Physics for Science & Engineering II
Physics for Science & Engineering II
By Yildirim Aktas, Department of Physics & Optical Science
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Lecture Notes
Department of Physics and Optical Science
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Chapter 01: Electric Charge
1.1 Fundamental Interactions
1.2 Electrical Interactions
1.3 Electrical Interactions 2
1.4 Properties of Charge
1.5 Conductors and Insulators
1.6 Charging by Induction
1.7 Coulomb Law
Example 1: Equilibrium Charge
Example 2: Three Point Charges
Example 3: Charge Pendulums
Chapter 02: Electric Field
2.1 Electric Field
2.2 Electric Field of a Point Charge
2.3 Electric Field of an Electric Dipole
2.4 Electric Field of Charge Distributions
Example 1: Electric field of a charged rod along its Axis
Example 2: Electric field of a charged ring along its axis
Example 3: Electric field of a charged disc along its axis
Example 4: Electric field of a charged infinitely long rod.
Example 5: Electric field of a finite length rod along its bisector.
2.5 Dipole in an External Electric Field
Chapter 03: Gauss’ s Law
3.1 Gauss’s Law
Example 1: Electric field of a point charge
Example 2: Electric field of a uniformly charged spherical shell
Example 3: Electric field of a uniformly charged soild sphere
Example 4: Electric field of an infinite, uniformly charged straight rod
Example 5: Electric Field of an infinite sheet of charge
Example 6: Electric field of a non-uniform charge distribution
3.2 Conducting Charge Distributions
Example 1: Electric field of a concentric solid spherical and conducting spherical shell charge distribution
Example 2: Electric field of an infinite conducting sheet charge
3.3 Superposition of Electric Fields
Example: Infinite sheet charge with a small circular hole.
Chapter 04: Electric Potential
4.1 Potential
4.2 Equipotential Surfaces
Example 1: Potential of a point charge
Example 2: Potential of an electric dipole
Example 3: Potential of a ring charge distribution
Example 4: Potential of a disc charge distribution
4.3 Calculating potential from electric field
4.4 Calculating electric field from potential
Example 1: Calculating electric field of a disc charge from its potential
Example 2: Calculating electric field of a ring charge from its potential
4.5 Potential Energy of System of Point Charges
4.6 Insulated Conductor
Chapter 05: Capacitance
5.01 Introduction
5.02 Capacitance
5.03 Procedure for calculating capacitance
5.04 Parallel Plate Capacitor
5.05 Cylindrical Capacitor
5.06 Spherical Capacitor
5.07-08 Connections of Capacitors
5.07 Parallel Connection of Capacitors
5.08 Series Connection of Capacitors
Demonstration: Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Example: Connections of Capacitors
5.09 Energy Stored in Capacitors
5.10 Energy Density
5.11 Example
Chapter 06: Electric Current and Resistance
6.01 Current
6.02 Current Density
Example: Current Density
6.03 Drift Speed
Example: Drift Speed
6.04 Resistance and Resistivity
6.05 Ohm’s Law
6.06 Calculating Resistance from Resistivity
6.07 Example
6.08 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity
6.09 Electromotive Force, emf
6.10 Power Supplied, Power Dissipated
6.11 Connection of Resistances: Series and Parallel
Example: Connection of Resistances: Series and Parallel
6.12 Kirchoff’s Rules
Example: Kirchoff’s Rules
6.13 Potential difference between two points in a circuit
6.14 RC-Circuits
Example: 6.14 RC-Circuits
Chapter 07: Magnetism
7.1 Magnetism
7.2 Magnetic Field: Biot-Savart Law
Example: Magnetic field of a current loop
Example: Magnetic field of an infinitine, straight current carrying wire
Example: Semicircular wires
7.3 Ampere’s Law
Example: Infinite, straight current carrying wire
Example: Magnetic field of a coaxial cable
Example: Magnetic field of a perfect solenoid
Example: Magnetic field of a toroid
Example: Magnetic field profile of a cylindrical wire
Example: Variable current density
Chapter 08: Magnetic Force
8.1 Magnetic Force
8.2 Motion of a charged particle in an external magnetic field
8.3 Current carrying wire in an external magnetic field
8.4 Torque on a current loop
8.5 Magnetic Domain and Electromagnet
8.6 Magnetic Dipole Energy
8.7 Current Carrying Parallel Wires
Example 1: Parallel Wires
Example 2: Parallel Wires
Chapter 09: Induction
9.1 Magnetic Flux, Fraday’s Law and Lenz Law
Example: Changing Magnetic Flux
Example: Generator
Example: Motional emf
Example: Terminal Velocity
Simulation: Faraday’s Law
9.2 Induced Electric Fields
9.3 Inductance
9.4 Procedure to Calculate Inductance
9.5 Inductance of a Solenoid
9.6 Inductance of a Toroid
9.7 Self Induction
9.8 RL-Circuits
9.9 Energy Stored in Magnetic Field and Energy Density
Maxwell’s Equations
9.10 Maxwell’s Equations, Integral Form
9.11 Displacement Current
9.12 Maxwell’s Equations, Differential Form
Lecture Notes
Department of Physics and Optical Science
Khan Academy
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