Bend agenda

Draft Agenda
INSS Annual Conference
April 8-10, 2015
Oregon State University, Cascades, Site

This year, in an effort to reduce travel impacts, we are experimenting with a novel hybrid conference model. Several “nodes” are available for participants to gather and engage with us:

UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Oregon State Univ. Cascades, Bend, OR

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
University College London, London, UK

Some sessions will be for local attendees only, but many of the sessions, including the keynote session, will be shared during on-line connections times.

All sites will be exploring the intersection of infrastructure and social sustainability. Through our keynote presentation and the infrastructure sub-themes each site has elected to emphasize, we will consider the ways in which we understand, study, and create linkages between infrastructure and social sustainability.

The INSS OSU–Cascades site, located in Bend, Oregon, will focus its efforts at understanding the social, cultural, and physical infrastructure necessary to implement sustainable solutions. What we want to know is this: What do we need to turn ideas into action? Along those lines we are inviting researchers from around the Pacific Northwest to speak with local practitioners about issues such as how we build bike cultures; how freedom of information and a free press encourage grass roots sustainability; and what are the psychological impacts of environmental connection? We believe people want to be sustainable – what we need to know next is how to convert these ideals into embedded, sustainable lives.

Thursday, April 9, 2015
(red denotes events simulcast across all sites)
8:00 am Formal Welcome and Site Introductions (all sites)
9:00 am

Keynote speaker: Adjo A. Amekudzi-Kennedy, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech (all sites)

Infrastructure Investment to Create Enduring and Human-Centered Wealth: A Capital Asset Management Theoretic and Analytical Framework

Viewing the development of towns, cities, nations and regions through the lens of a capital asset management theoretic framework can tell us different stories about the holistic management of capital to create human-centered wealth. This talk presents a capital asset management theoretic framework and analytical model for conceptualizing and evaluating sustainable development. Sustainable development is modeled as a function of an entity’s capital stocks, and the rates of use of these stocks to generate human-centered capital, relative to their rates of regeneration. The framework is applied to selected nations to explore sustainable development risks and opportunities relative to dynamics in human, economic and environmental capital, and to envision infrastructure investment alternatives to create enduring and human-centered wealth.

10:30 am Cross-site shared activities (select one to attend in person or join online):
  Bend: Communities of Well-being, Eco-wellness, and Building sustainable mental health systems
  Charlotte: Planning for Social Sustainability
Using the premise that social sustainability is most useful as a process rather than a set of objective criteria, several INSS investigators will guide attendees through considering how groups can engage in making and sharing each other’s plans to better understand how different “sustainabilities” across different organizations and interest groups complement and contradict one another. We will have the opportunity to grapple with how to help previously disparate groups begin to internalize each other’s priorities.
  Lansing: Sustainability, Transdisciplinarity, and Infrastructure in Detroit
  London: Building the Engineering Exchange: experiences and lessons
  Phoenix: Six major themes/issues related to social sustainability that we are pursuing at ASU
11:15 am Cross-site presentation session (all sites) and heavy appetizers
  Presenters at all sites will be available (online and in person) to discuss their presentations, which will be available online ahead of time in some format.
12:30 pm Lunch
2:30 pm

Sara and Andrea The Library is Open : Evolving definitions of library collections, patrons, and access;

Amanda Green – Social and sustainable dimensions of sub-Arctic food systems: The case of northern Sweden

3:30 pm Break
4:00 pm  Panel (Campus Invited): Steve Fisher, Thomas Doherty, and Elizabeth Marino “The Social Dimension of Sustainability, Access, Eco-Diversity – what’s the point of it all and what are some ways forward?”
5:30 pm Cocktail party in the Atrium
Friday, April 10, 2015
(red denotes events simulcast across all sites)
8:00 am Social sustainability initiatives in planning and engineering organizations: We will hear from representatives from several national organizations about their sustainability efforts.
9:30 am Cross-site conference conclusion
10:00 am

Local solutions to sustainability issues: presentations followed by round table

Jenna Tilt – Green Infrastructure: Overcoming institutional and social boundaries in small communities

Beth Marino The Social Infrastructure of a Sustainable Campus: Looking forward at OSU-Cascades

Emily Boyer – The Sustainable Potential of “Non-Profit” Organizations

12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Panel: Climate Change Discourses Panel: Ronald Mitchell , Peter Howe: What people know; what they need to know
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm

Large scale solutions:

Briana Goodwin – An evaluation of Oregon State University’s process for siting their proposed grid-connected wave energy test facility

Bryan Tilt – Establishing   a Global Database to Analyze the Social Impacts of Dams: Problems and Prospects

3:45 pm Break
4:00 pm Steve’s Film and discussion, then dinner
Saturday, April 11, 2015
(red denotes events simulcast across all sites)
9:00 am Round table on scale, solutions, and the way forward. How do we translate knowledge to Action?
11:00 am Option for walk along the Deschutes River with picnic lunch