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Juan Vivero-Escoto

Research in our group focuses on the design, synthesis and characterization of novel hybrid inorganic-organic materials for biomedical applications. Our approach is multidisciplinary, interfacing chemistry, biology, medicine and material science. By its very nature our research will provide an excellent training environment for undergraduates, graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows.
(Updated August 2023)
August, 2023:
Book chapter on the use of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Nucleic Acid Nanostructures recently published. Congratulations Tamanna Binte Huq https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-0716-3417-2_13
Collaborative work with Dr. Kirill Afonin recently published in the Journal of Chemical Education. Congratulations Varsha Godakhindi and Alex!! https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00125
Congratulations to Audrey Bejger and Erica Flores for presenting their summer research. It was great to have Audrey and Erica in the V-lab during summer!!
July, 2023:
Check Dr. Vivero-Escoto interviews, for the AGEP-NC program:
- English version: AGEP-NC Interview with Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto – YouTube
- Spanish version: Una Entrevista con Juan Vivero Escoto – Versión Español – YouTube
- Collaborative IC proposal led by Dr. Vivero was funded. Congratulations to the team!
https://research.charlotte.edu/departments/center-research-excellence-cre/locating-funding/internal-funding-programs Looking forward to the next steps for our Center for Innovation, Translational Research and Applications of Nanostructured Systems (CITRANS). - The summer is coming to an end! We have had so much fun doing research! V-lab having lunch at Monterrey restaurant.
- Dr. Vivero gave an invited talk at the GRC Cancer Nanotechnology conference (https://www.grc.org/cancer-nanotechnology-conference/2023/).
- Welcome to the V-lab: Audrey Berger (NanoSURE student) and Erica Flores (LSAMP program).
Looking forward to a great summer!!
May, 2023:
- Congratulations to our more recent graduates; Ash, Alina and Anh!! All the best on the next step
in your professional career!! - Congratulations to Dr. Priya Vadarevu for the publication of the research paper entitled “Autophagy Regulation Using Multimodal Chlorin e6-Loaded Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles to Improve Photodynamic Therapy” in Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutics | Free Full-Text | Autophagy Regulation Using Multimodal Chlorin e6-Loaded Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles to Improve Photodynamic Therapy (mdpi.com)!! Way to go Priya!!
April, 2023:
- Dr. Juan Vivero-Escoto was interviewed by WBTV on your side about his research on antibiotic
resistant bacteria! Thanks Allison and Varsha for helping with the demos! Check the video here: UNC Charlotte researching antibiotic-resistant bacteria (wbtv.com) - Dr. Vivero presented a poster at the AACR meeting in Orlando.
March, 2023:
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at the ACS meeting in Indianapolis.
- Thanks Varsha for representing our lab in the 23 rd Annual Graduate Research Symposium!
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at Jackson State University.
February, 2023:
Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at North Carolina State University.
- Dr. Vivero gave a research talk at University of Texas Arlington.
January, 2023:
UG student Elana Kravitz joined our research group. Welcome to the V-lab!
November, 2022:
- Collaborative work published on International Microbiology!
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10123-022-00300-6 - Dr. V gave his promotion talk at the Chemistry Department UNC Charlotte!!
October, 2022:
- Dr. V gave his promotion talk at the Chemistry Department UNC Charlotte!!
September, 2022:
- Dr. V gave his promotion talk at the Chemistry Department UNC Charlotte!!
- Congratulations to Varsha for passing her Written exam/Oral defense!! Varsha is now our newest PhD candidate!!
- Welcome our new undergraduate students Alina, Julia and Tim to the V-lab!!
August, 2022:
- Congratulations to the V-lab for its 10th anniversary!! Students, Colleagues, Collaborators and generous funding agencies have made this journey possible!! The link below shows a summary of our achievements.
- NIH 1R01CA263897 grant (~$2M) has been awarded to our group to develop stimuli-responsive mucin1-specific nanoparticles for efficacious combinatorial chemotherapy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma!
- NIH 1R16GM145434 grant (~$440K) has been awarded to our group to develop light-activated silver nanoparticulate system for the effective treatment of antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes!
July, 2022:
- NIH 1R15CA274239-01 (AREA) grant (~$450K) has been awarded to our group for developing multimodal hybrid nanoparticles for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer!
May, 2022:
- Congratulations to Dr. Mubin Tarannum for the publication of the review entitled “Nanoparticle-based therapeutics strategies targeting major clinical challenges in pancreatic cancer treatment” in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2022.114357)!! Way to go Mubin!!
- Our collaborative work with Dr. Pinku Mukherjee and Dr. Didier Dreau was published on the Journal of Controlled Release (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2022.05.019). This work describes another of the main projects for Mubin’s PhD work dealing with PDAC treatment. Fantastic work Mubin!!
- Huge Congratulations to Abbe Eliasof and Kira Marsh for their amazing achievements!!
- Abbe Eliasof
- ACS Carolina-Piedmont Local Section Award for Excellence in Scholastic Achievement.
- Clariant Chancellor’s Scholarship
- Kira Marsh:
- ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Undergraduate Student Award
- ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Student Award
- Clariant Chancellor’s Scholarship
- Abbe Eliasof
April, 2022:
- Congratulations to Abbe Eliasof for getting the ACS award for Scholastic Achievement!!
March, 2022:
- Congratulations to Varsha Godakhindi for getting the 2nd Place in the Oral presentations (Sciences category) in the 2022 Graduate Research Symposium, UNC Charlotte!!
- The V-lab moves to the Science Building!! Looking forward to novel and exciting research that our lab is going to produce in these state-of-the-art facilities!!
January, 2022:
- The V-lab has graduated our fourth Doctor! Very proud of Priya Vadarevu who successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis dissertation!! Way to go Priya!!
November, 2021:
- Our collaborative work with Dr. Pinku Mukherjee and Dr. Shan Yan was published on Small (https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202104449). This work describes one of the main projects for Mubin’s PhD work. Great work Mubin!!
- Congratulations to Varsha for being as a finalist in the 3MT competition!!
September, 2021:
- Our collaborative work with Dr. Donald Jacobs was published on Materials Today Communications (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102815). This work describes the molecular simulation of POSS molecules in solution. Congratulations Paula!!
- The V-lab has graduated our third Doctor! Very proud of Paula Loman-Cortes who successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis dissertation!! Way to go Paula!!
- Our work was recently published on Nanomaterials (Nanomaterials | Free Full-Text | Light-Activated Protoporphyrin IX-Based Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles Induce Ferroptosis in Melanoma Cells (mdpi.com)). The paper describes the different cell death mechanisms associated with PDT using PpIX-loaded Polysilsesquioxane nanoparticles. Congratulations Priya, Ridhima, and Zach!!
- Dr. Vivero-Escoto was invited to present our group’s research at the Global Summit and Expo on Materials Science and Nanoscience (Materials Science and Nanoscience Conference | GSEMSN-2021 | Lisbon | Portugal | Top Materials Science Conference | Conferences in Europe | Conferences in Portugal (thescientistt.com)).
August, 2021:
- Dr. Vivero-Escoto was invited to present our group’s research at the European Advanced Materials Congress (European Advanced Materials Congress). A video of the presentation is coming out soon.
Juan Vivero-Escoto_Certificate
- Dr. Vivero-Escoto co-organized the Symposium E4 (Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery, Imaging and Immuno-Engineering) as part of the XXIX International Materials Research Congress 2021. We had a successful Symposium with an excellent group of speakers! (Symposia – XXIX International Materials Research Congress – IMRC 2021 (mrs-mexico.org.mx))
July, 2021:
- Farewell to Priya Vadarevu, who is continuing her professional career at Precision NanoSystems Inc. We wish you all the success in this new stage in your career.
- Congratulations to Aliyah Aguilar for her successful participation in the NanoSURE Program! Thanks for representing our lab in the 2021 Virtual Summer Research Symposium!
- Congratulations to Abbe Eliasof for her successful participation in the OUR Program! Thanks for representing our lab in the 2021 Virtual Summer Research Symposium!
- Congratulations to Kailey Spicer for her successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program!
- Watch Dr. Vivero-Escoto describing our recent findings on the development of multifunctional polysilsesquioxane nanoparticles for combinatorial therapy of cancer. Video Proc. Adv. Mater., Volume 1, Article ID 2020-0829 (2020)
June, 2021:
- Welcome to the V-lab members the Summer semester from left to right: Priya (PhD student); Varsha (PhD student): Aliyah (NanoSURE student); Abbe (CRS student); Tamanna (Incoming PhD student); Dr. V. No in the picture Paula (PhD student) and Kailey (High school student). Picture taken in front of the New Science Building where the V-lab will move soon.
- Welcome to the V-lab: Aliyah (NanoSURE student); Abbe (CRS student); and Kailey (High school student). Looking forward to a great summer!!
May, 2021:
- Congratulations to our more recent graduates; Zaneta and Emma!!
- Congratulations to Zaneta for getting the 2021 ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award!!
January, 2021:
- Welcome to the V-lab members the Spring semester. Top: Paula (PhD student); Dr. V; Varsha (PhD student). Bottom: Tamanna (Volunteer); Emma (UG student); Priya (PhD student). No in the picture Abbe and Zaneta (UG student)
October, 2020:
- Our most recent work has been published in Molecules. Congratulations to Paolo, Alexis, Paula and Zaneta!!
- Congratulations to Dr. Mubin Tarannum for getting the Ovarian Cancer Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) DRP grant at Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center!!
- Two milestones have been reached this month: An individual one for Dr. Vivero-Escoto with more than 7,000 citation during his scientific career (special thanks to former advisors: Dr. Tatyana Poznyak, ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico; late Dr. Victor Lin, ISU; Dr. Wenbin Lin, University of Chicago; and the V-lab) and the V-lab has made its #25 scientific contribution to the field of nanomaterials for biomedical applications (see V-lab publications in this webpage).
- Congratulations to Zaneta Zhin for getting the Undergraduate Student Poster Talk Award with her presentation entitled “Synthesis and Characterization of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Porphyrin Conjugates for Photodynamic Therapy” at NC Photochem!!
September, 2020:
- Congratulations to Priya Vadarevu for passing her Qualifying/Oral defense. She is now a PhD candidate! Way to go Priya!
- Welcome to the V-lab members the Fall semester. Top: Dr. V; Emma (UG student); Tamanna (Volunteer); Paula (PhD student). Bottom: Varsha (PhD student); Dr. Tarannum (Postdoc); Priya (PhD student) and Zaneta (UG student). No in the picture Abbe (UG student)
- Dr. Vivero delivered the IAAM Innovation Award at the Advanced Materials Lecture Series 2020. Thanks to the International Association of Advanced Materials for recognizing our research.
August, 2020:
- Collaborative work with Dr. Afonin (UNC Charlotte) was recently published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acsami.0c07106). The paper describes the combination of mesoporous silica nanoparticles and nucleic acid nanoparticles for cancer treatment. Congratulations Ridhima, Priya, Mubin, Jacob and Jose!!
July, 2020:
- Dr. Vivero participated in the Webinar Series organized by the International Society of RNA Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine.
- Congratulations to Alexis Johnston for the successful defense of her M.S. dissertation!! She is continuing her scientific career at Georgia Tech by pursuing the Ph.D. in Chemistry.
- Congratulations to Dr. Mubin Tarannum for getting the 2020 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award!! Way to go Dr. Tarannum!!
2020 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award Winners |
The recipients of the 2020 Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award have been chosen: Mubin Tarannum in the category of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering, and Torrieann Dooley-Kennedy in the Social Sciences category. Only the very best research dissertations are chosen for this award, which is presented by the Graduate School to recognize outstanding research and scholarship by a doctoral student at UNC Charlotte. Tarannum and Dooley-Kennedy will receive a cash prize and a plaque, and they will represent UNC Charlotte in the CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Competition. The CGS winner will receive an honorarium of $2,000 and a certificate of citation, which will be presented at the annual meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools. Congratulations to our winners and many thanks to our judges! |
June, 2020:
- Dr. Vivero participated in the 2020 Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting & Exposition (Virtual).
- Congratulations to Paolo Siano for the successful defense of his M.S. dissertation!! Now he is moving to the University of Virginia to pursue the Ph.D. in Chemistry.
May, 2020:
- Dr. Vivero participated in the virtual symposium: “Smart Materials Programmed to Operate in Living Systems.”
- Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2020! In particular to our own V-lab members: Dr. Mubin Tarannum (Ph.D. Nanoscale Sciences); Karina Benitez (B.S. Biology); Janay Clegg (B.A. Chemistry); Christina Payne (B.S. Biology and Chemistry); Amanda Derby (B.S. Biology/B.A. Chemistry); Joshua Mikombo (B.A. Chemistry); and Jacob Dobbs (B.S. Biology).
- Collaborative work with Dr. Natalia Inada and Dr. Vanderlei Bagnato (Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, Sao Paulo University) was recently published on Advance Therapeutics (adtp.202000022). The paper describes the use of polysilsesquioxane nanoparticles as safe and effective platform to carry protoporphyrin IX for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer using photodynamic therapy. Congratulations Mubin, Cayli (NSF-REU student) and Zach!!
April, 2020:
- Really proud that my current/former students are moving forward in their scientific careers. Christina Payne will be pursuing the Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at UTMB; Alexis Johnston will be pursuing the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at Georgia Tech; Jose Marquez will be pursuing the Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at UC Davis; and Paolo Siano will be pursuing the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at UVA. Congratulations everybody!!
March, 2020:
- Congratulations to Paula Loman-Cortes for passing her Qualifying/Proposal defense exam!!
- Mubin Tarannum successfully defended her Ph.D. Thesis dissertation!! Very proud of having the second Doctor graduated from the V-lab!! Congratulations Mubin!!
February, 2020:
- Congratulations M.S. students, Alexis Johnston and Paolo Siano, for passing your 2nd mini-seminar!!
January, 2020:
- Welcome undergraduate students Karina Benitez and Janay Clegg to the V-lab!!
December, 2019:
- Welcome Varsha Sanjay Godakhindi, 1st year Nanoscale Science Ph.D. student, to the V-lab!!
November, 2019:
- Collaborative work with Dr. Benbow and Dr. Schrum (Carolinas Medical Center) was recently published on the Journal of Materials Chemistry B (10.1039/C9TB01845J). The paper is also part of the themed collection: 2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry B HOT Papers Congratulations Priya and Ridhima!!
October, 2019:
- Congratulations to Priya for getting the Thomas L. Reynolds Graduate Student Research award (2019-2020).
- Priya and Paolo presented their research at NC PhotoChem 2019, Boone, NC.
- Dr. Vivero participated in the symposium: “Polymeric Materials for the Next Generation Sensing, Diagnostics and Therapy.” SERMACS, Savannah, GA.
- Alexis presented her research at SERMACS, Savannah, GA.
September, 2019:
- Dr. Vivero joins the International Journal of Nanomedicine as Editorial Board Member!!
August, 2019:
- UNC Charlotte is present at the XXVIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun Mexico. Go Niners!!
- Priya and Mubin presented their research at the XXVIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun Mexico.
- Priya and Mubin enjoying real Mexican food.
- Dr. Vivero co-organized the “Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery, Imaging and Immuno-Engineering” symposium at the XXVIII International Materials Research Congress, Cancun Mexico.
- The V-lab attended the “Molecular and Cellular Immunology Workshop” presented by Dr. Marina A. Dobrovolskaia (Head of Immunology Section at the Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory).
July, 2019:
- Congratulations to Alexis Johnston for being finalist in the Thomas D. Walsh Research competition!
- Taraneh Barjesteh presented her research at the Summer Research Symposium, Charlotte. Congratulations.
- Congratulations to Aarthi Saravanan for her successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program!
- Dr. Vivero gave an invited talk at the International Photodynamic Association (IPA) World Congress, Boston.
June, 2019:
- Mubin Tarannum and Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the Gordon Research Conference: Cancer Nanotechnology, West Dover, VT.
- Welcome high school student Aarthi Saravanan (Research Experience for 11th and 12th Grade Students Internship Program) to the V-lab!
May, 2019:
- Welcome to Taraneh Barjesteh (NanoSURE program) to the V-lab.
April, 2019:
- Dr. Vivero gave two talks at the ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL.
- Attending the conference session in honor of my great friend Dr. Kevin C.-W. Wu (2019 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Awards). Congratulations Kevin!!
March, 2019:
- Paolo presented his research at the Undergraduate Research Conference, Charlotte, NC. Thanks for representing the group!
- Paula and Priya presented their research at the 19th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Charlotte, NC. Thanks for representing the group!
January, 2019:
- UG students Christina Payne and Ishaq Ibrahim joined our research group. Welcome to the V-lab!
December, 2018:
- Congratulations to the very first “Doctor” graduated from the V-lab, Dr. Zachary Lyles!!
(More pictures from Doctoral Hooding ceremony in the pictures section)
November, 2018:
- Zachary Lyles successfully defended his Ph.D. Thesis defense, Congratulations Dr. Lyles!!
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the 70th SERMACS in Augusta, GA
October, 2018:
- MS students Alexis Johnston and Paolo Siano (early entry program) joined our research group. Welcome to the V-lab!!
September, 2018:
- Dr. Natalia Inada from the São Carlos Institute of Physics (IFSC), University of São Paulo visit our lab!
August, 2018:
- EAGER-NSF proposal (~$100K) has been awarded to our group for work on biodegradable hybrid nanoparticles containing photosensitizing agents!
- Congratulations to Paula and our collaborator Dr. Merlis Alvarez-Berrios! Our work has been published in International Nano Letters!
- A collaborative ~$2.1 million grant proposal involving UNCCH (Dr. Wang, Dr. Serody and Dr. Vincent), NCSU (Dr. Gu) and UNCC (Dr. Vivero-Escoto) is funded by the UNC Research Opportunities Initiative award to develop novel approaches to enhance immune response to neoantigens.
- Another great summer in the V-lab! Thanks all for your hard work
- Congrats to Zach Lyles for his job at Gabriel Phenoxies, Inc.!/ Happy Birthday Mubin!
July, 2018:
- Dr. Ridhima Juneja is leaving the V-lab after almost three years of collaboration. We will miss her!. We wish her all the best!
- Paolo and Jacob presented poster at the CRS Symposium, Congratulations!
- Congratulations to Brenda Dominguez for her successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program!! Great job!
June, 2018:
- Congratulations to Dr. Vivero-Escoto for being promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!
- Welcome high school student Brenda Dominguez (Research Experience for 11th and 12th Grade Students Internship Program) to the V-lab!
May, 2018:
- Welcome undergraduate students Paolo Siano (Charlotte Research Scholar) and Jacob Dobbs (NanoSURE program) to the V-lab!
- Congratulations to Zach for getting the Excellence Teaching Award! Great job!
- Congratulations to Zach for receiving the CLAS Summer Graduate Fellowship!
- Paola Siano has been selected as recipient of the Clariant Chancellor’s Scholarship in Chemistry, Congratulations!
- Mubin wins the Thomas L. Reynolds Graduate student award! Way to go Mubin
- The V-lab participated in the Charlotte Biomedical 2018 Symposium (CBES)!Thanks Mubin and Zach for your amazing job presenting our research!
April, 2018:
- Congratulations to Mubin for being one of the recipients of the Graduate School Summer Fellowship program!
- Thanks Mubin for representing the V-lab in the UNCC Graduate Research Symposium!
- Thanks Mubin for your outstanding participation at the SFB 2018 Annual meeting in Atlanta, GA!
March, 2018:
- Congratulations to Mubin for being awarded with the STAR (Student Travel Achievement Recognition) from the Society for Biomaterials (SFB) to participate in the SFB 2018 Annual Meeting!
- Congratulations to Dr. Juneja for being invited to give a talk at the 34th Sourthern Biomedical Engineering Conference 2018! The title of her talk is “siRNA gene delivery mediated by mesoporous silica nanoparticles to treat cancer.”
February, 2018:
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at North Carolina A&T
December, 2017:
- Welcome Ph.D. student (Nanoscale Science program) Hemapriyadarshini (Priya) Vadarevu to the V-lab!
- Welcome undergraduate students Paolo and Joshua to the V-lab!
November, 2017:
- Congratulations to Mubin for passing her Qualifying exam! Keep up with the good work!
- The V-lab participated in the 69th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS) 2017! Thanks Dr. Juneja, Alex, Mubin and Zach for your amazing job presenting our research!
October, 2017:
- The V-lab through our “Think Big, Do Nano” program participated in the UNC Charlotte Kid’s festival
September, 2017:
- Mubin and Dr. Vivero visited the University of Virginia Commonwealth
August, 2017:
- Dr. Vivero presented his tenure seminar at UNC Charlotte! Thanks all the past/current members of the V-lab (2012-present) for making this an amazing journey!
- Welcome Vir and Amanda to the V-lab
- Farewell to Jose Marquez!
- Happy Birthday Mubin!
- Thanks to all V-lab members for a great summer!
- Huge congratulations to Zach Lyles who successfully defended his Qualifying/Candidacy Exam!
July, 2017:
- Jose presented poster at the CRS Symposium, great job!
- Congrats to Faheem for his successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program!
- Huge congratulations to Alexandra Hurst who successfully defended her M.S. thesis! Way to go Alex!
- Dr. Vivero participated in the Catalyst Program
- Our research was highlighted in the Spring 2017 Edition of the Exchange Magazine!
- Congrats to current and previous members of the V-lab for their amazing research effort in Nanomedicine!
June, 2017:
- Mubin Tarannum and Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the Gordon Research Conference: Cancer Nanotechnology, West Dover, VT.
- Welcome Faheem, Ronak and Jose.
May, 2017:
- Farewell to Ricky Son! We will miss you!
- Huge congratulations to Mubin Tarannum for getting the first place (overall category) in the CBES Annual Retreat & Poster Competition, Charlotte, NC.
- Mubin Tarannum presented her work in “Combinatorial drug delivery” at the Charlotte Biomedical Science and Engineering Symposium 2017.
April, 2017:
- Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the School of Pharmacy, University of Mississippi.
- The V-lab participated for fourth year in a row in the Science & Technology Expo at UNC Charlotte. Awesome job guys!
March, 2017:
- Mubin Tarannum presented her work in “Combinatorial drug delivery” at the 17th Graduate Research Conference, UNC Charlotte.
- Alexandra Hurst presented her work in “Photodynamic Inactivation” at the 17th Graduate Research Conference, UNC Charlotte.
- Dr. Vivero’s, Dr. Troutman’s and the Dhyani chapter of the Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority hosted the visit of middle school students from Queen City STEM School.
- Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the Department of Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines.
- Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the Department of Chemistry, NC State University.
February, 2017:
- Congratulations to Alexandra Hurst for passing her 2nd mini-seminar. Way to go!
- Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at his Alma Mater Iowa State University.
- The Dhyani Chapter (UNC Charlotte) of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority Inc. and the V-lab visited Hidden Valley Elementary School as part of our outreach program –Think Big, Do Nano–
January, 2017:
- Dr. Vivero presented group’s research at the SPIE-BiOS, San Francisco.
- Welcome Meredith, McKinley and Sam to the V-lab!
December, 2016:
- Collaborative work with Dr. Mukherjee and Dr. Dreau has been published in the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology! This paper describes the development of a dye-doped NIR emitting mesoporous silica nanoparticles platform conjugated to tumor-specific MUC1 antibody (ab-tMUC1-NIR-MSN) for in vivo optical detection of breast adenocarcinoma tissue. Journal of BIomedical Nanotechnology, Volume 12, Number 12, December 2016, pp. 2172-2184(13) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/jbn.2016.2318 http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jbn/2016/00000012/00000012/art00008
November, 2016
- Congratulations to Dr. Merlis Alvarez-Berrios! Our work has been published in the International Journal of Nanomedicine! This paper describes the development of a folate-specific mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the delivery of cisplatin. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 23 November 2016 Volume 2016:11 Pages 6251-6265. DOI https:https://doi.org/10.2147/IJN.S118196 https://www.dovepress.com/in-vitro-evaluation-of-folic-acid-conjugated-redox-responsive-mesoporo-peer-reviewed-article-IJN
- Huge congratulations to Eric Fink who successfully defended his M.S. thesis!
October, 2016
- V-lab attended The 68th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS) in Columbia, SC! Alexandra gave a poster presentation! Thanks Alex for representing the group!
- Welcome Dr. Vanderlei Bagnato to UNC Charlottte! Dr. Bagnato is our collaborator from the Institute of Physics at Sao Carlos.
September, 2016:
- Dr. Vivero gave a presentation in the NanoDDS´16 at Johns Hopkins!
- Welcome Caroline and Brando to the V-lab!.
August, 2016:
- Cayli and Roa presented their research at the NANOsure summer research symposium, great job!
- Congratulations to Paula Loman-Cortes for getting a fellowship from the CONACYT-Mexico.
July, 2016:
- Cayli and Roa presented posters at the CRS symposium, great job!
- Congrats to Nithin for his successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program (Good job!)
- Collaborative work with Dr. Mukherjee and Dr. Dreau has been accepted in the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology! This paper describes the development of a dye-doped NIR emitting mesoporous silica nanoparticles platform conjugated to tumor-specific MUC1 antibody (ab-tMUC1-NIR-MSN) for in vivo optical detection of breast adenocarcinoma tissue.
- Outreach program “Think Big, Do Nano.” Thanks Cayli and Roa for your great job at the Discovery Place!!
June, 2016:
- Welcome Nithin to the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program
- Alexandra Hurst was selected to participate in Graduate Education Day. Congratulations Alex!! Take a look at the article in Inside UNC Charlotte for more details: http://inside.uncc.edu/news-features/2016-06-13/unc-charlotte-students-participate-graduate-education-day
- Collaborative work with Dr. Tzarara Lopez-Luke and Dr. Elder de la Rosa has been published online in the Journal of Biomedical Optics Express! This paper describes the application of Au/SiO2 clouds in powder for rapid ex vivo adenocarcinoma diagnosis through surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS).
May, 2016:
- Welcome Cayli Mena (Catawba College) and Roa Saleh (Rowan-Cabarrus Community College) to the NanoSURE Summer Research Program
- Collaborative work between Dr. Bagnato/Dr. Inada and our group through the SPRINT FAPESP-UNCC program has been highlighted in Inside UNC Charlotte. Take a look at the article in the following link: http://inside.uncc.edu/news-features/2016-05-24/fourth-round-funding-available-through-sprint-program
- Dr. Vivero gave a seminar entitled “Silica-based Hybrid Nanoparticles: Novel Alternatives for Cancer Treatment Using Photodynamic Therapy” at the Center for Research in Optics and Photonics, São Carlos Institute of Physics, Brazil
- Alexandra Hurst and Zach Lyles won first place on the Medical Therapies & Technologies and Applied Cancer Technologies and Therapeutics Focus Areas, respectively. Way to go!!
- The V-lab participated in the 8th CBES annual retreat and poster competition! Thanks Alex, Eric and Zach for representing the group.
April, 2016:
- The V-lab participated for third year in a row in the Science & Technology Expo at UNC Charlotte. Awesome job guys!
- Collaborative work with Dr. Tzarara Lopez-Luke and Dr. Elder de la Rosa has been published online on April 27th in the Journal of Biophotonics! This paper describes the interaction of QDs with human oral epithelial cells.
- Our paper on the “Cellular Endocytosis and Trafficking of Cholera Toxin B-Modified Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles” was selected as a HOT Article for the Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2016! Congratulations Will and Mubin! (http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/articlecollectionlanding?sercode=tb&themeid=aa6b55a5-ecea-4cbd-9094-ff2e58306f3b)
- Review paper in collaboration with Dr. Merlis P. Alvarez-Berrios has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemistry! This review describes recent advances in the use of iron oxide and mesoporous silica nanoparticles to treat cancer
- Alexandra Hurst won first place for poster presentation in the 16th Annual Research Symposium at UNC Charlotte! Great job Alex
- The V-lab participated in the 16th Annual Research Symposium at UNC Charlotte! Thanks Alex and Eric for representing the V-lab
- The Dhyani Chapter (UNC Charlotte) of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority Inc. and the V-lab visited Hidden Valley Elementary School as part of our outreach program –Think Big, Do Nano!
March, 2016:
- Alexandra Hurst passed her first mini-seminar!
- V-lab attended the National ACS meeting in San Diego! Eric and Zach gave a poster and oral presentations
February, 2016:
- Congratulations to Dr. Bagnato, Dr. Inada and Dr. Vivero-Escoto for receiving the SPRINT FAPESP-UNC Charlotte award! The funding will support our work in photodynamic therapy
- Welcome Keaton and Andrei to the V-lab
- The Dhyani Chapter (UNC Charlotte) of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority Inc. and the V-lab visited Hidden Valley Elementary School as part of our outreach program –Think Big, Do Nano
January, 2016:
- Congratulations to Eric on presenting his second mini-seminar!
- Paper describing the “Cellular Endocytosis and Trafficking of Cholera Toxin B-Modified Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles” published as an advance article (Jan 18th, 2016) in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Congratulations Will and Mubin!
December, 2015:
- Paper describing a novel redox-responsive porphyrin-based polysilsesquioxane platform for photodynamic therapy of cancer cells published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Congratulations Dee and Pat!
- Paper on mesoporous silica nanoparticles loaded with cisplatin and phthalocyanine for combination chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy in vitro published in Nanomaterials, Congratulations Maram!
November, 2015:
- Welcome Dr. Ridhima Juneja and Paula Loman-Cortes to the V-lab!
- The Dhyani Chapter (UNC Charlotte) of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority Inc. and the V-lab visited Hidden Valley Elementary School as part of our outreach program –Think Big, Do Nano–
September, 2015:
- Welcome Mubin Tarannum and Trang Tran to the V-lab
August, 2015:
- Congrats to Dr. Merlis Alvarez-Berrios who is now an Assistant Professor in the Inter American University of Puerto Rico!
- Welcome Rachel and Julius to the group!
July, 2015:
- Thanks to all V-lab member for a great summer!!
- Congrats to Jessica for her successsful participation in the NanoSURE Summer Research Program
- Congrats to Jared for his successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program (Good job!)
- Jessica presented poster at the CRS symposium, great job!
- Huge congratulations to Daniel (Dee) Vega who successfully defended his M.S. thesis!
- Dr. Merlis P. Alvarez-Berrios is leaving the lab after almost a year working in the development of MSNs as delivery agents. We wish her the best in her return to Puerto Rico.
June, 2015:
- Welcome (NC-MSEN Pre-College Program)
- Dr. Vivero gave a seminar at the CEPOF, Sao Carlos, Brazil.
May, 2015:
- Welcome Jessica Hovey NanoSURE Summer Research Program (Oakland University)
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk and presented a poster at the 15th International Photodynamic Association World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Congrats to the class of 2015 from the M.S. program! In special our own graduates Dee and Will!
- Congrats Sheram Serrano-Camacho, Alexandra Hurst and Amir Hashemi (Class of 2015!!)
- Congrats Amir Hashemi for getting the Lous G Daignault-Legacy Award!
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the CBES retreat
- Eric Fink, Zach Lyles, Dee Vega and Will Walker presented posters at the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science (UNCC) retreat
April, 2015:
- Huge congratulations to Will Walker who successfully defended his M.S. thesis! The first graduate student in the V-lab to do so!
- Congratulations to Alexandra Hurst for winning the 2nd place in Chemistry at the Undergraduate Research Conference!
- Thanks Sheram, Laura, Victoria, Sebin and Dee for your great job at the UNCC Science and Technology Expo 2015! The “Think Big, Do Nano” workshop was again very successful at the UNCC Expo!
- Dr. Vivero receives the CLAS Junior Faculty Development Award!
- Alexandra Hurst presented poster in the Undergraduate Research Conference at UNC Charlotte. Thanks for representing the group!
- Will Walker gave an oral presentation at the Society for Biomaterials 2015 Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC. Great job!
- Amir Hashemi, Eric Fink and Dr. Vivero presented posters at the Society for Biomaterials 2015 Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC.
- Congratulations to Eric on passing his first mini-seminar!
March, 2015:
- Will Walker gave an oral presentation at the 249th ACS National Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Great job!
February, 2015:
- Congratulations to Dee on passing his second mini-seminar!
January, 2015:
- Welcome Alexandra Hurst, Sheram Serrano-Camacho (welcome back!), Thomas Petruska and Sebin Yang to the V-lab!
- Welcome Victoria Sutherland
December, 2014:
- Congratulations Dr. Mukherjee (Department of Biological Sciences, UNCC) and Dr. Vivero-Escoto for getting funding from NIH to support their research in the use of silica nanoparticles to treat pancreatic cancer!
- Congratulations Dr. Vivero-Escoto for the acceptance of his chapter in the book: “Photodynamic Therapy: Fundamentals, Applications and Health Outcomes.” https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=53279
- After more than one year in the V-lab, Jimmy is leaving for good. Jimmy, all the best in your future projects!
November, 2014:
- Congrats Will on your amazing second mini-seminar!
- Welcome Andrea Ceja-Fernandez to the V-lab! Andrea is PhD candidate from the CIO (Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, Mexico). She is going to be working in the V-lab for a month.
October, 2014:
- Thanks to Dee Vega and Austin Gibbs for presenting posters at the 2nd annual UNC Charlotte / NC State Joint Photochemistry Symposium
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the 2nd annual UNC Charlotte / NC State Joint Photochemistry Symposium
- Thanks to Will Walker for presenting poster at the 66th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Nashville, TN
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the 66th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Nashville, TN
- Welcome Eric Fink (MS Chemistry program) to the V-lab!
September, 2014:
- Congratulations to Dr. Yusuke Yamauchi, Dr. Kevin C-W Wu, Dr. Ya-Dong Chiang, and Dr. Juan L Vivero-Escoto for being selected to receive the STAM Best Paper Award 2014! http://iopscience.iop.org/1468-6996/page/15th-anniversary.
August, 2014:
- Welcome postdoctoral associate Dr. Merlis Alvarez-Berrios into the group
July, 2014:
- Thanks to all V-lab members for a great summer!!
- Congrats to Breyinn and Pat for their successful participation in the NanoSURE Summer Research Program
- Thanks to Camila and Maram for their participation in the V-lab high school summer research program, great experience! Maram is going to be working in the V-lab for a while in her own project (awesome!)
- Congrats to Charles for his successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Program (Good job!)
- Congrats to Amir for his successful participation in the Charlotte Research Scholar program
- Breyinn, Pat and Amir presented posters at the CRS symposium, great job!
- Outreach program “Think Big, Do Nano:” Thanks Kristen, Caroline, Breyinn and Pat for your great job at the Discovery Place!!
- Outreach program “Think Big, Do Nano:” Thanks Caroline, Breyinn and Pat for presenting the workshop at the GEAR-UP UNCC!
June, 2014:
- Welcome Charles Hood (NC-MSEN Pre-College Program)
- Welcome Camila Vallejo and Maram Elnagheeb (V-lab high school summer research program)
- Congrats Dee for completing your first mini-seminar!
May, 2014:
- Welcome to Breyinn Loftin NanoSURE Summer Research Program (Hampton University)
- Congratulations Daniel DeCillis class of 2014!!
- Congrats Amir Hashemi for getting the Louis G Daignault-Legacy Award
April, 2014:
- Thanks to Dee Vega for presenting poster at the annual CBES retreat
- Outreach program “Think Big, Do Nano:” Thanks Sheram, Caroline, Tim and Pat for your awesome work at the UNCC Science and Technology Expo!!
- Congrats Will for completing your first mini-seminar!
- Congrats to Amir Hashemi and Pat Lodge for getting Charlotte Research Scholar and NanoSURE REU fellowships this summer
March, 2014:
- Paper on stimuli-responsive protoporphyrin IX silica-based nanoparticles accepted on RSC Advances, Congratulations Daniel Vega!.
- Conference proceeding on porphyrin-based polysilsesquioxane nanoparticles to improve photodynamic therapy published on-line. Congratulations Daniel DeCillis, Laura Fritts and Daniel Vega!.
- Thanks Dee Vega and Amir Hashemi for presenting posters at the 247th National ACS meeting. Dallas, Tx.
- Think Big, Do Nano (outreach program): Hidden Valley Elementary School visit our lab!
February, 2014:
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNW)
- Welcome Caroline Gembs (B.S. Chemistry student)
January, 2014:
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA
- Welcome Zachary (Zach) Lyles (Nanoscale Science Ph. D. student).
November, 2013:
- Congratulations to Dee Vega for getting the CBES travel award.
- Thanks Amir Hashemi for presenting poster at SNCURCS 2013, Charlotte NC
- Thanks, Laura and Dee for presenting posters at the SERMACS 2013, Atlanta, GA.
October, 2013:
- Danielle Ross, Dee Vega and Dr. Vivero gave a talk at Opportunity Middle School as part of our outreach program –Think Big, Do Nano–
September, 2013:
- Congratulations Dr. Mukherjee and Dr. Vivero for receiving CBES seed grant
- Welcome Will Walker and Dee Vega
- UNC-Charlotte Nanoscale Science Program highlighted by Charlotte Business Magazine
August, 2013:
- Welcome Alisa, Sheram, Cesar and Daniel
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at his Alma Mater: The School of Chemical Engineering of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City
- Dr. Vivero gave a talk at the XXII International Materials Research Congress in Cancun Mexico
July, 2013:
- Welcome Jimmy Pan (Laboratory Assistant)
- Thanks to all the members of the V-lab for their hard work during summer! It was a great summer.
- Dee Vega and Dr. Vivero-Escoto presented posters at STEM Career Pathways-2013 (Speedology). Our Outreach Program “Think Big/Do Nano” is officially launched!
- Congratulation to Preston Pope for his successful participation in the CRS Program.
- Congratulation to Laura Fritts for her successful participation in the NanoSURE Program.
- Congratulations to Jaquan Dozier for his successful participation in the NC-MSEN Pre-College Research Experience Internship Program.
- Dr. Vivero presented a poster at Gordon Research Conference: Cancer Nanotechnology in Mountain Snow Resort, VT
- Laura and Preston presented posters at the Carolina Research Symposium. Thanks for representing the V-Lab.
June, 2013:
- Welcome Jaquan DeAndre Dozier (NC-MSEN Pre-College Program)
- Dr. Vivero-Escoto´s ORAU Junior Faculty Enhancement Award highlighted by Inside UNC Charlotte
May, 2013:
- Congratulations to Dee Vega for being accepted in the Master in Science Program (Chemistry, UNC-Charlotte)
- Welcome Laura Fritts NanoSURE Summer Research Program (UNC-Charlotte)
- Congratulations Dee Vega (B.S. in Biology/B.A. in Chemistry) and Ankit Amin (B.A. Chemistry) class of 2013!
- Congratulations to Danielle Ross for being accepted in the Summer Research Program at Wake Forest School of Medicine
April, 2013:
- Dr. Vivero-Escoto receives Wells Fargo Faculty Excellence award
- Congratulations to Dee Vega for his participation in the UNC-Charlotte Undergraduate Research Conference
- Congratulations to Preston Pope for receiving Charlotte Research Scholar fellowship for summer research
March, 2013:
- Welcome Amir Hashemi to join the group
January, 2013:
- Welcome Sydney Kent, Ankit Amin, Preston Pope and Pat Lodge to join the group
Thanks for visiting our website! Please check back again soon for updates.