GEOG 4000/5000 – Topics in Geography: Urban Analytics
Urban analytics is an emerging field that helps improve the understanding, management, and planning of cities by harnessing urban big data from a wide array of sources, including mobile devices, remote sensing, social media, and government records. This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of data analytics and its application in dealing with various urban challenges, such as urban sprawl, crime, air pollution, socioeconomic inequity, sustainable transportation, and public health. Hands-on practices will help students to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to collect, manage, and analyze data in urban environments to extract meaningful insights and make informed decisions that support urban planning and policymaking.
GEOG 3120 Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
Development, current state-of-the-art and future trends in geographic information processing with emphasis on data gathering, storage, and retrieval, analytical capabilities and display technologies. A laboratory component includes development and completion of an applied GIS research project. Three lecture hours, one two-hour lab per week.
GEOG 4103/5103 – Computer Programming for GIS Applications
Software program development and scripting for GIS and mapping applications using high level programming languages. Emphasis on the design and implementation of geographic data structures and algorithms.