EFRI-REM Research

The Clemson University/UNC-Charlotte EFRI-REM in Bioengineering

Clemson and UNC Charlotte are the home to a Research Experience & Mentoring (REM) site on Bioengineering — From Biomaterials to Biological Tissues. This program is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and was established as an added educational component of the Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) program 2007-2014.

The program is led by Prof. K. Burg (lead PI) at Clemson University, and Drs. Didier Dréau (UNC Charlotte) and Tim Burg (Clemson University). Educational and recruitment efforts are lead by Sue Lasser (Clemson University) and Jody Turner (UNC Charlotte).

The EFRI-REM program includes two semesters on research initiation and, for selected students, a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU, Summer 2013 & Summer 2014). The program will successfully provide research opportunities and professional development to a cohort of underrepresented undergraduate students in STEM disciplines.

With an intellectual focus in Bioengineering, this program provides research opportunities that articulate with a range of cutting-edge, multidisciplinary areas, including cell biology, 3D tissue engineering, systems and cell-active biomaterials. The REM program serves a diverse population of students to whom cutting-edge research experiences are not typically available and thus broadens the pipeline to graduate school for a wide range of students.