career!! - Congratulations to Dr. Priya Vadarevu for the publication of the research paper entitled “Autophagy Regulation Using Multimodal Chlorin e6-Loaded Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles to Improve Photodynamic Therapy” in Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics | Free Full-Text | Autophagy Regulation Using Multimodal Chlorin e6-Loaded Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles to Improve Photodynamic Therapy (mdpi.com)!! Way to go Priya!!
April, 2023:
- Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto was interviewed by WBTV on your side about his research on antibiotic
resistant bacteria! Thanks Allison and Varsha for helping with the demos! Check the video here: UNC Charlotte researching antibiotic-resistant bacteria (wbtv.com) - Dr. Vivero presented a poster at the AACR meeting in Orlando.
March, 2023:
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at the ACS meeting in Indianapolis.
- Thanks Varsha for representing our lab in the 23 rd Annual Graduate Research Symposium!
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at Jackson State University.
February, 2023:
Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at North Carolina State University.
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at University of Texas Arlington.
January, 2023:
UG student Elana Kravitz joined our research group. Welcome to the V-lab!
Thanks for visiting our website! Please check back again soon for updates.