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Jeremy Marks

Dr. Jeremy Marks is an Assistant Professor of Trombone in the Department of Music. He has served the International Trombone Association as the Web Assistant and the state representative for Louisiana’s chapter of T.A.P.A.S. (Trombone Artists Performing for Amateurs and Students), an education initiative by the International Trombone Association. In addition to teaching, he has been published in the International Trombone Association Journal and presented his research interest on bass trumpet at several conferences and festivals.Dr. Marks is the 2nd trombonist with Opera Carolina and the North Carolina Brass Band, bass trombonist of the Asheville Symphony Orchestra, and interim principal trombonist with the Western Piedmont Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he has performed with several other symphony orchestras, including Charlotte, Virginia, Baton Rouge, Austin (TX), and Canton (OH). His doubling credits on bass trombone, bass trumpet, and euphonium can be heard on the Naxos, Mark Customs, Arcadia, and Longhorn record labels. He is a member of the 2013 International Trombone Association Quartet Competition winner, Northside Trombone Quartet. Other performing credits include several regional, national, and international venues, such as the 2018 and 2019 International Trombone Festivals and the 2017 International Women’s Brass Conference.
Dr. Marks’s primary teaching influences include Dr. Nathaniel Brickens, Dr. Steve Wolfinbarger, Dr. William Mathis, Garth Simmons, and Charles Villarrubia. He earned his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The University of Texas at Austin, Master of Music from Western Michigan University, and Bachelor of Music from Bowling Green State University.