2016 Call for submissions

Call for submissions
INSS 2016 Conference, June 8-10


We are no longer accepting abstracts for the 2016 conference, however check out another opportunity below.



Call for proposals: The Centre for Design and Innovation for Sustainable Transitions at Aalborg University in Copenhagen(Denmark) is honoured to host the meeting with the following themes:


Sustainability, Social Justice and Peace: Sustainability has been on the policymaking agenda since Rio 1992 and has now regained visibility with the replacement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet in this 23-year span, sustainability efforts have fallen short of including social justice and peace, and especially considering the role of engineers in this inclusion. We invite contributions that shed light on how engineers and engineering can contribute to the SDGs particularly emphasizing aspects of social justice and peace.

Migration and Refugees Crises: The last two years have seen sharp increases in the number of migrants and refugees fleeing from human conflict and extreme natural events (e.g., war in Syria, ethnic cleansing in Sudan, the mining disaster in Minas Gerais, Brasil, or the earthquake in Nepal). These crises pose humanitarian challenges of immediate response and long-term solutions. We invite contributions addressing the causes of the crises as well as their solutions, emphasizing the role that engineers and engineering can play in bringing social justice and peace to these challenges.

Other topics that address the intersection of engineering and social justice/peace, including militarism and war, energy and environment, food and water systems, transportation infrastructure, bio/nano/info technologies, community engagement initiatives, engineering education for social justice/peace, and others.

Across all themes we encourage contributions that speak to root causes of social injustice – for example, capitalism, militarism, racism, colonialism, and xenophobia figure prominently in the themes selected for this year’s conference.  Whether the contribution focuses on analysis of injustice or in developing strategies for building a more just world, keeping root causes at the center can ensure that social justice is addressed directly.

Format: Interactive presentations, workshops, and other activities emphasizing audience engagement. We encourage participants to use active participatory methodologies with minimal use of projected slideshow presentations (e.g., Power Point, Keynote, or similar). We encourage active dialogue, discussion, and collective elaboration of presentation themes.

Proposals for participation should include a title, names and affiliations of contributors, the proposed contribution format (e.g., interactive presentation, roundtable, workshop, performance, other), and an abstract not longer than 300 words.

Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2016

Full papers are not required for participation in the conference. However, we invite interested participants to submit full papers for publication consideration in the International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace. Submissions received by 11 July 2016 will be reviewed before the conference by the Journal’s editors, who will be available at the conference to discuss your submission. Go to esjp.org/publications/journal for more information.

Organizers: Andrés Valderrama afvp@plan.aau.dk and Ulrik Jørgensen uljo@plan.aau.dk

Center for Design and Innovation for Sustainable Transitions

Aalborg University – Copenhagen Campus

A C Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen SV 2450, Denmark


Call for abstracts
5th International Social LCA 2016 Conference, June 13-15

The INSS is also sharing the 5th International Social LCA conference call for abstracts. The conference will be held June 13 – 15 2016 in Cambridge, United States.

The seminar theme ‘Moving markets on social sustainability’ aims to foster a synergy between the worlds of research and business. It provides a forum to exchange and discuss advances in social life cycle assessment.

The International Conference in Social LCA is the largest event in this field, and the only one that focuses specifically on quantitative and systemic assessment of social impacts and progress in supply chains and product life cycles. This means that attendees leave with an increased understanding of the full range of pertinent issues and an increased ability to be change agents in their industry.

SLCA 2016 is back-to-back with the SHINE Summit on NetPositive Sustainability. More information on the 5th international Social LCA conference can be found at the Conference website http://www.slca2016.org.

The deadline for oral and poster presentations is January 8, 2015. Authors will be noticed of abstract acceptance by February 1st. All authors are invited to submit a full paper by March 15th 2016. Please submit your abstract as soon as possible through the Conference abstracts and registration platform: slca2016.exordo.com.