Please check out the Debate team. We’re relatively new but have grown out of the long-standing Charlotte Speech Team: Instagram and NinerEngage.
Debate Practices for Spring 2025: Tuesdays, 5:30pm-6:30pm in Fretwell 219.
Contact Dr. Aaron Toscano (atoscano) for more information.
- February 25, 2025
GOP control of the US House of Representatives, US Senate, and White House means Republicans have a mandate to lead the country.
AFF: Isaac
NEG: Neil - February 18, 2025
- Novice Nationals at Berry College in Rome, GA
February 28-March 2nd; we’ll depart Thursday, 2/27 - Consider doing an Individual Event (IE) in addition to IPDA, which is on Friday, 2/28
- This letter has all the events, times, and rule changes (no coaching once resolutions are out, p. 6)
This page (and subsequent pages) will serve as a home for instructing participants interested in the debate style from the International Public Debate Association (IDPA). In addition to resources for the structure of an IPDA round and strategies.
Debate Organizations (we aren’t members of all of these)
- American Forensics Association (AFA)
- National Debate Tournament (NDT)
- Pi Kappa Delta (PDK or “Pi Kap”)
The Affirmative absolutely must establish the voting mechanism(s) and explain + defend the significance throughout. It might be good to review pages 10-11 in the Lee College GUIDE TO IPDA DEBATE on “Rebuttals” to remind yourselves of the goal of the rebuttals–to capitalize on your strongest arguments. For instance, the column on the left is a voting propositional, and the column on the right is the significance attached:
Voter | Significance |
Net Benefits Cost-Benefit Analysis | * Doing this leads to benefits that outweigh costs * The status quo has little to no benefit |
Value: Human Life | * Must protect human lives * All lives matter * Humanity is paramount |
Value: No Racism | * Must always vote against racism * No place for racism in the world * Ultimate evil to allow racism to continue |
Any Value to Uphold | * Most important thing in the universe * No compromise possible * MUST TAKE ACTION NOW (can’t wait) |
Utilitarianism More Good Than Harm (51%…) | * This position provides the most good * Support why the “good” is the appropriate voter * Maximize benefits / Minimize harms |
Preponderance of Evidence (not usually appropriate) | * Provide plenty of outside support * Use statistics and weigh their significance * Explain why your sources are appropriate |