Nima Jalali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing in the Belk College of Business at UNC Charlotte. Dr. Jalali’s primary research interests include digital marketing, social media, unstructured data analytics such as textual analysis and image analytics. In his research, he develops and utilizes empirical models to gain marketing insights from customer’s activities, which potentially informs firms to enhance their digital and social media strategies and tactics. His research has appeared in International Journal of Research in Marketing, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Econometrics Reviews, and Journal of Multivariate Analysis. His recent work looked at the role of topic word composition in tweet on retweets, the effect of color composition on click-rates in visual commerce, and the role of peripheral cues on product page visits and conversion from visual user-generated content. Dr. Jalali has a Ph.D. in Marketing Science and Quantitative Methods from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, an MBA from the University of Tehran, and he has completed his B.S. in engineering.