About The WRC


The WRC is here to help you at any stage of the writing process for any subject (whether academic or personal). Our tutors can help you understand an assignment sheet, brainstorm, or even begin drafting an outline. If you’ve started writing but haven’t completed your first draft, we can give you feedback on direction and incorporating additional content. If you’ve already finished writing, we can give you some tips for revising or proofreading. Our goal is to help teach you to identify and understand the strengths and weaknesses of your writing, help you find answers, and help you learn how to research, write, revise, and proofread on your own. We want you to become a better writer by learning how to improve the quality of your writing overall, not just to improve the quality of one specific paper.

Our bloggers are tutors in the WRC, all of whom are UNC Charlotte students and staff from a variety of disciplines and who vary from semester-to-semester. Some tutors are graduate assistants from the English Department, while others are graduate and undergraduate students recommended to the WRC by faculty in other departments due to their strong writing ability, interpersonal skills, and desire to work closely with other writers. All tutors been trained in writing center pedagogy and rhetorical grammar in the semester-long training course, English 4400/5400, regardless of their level of experience. In the course, tutors read and write about writing center scholarship, discuss tutoring practices, and conduct writing center research while training hands-on in the WRC. Tutors also participate in ongoing professional development and gain teaching and leadership experience during their time at the WRC.

The primary purpose of this blog is to provide writing assistance and tips to our clients directly from those who work with them in the WRC: our tutors. We aim to provide easy-to-understand, conversation-style posts on a variety of subjects, including everything from sentence-level concerns like grammar to big-picture issues like organization, cohesion, and genre. Our goal is to set up writers for success in a fun and engaging way.

If you’re interested in seeing a blog post on a specific topic, send a message to our administrators via this form!