
09/12/2023: Dr. Yan was awarded the 2023 EMGS Education Award in recognition of his sincere dedication to students and young investigator members of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS).

09/12/2023: Congratulations go to Jia and Anne on their EMGS Travel Award to support their presentations at the 2023 EMGS annual meeting at Chicago.

06/13/2023: Dr. Yan delivered a webinar to the NIH DNA Repair Interest Group titled “Functional studies of APE1/2 in genome integrity and cancer etiology” (weblink: https://videocast.nih.gov/watch=46297 )

05/22/2023: “Finding a cure for cancer, one DNA damage pathway at a time”. The Yan lab is featured in News and Features @Inside UNC Charlotte (weblink).

03/31/2023: Dr. Yan and Dr. Das represents FASEB on Capitol Hill. News and Events @Duke University (weblink).

03/29/2023: Dr. Yan was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Data Science Faculty Research Award (SDS weblink; DBS weblink).

03/16/2023: Researchers highlight nucleolar DNA damage response in fight against cancer. News and Features @Inside UNC Charlotte weblink and News release @EurekAlert weblink.

10/27/2020: Brianna is one of the spotlight students on our DBS website (weblink)

10/22/2020: Jude has been awarded The UNC Charlotte Young Alumni Chapter’s 10 Under Ten Awards . (weblink)

04/07/2020: Anh has successfully defended her MS thesis via WebEX. Congrats Anh!

02/29/2020: Katie‘s bioinformatics analysis of APE2 in cancers has been published in Scientifif Reports. Congrats Katie!

12/12/2019: The role of APE1 in SSB repair and signaling has been published in Nucleic Acids Research! Congrats to all authors especially Lin and Jude!

12/08/2019: Steven‘s paper was published in Biochemical Journal. Congrats!

08/15/2019: Dr. Yan was honored for his promotion to Full Professor and presented with a Jeffeson Cup by the Provost and Faculty Council President (weblink).

07/16/2019: Jude was honored in news at Inside UNC Charlotte titled “Undergraduate research leads alum to Yale and Duke Medical”. (weblink)

07/10/2019: Steven defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Cupello!

06/04/2018“Biologist receives prestigious NIH R01 research grant”. Inside UNC Charlotte (weblink ).

01/08/2018Our paper entitled “APE2 promotes DNA damage response pathway from a single-strand break” has been accepted for publication in Nucleic Acids Research!!! Congrats to all authors …:-) Great team work!

11/29/2017 Melissa won the 2018 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award from the Graduate School. Congratulations!

8/8/2017 Katie has been awarded the ANSWER Scholarship and featured on ANSWER Scholarship website.

Congratulations! (http://answerscholarship.org/ )

04/13/2017: Tess has been awarded the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Congratulations! Here is the university news about the award (weblink ).

12/27/2016: A PNAS paper authored by Zack and Lin has been online in early edition. Well done!

12/08/2016: The door of the lab is decorated for the holidays! Good team work!


11/30/2016: Melissa defended her M.S. thesis. Congrats!

05/31/2016: Victoria joined the lab as NSF REU participant. Welcome.

04/27/2016: Jude defended his honors thesis in biology. Congrats! Enjoy your new life @ Yale University!!

04/14/2016: Steven‘s invited review article was accepted for publication at Int. J. Dev. Biol. Congrats!

01/15/2016: Our lab is featured in the EXCHANGE: “Cell self-repair, researcher uncovers clues to cancer, neurodegenerative disorders” (Words: Tyler Harris; Image: Lynn Roberson). (here is the weblink)


01/12/2016: Anh joined the lab. Welcome!

10/21/2015: Tess and Dafe joined the lab. Welcome!

08/2015: A news entitled “Researcher shares lessons from his lab with Lab Animal journal” was published in the INK column in EXCHANGE. (here is the weblink)

08/05/2015: Lin joined the lab as a postdoc fellow. Welcome!

04/24/2015: Jude and Krystal gave short talks at the Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Jude win the 1st place Departmental Award (with $100). Congratulations!

03/20/2015: Jude has been selected by the NSF BITURE REU program with a stipend of $5,250 and a subsistence allowance. Congratulations!

03/17/2015: Levine Scholar Vrushab has been offered by the MD program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Congratulations!

03/16/2015: CRS Scholar Krystal has been offered by the MD program at University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Congratulations!

03/04/2015: The manuscript, co-first authored by Darla and Melissa, has been accepted for publication in BBRC. Congrats!

08/08/2014: Steven and Melissa joined the lab as new graduate students. Welcome!

07/23/2014: Krystal presented her work to the third annual UNC Charlotte Summer Research Symposium.

06/05/2014: Our invited review article has been accepted by Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Zack shares authorship on the paper. Congrats!

06/02/2014: Brad joined the lab as new graduate student . Welcome! So Zack is not new anymore.

04/25/2014: Jude delivered an oral presentation to Undergraduate Research Conference and won honorable mention. Congrats!

04/11/2014: Zack delivered his poster to the CBES annual retreat in the Center City.

04/03/2014: Charlotte Research Scholar Krystal joined the lab for the 2014 Charlotte Research Scholars Summer program and her Honors thesis in Biology. Welcome!

03/23/2014:  Zack presented his poster to the Graduate Research Symposium at the Atkins Library.

03/20/2014:  Shan delivered a poster presentation to the Gordon Research Conference – DNA Damage, Mutation & Cancer in Ventrura, CA.

01/11/2014:  Peyman “Alex” Gharavizadeh joined the lab as a undergraduate student researcher. Welcome!

01/09/2014: Liping‘s paper has been accepted for publication in Cellular Signalling. Well done! It is a good start of 2014.

12/2013: Yogin was featured in a news entitled “Biology honors alumnus gained research experience with practical implications” in the Alumni & Friends Column in EXCHANGE by the CLAS. (here is the weblink!)


06/14/2013: The news entitled “New findings regarding DNA damage checkpoint mechanism in oxidative stress” was released featuring our published PNAS paper. Congrats to Jeremy, Yogin and Barry! Great team work of graduate and undergraduate students! (here is the weblink)