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Ming-Chun Lee

His recent class projects and research findings have been published in a number of journals or news articles:
- Scenario Planning with GIS: A Tale of Two Cities:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsui2PqoGuI
- Geodesigning Coastal Cities: The Case of Wilmington, NC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Yx0ro9BzeU
- Geodesign scenarios: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204616302468
- (Geo)Design Coastal Cities: Design with Data (and Nature too): http://www.theplanjournal.com/article/geodesign-coastal-cities-design-data-and-nature-too
- Grad Students Reenvision Neighborhood’s Future Using 3D GIS: https://www.esri.com/about/newsroom/arcnews/grad-students-reenvision-neighborhoods-future-using-3d-gis/
As a tool for public engagement, GIS has its roots in participatory approaches to planning and design, bringing mapping practices to local communities in order to promote public discloses, knowledge production, and problem-solving for shared challenges. I have been particularly interested in data visualizations using 2D mapping and 3D modeling. Over the past year, I have focused my research on Augmented Reality (AR) with the belief that AR offers an interactive method to expand both non-computerized and computerized visualization techniques in planning and design. My work in AR has brought attention from many local organizations and generated interests for future collaborations, including Knight Foundation, Levine Museum of the New South, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library, and OpenStreets704. I have recently been selected as one of the five Knight Foundation-Niantic Labs AR Fellows. With the support of this fellowship, I have organized a special event in which we incorporated the popular Pokémon-GO game into an OpenStreets704 event in order to encourage more public participation to this type of community event.
Knight Foundation-Niantic Labs AR Fellows Program: https://nianticlabs.com/blog/knightfellowsaug2018/
Urban Design Professor Named Niantic/Knight Fellow: https://inside.uncc.edu/news-features/2018-09-04/urban-design-professor-named-nianticknight-fellow
OpenStreets704 Fall 2018 Pokémon-GO game: http://openstreets704.com/open-streets-704-teams-up-again-with-niantic-and-pokemon-go/2018/