
The Motivational Trait Questionnaire

The items for the Motivational Trait Questionnaire (MTQ) have not been published. However, Ruth Kanfer and I are more than happy to have you use the MTQ,  or its associated short form, in your research.

If you are interested in using one of these measures, simply complete the user agreement and email it to me at Please indicate whether you would be interested in the standard form or the short form. I will then email you the items and the scoring system for the measure.

Click here to download the User Agreement


Polynomial Regression & Response Surface Analysis Excel File

In 2010, I published a paper with Drs. Linda Shanock, Ben Baran, Bill Gentry and Stacy Pattison on how to do Polynomial Regression and Response Surface Analysis. As a supplement to that paper, we offered an Excel file which could be used to generate the response surface,coefficients for slope and curvature along the X=Y and X=-Y lines, and tests of the statistical significance of those coefficients. This file makes response surface analysis so easy! Click here for a copy

Shanock, L. R., Baran, B. E., Gentry, W. A., Pattison, S. C., & Heggestad, E. D. (2010). Polynomial regression and response surface analysis: A powerful approach for examining moderation and overcoming limitations of difference scores. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25, 543-554.