- Home
- Course Materials
- LBST 2212 Literature and Culture
- RELS 1120: Bible and its Interpreters
- RELS 1502 Comparative Mythology
- RELS 2000: Topics Courses in Religious Studies
- RELS 2104: Hebrew Scriptures/Old Testament
- RELS 2600 Orientation to the Study of Religion
- RELS 3000: Special Topics Courses
- RELS 3090: Readings in Primary Texts
- RELS 3104: Prophecy and Prophetic Literature in Ancient Israel
- RELS 3107: Psalms and Wisdom Literature of Israel
- RELS 3122 Esoteric Traditions: Gnosis and Gnosticism
- RELS 3122 Esoteric Traditions: Jewish Secret Traditions
- RELS 3122 Esoteric Traditions: Thinking About Angels and Demons
- RELS 4000/5000 Advanced Biblical Hebrew
- RELS 4000/5000 Blood, Guts, and Gore
- RELS 4000/5000 Contextualizing the Qur’an
- RELS 4000/5000 Early Mythologies of Evil
- RELS 4000/5000 Jewish Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
- RELS 4000/5000 Jewish Fantasy Literature
- RELS 4000/5000 Jewish Mystical Literature
- RELS 4010/5010: James G. Frazer and William Robertson Smith
- RELS 4107: Early Judaism
- RELS 4108: Medieval Judaism
- RELS 6000: Pluriform Multilingual Zechariah
- RELS 6000: Readings in Jewish Aramaic
- RELS 6000: Readings in Rabbinic Hebrew
- RELS 6000: Readings in Syriac
- RELS 6000: Readings in Ugaritic
- RELS 6602: Seminar in the Religion of Ancient Israel
- RELS 6603 Seminar in Early Judaism
- RELS 6611: Qumran and its Literature
- RELS 6615: Seminar in the Religions of Late Antiquity
- RELS 6631: Seminar in Islamic Studies
- RELS 6651: Seminar in the History of Religions
- Publications
- Research Projects
- Cave of Treasures: A New Translation and Commentary
- Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- Illuminating the Afterlife of Ancient Apocryphal Jewish Literature
- Medieval Jewish Pseudepigrapha
- Sefer ‘Uzza wa-‘Aza(z)el: Exploring Early Jewish Mythologies of Evil
- Shades of Light and Darkness: Chaldean Dualism, Gnosis, and the Islamicate Milieu
- Shahrastani’s Kitab al-Milal wa’l-Nihal On the Dualists
- Trajectories in Near Eastern Apocalyptic
- ’Otot ha-Mašiah (Signs of the Messiah)
- ’Otot of R. Shimon b. Yohai
- Aggadat ha-Mašiah
- Aggadat R. Ishmael
- Eldad ha-Dani beney Mosheh texts
- Midrash Wa-yosha` (end)
- Nistarot (Secrets of) R. Shimon b. Yohai
- Pirqe de-R. Eliezer §30 (end)
- Pirqe Mašiah
- Prophecy of Zardusht
- Pseudo-Ephrem (Syriac)
- Responsum of Hai Gaon on Redemption
- Sefer Elijah
- Sefer Zerubbabel
- Tefillat (Prayer of) R. Shimon b. Yohai
- Ten Further Things About the Messianic Days
- Ten Signs
- Testament of Adam
- Links
- Cuneiform Studies Laboratory