Our members represent a diverse set of professions and backgrounds, and our leadership brings their perspectives to manage the network and its activities.
Steering Committee | Other Committees

Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Adjo’s research, teaching and professional activities focus on civil infrastructure decision making to promote sustainable development.

Senior Lecturer, University College of London
Sarah′s research interests lie in the relationships between engineering, technology and society as they impact on sustainability, particularly in relation to water systems.

Professor of English, University of Cologne, Germany
Christiane′s main areas of interest are theoretical linguistics, especially syntax and morphology, and applied linguistics, in particular second language acquisition and interlanguage representations.

Assist. Prof. Geography and Earth Sciences, UNC Charlotte
Robert’s interests are in urban and regional planning, planning for climate mitigation and adaption and socio-technical systems and transition management.

Chief Strategy Officer & Executive, T2VX
Henry has over twenty-five years of business experience in banking and telecommunications and extensive volunteer leadership experience in non-profits.

Civil & Environmental Engineer and Program Manager
Craig’s work has focused on identifying and promoting sustainable, multidisciplinary approaches to improving public health and economic growth in the US and communities in East Africa, Asia and Central America.

Chairman, Jemez Health Board
Paul specializes in Tribal Community Development including strategic planning, master planning, resource development and technical assistance.

Assistant Professor of Architecture, UNC Charlotte
In the design studio and the laboratory, Professor Gentry uses a multidisciplinary approach to teach and practice the integrative design process, which is at the core of socially and environmentally responsible design.

Associate Professor, Monterey Institute of International Studies
Kent has focuses his research and teaching on catalyzing new forms of collaboration between public, private, and nonprofit actors.

Associate Professor Emerita, UNC Charlotte
Dr. Hilger founded the University’s IDEAS Center (Infrastructure, Design, Environment and Sustainability) and directed it until her retirement in July 2012. She founded and was the first chair of the national ASCE’s (American Society of Civil Engineers’) Environmental and Water Resources Institute Sustainable Engineering Committee.

Director, Center for Engineering, Ethics and Society at the National Academy of Engineering
Rachelle directed science and engineering ethics activities for many years at NSF where she was instrumental in the development of the fields of research ethics and professional responsibility, engineering ethics, and ethics and risk management.

Strategic Advisor, Seattle Public Utilities
Rick has primarily worked within the field of Stormwater Management.

Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, UNC Charlotte
Elizabeth′s research uses fine-grained discourse analysis in exploring issues relating to identity, power relations, and language ideologies as they emerge in interactions involving adult immigrant learners of English.

Associate Professor of English, UNC Charlotte
Jen brings together her twin interests in early modern English literature and environmental studies in her courses on early modern English poetry and prose, Shakespeare, ecostudies, food studies, and gender studies. Her work focuses on ecofeminism and history of science.

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, UNC Charlotte
Nicole′s publications address participatory processes and decision-making in institutional contexts, the cultural and economic changes of communities involved in natural resource management, and the role of agricultural development projects in mitigating climate risks.

Sustainability Officer, Mecklenburg County
Heidi is primarily responsible for development of the Mecklenburg Livable Communities Plan and administering the Mecklenburg County Environmental Sustainability Plan.

Director – School of Sustainability, Arizona State University
Charles′s interests include human impacts on the environment, sustainable landscapes, rapidly urbanizing regions, urban ecology, environmental education, and public outreach.

Professor of History of Science, Stanford University
Londa is and award winning author and a leading international authority on gender and science

Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
Cristiane′s area of expertise include characterization of pollutants in surface waters and remediation of soil and groundwater. She is chair of the Sustainability Committee of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNC Charlotte
Brett′s research and academic expertise is in waste-sourced construction materials, sustainable design strategies and engineering for developing areas.

W.K. Kellogg Professor, Michigan State University
Paul has published widely in the philosophy of agricultural science and has written extensively on controversies involving genetically engineered crops and animals, as well as nanotechnology in the food system.
Advisory Committee
Adjo Amekudzi
Sarah Bell
Christiane M. Bongartz
Henry Doss
Craig Farkos
Paul Fragua
Kent Glenzer
Rick Johnson
Heidi Pruess
Charles Redman
Londa Schiebinger
The advisory committee is a diverse group intended to help guide the INSS through feedback and advice.
Adjo Amekudzi
Sarah Bell
Christiane M. Bongartz
Henry Doss
Craig Farkos
Paul Fragua
Kent Glenzer
Rick Johnson
Heidi Pruess
Charles Redman
Londa Schiebinger
The advisory committee is a diverse group intended to help guide the INSS through feedback and advice.
Projects Committee
Helene Hilger
Rachelle Hollander
Elizabeth Miller
Jennifer Munroe
Nicole Peterson
Cris Surbeck
Brett Tempest
Paul Thompson
Thomas Gentry
The projects committee helps coordinate the projects and activities of the INSS.
Helene Hilger
Rachelle Hollander
Elizabeth Miller
Jennifer Munroe
Nicole Peterson
Cris Surbeck
Brett Tempest
Paul Thompson
Thomas Gentry
The projects committee helps coordinate the projects and activities of the INSS.