Pictured: Amanda Pipkin, Kate Moore, Cheryl Hicks, and Dan Dupre
Anne Brady, The German Prince Rebellion and the Treaty of Passau of 1552: Conceptualizing German Liberty and the Formation of the Princely Ruled Territorial Empire State. Honors thesis.
Amanda Elzey, ‘I think I prefer his face’: Studying Countenance in Austen’s Letters and Novels. MA thesis.
Lincoln Frye, Nobility and Witchcraft in England in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. MA thesis
Jenn Larsen. Exam on early modern women writers.
Allyson Miller, Building a community brick by brick: The Chronicle Mill in Belmont, NC. MA thesis.
Christine Plough, Mary Boleyn: ‘A Great Whore Above All’. MA thesis.
Victoria Kristina Lance. Exam on early modern sexuality and gender.
Brittany Smith, A Widow’s Imprint: Women in the Sixteenth Century English Book Trade. Honors thesis.
Brittany Smith. Transatlantic Puritanism: Women in the Protestant Book Trade, 1630-1750. MA thesis.
Jessica Pluck William. Exam on early modern witchcraft.