Kent Glenzer

Kent GlenzerKent Glenzer has a joint appointment in the MBA and Public Policy schools of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, where he is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Development and interim Chair of the Public Administration program.

His life’s vocation, hobby, obsession, and source of joy is helping social change agents straddle discursive regimes, challenge institutionalized silos, and so nudge entrenched relations of power and privilege towards greater equity.  He has a particular passion towards organizations which self-identify as working towards poverty alleviation, human rights, and gender equity/equality, and unknotting the self- and system-imposed blockages inside these organizations which constrain their impacts.  And their ability to inquire into, claim, and tell their stories around those impacts to their many, incommensurable stakeholders.

Kent’s done much of his work in sub-Saharan Africa, working in 23 countries with international NGOs like CARE, Oxfam America, PATH, and governmental organizations such as Peace Corps over the last three decades.  Since moving into academia in 2011, Kent has focused his research and teaching on catalyzing new forms of collaboration between public, private, and nonprofit actors. He is an Associate Editor for the Action Research Journal.

When not obsessing or teaching about organizations with social justice missions, you can find Kent with his wife of 27 years in the back country trails of Big Sur, the Sierra Nevada, or Santa Cruz mountains.

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