Opportunity to join the June INSS conference as a microsite

Opportunity to join the June INSS conference as a microsite


The INTEGRATED NETWORK FOR SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY (INSS) invites universities, non-profits, businesses, departments, faculty, staff, sustainability directors, or graduate students to organize a micro-site for this year’s Social Sustainability conference on June 5, 6, and 7, 2017. 

INSS is an interdisciplinary network that explores the social consequences and social remedies to challenging twenty-first century environmental crises. Each year, we host a conference that utilizes a “hub” model in which several physical conference sites are linked together via online software for a set of events. We have participants from all over the world, including MICRO-SITES, or small independent satellite meetings that tune-in to portions of the “main” conference, but also focus on local issues of social sustainability at their respective locations. 

View the INSS microsite webinar to learn more!

Hosting a micro-site is a low-cost opportunity to engage students and colleagues on the meanings and challenges of social sustainability. 

How to be a micro-site host in 5 simple steps:

1. Learn more.
Watch the INSS microsite webinar to learn about the conference and get answers to your questions.

The links included in the webinar slides are here:

•Email Brett at socialsustainabilitynetwork@gmail.com if you have any questions or want to explore custom possibilities
And if you have time, please give us feedback on the webinar.

2. Register

Sign up to be a microsite using this form by March 16, 2017.

3. Connect.
Leading up to the conference in June, INSS organizers will host pre-conference calls to test communication technology. The earlier you sign up as a microsite, the more you can be involved, if you want. 

4: Host.
Sometime between June 5-7, 2017. You can make it as ‘micro’ or ‘macro’ as you want and develop your own sub-theme. The details are up to you. All you need is a reliable internet connection and a space to meet.

5: Follow-up.
Afterwards, INSS organizers will ask you for feedback and a photo of the group. 

Questions? Contact Laura at socialsustainabilitynetwork@gmail.com or socialsustainabilitynetwork.org

Stay tuned for more announcements and ways to participate in the June 2017 annual conference!