
Your Thesis: Why is it so important and yet so hard?

Categories: Updates

A thesis is basically the argument of your paper. Used properly, it also helps to structure your paper. That’s why professors are always looking for a strong, clear thesis. I think we understand that. But the problems come in when we actually have to write it and stick it somewhere in our paper. Let’s talk about a few ways to write a thesis.Read more…

Why Doesn't the WRC Proofread?

Categories: Updates

be-wise-reviseSometimes clients are confused because, as WRC tutors, we say we don’t proofread or edit papers. But this is a bit of a misnomer—here at the WRC, we absolutely DO talk about grammar and usage, but we do so in a very specific way. Read more…

Guest Blog: Dr. Ralf Thiede on Passive Voice

Categories: Updates

Along with the posts written by your devoted bloggers, we will be posting guest responses written by friends of the WRC. This week, Professor Ralf Thiede from the English Department is joining us to expand on last week’s post about active and passive voice.

Happy Writing!
Alex and Beth

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Active vs. Passive Voice

Categories: Updates

We’re often asked, “What’s the difference between active and passive voice?” This is one of those English concepts that can be kind of hard to get a knack for. Read more…