Annotated bibliography

We are starting with a few articles that have helped us think through the project, and with our network members’ help, we will build this into an annotated bibliography and valuable resource for defining, using, and assessing social sustainability  in a variety of contexts.

See also our ongoing wiki bibliography, with many of these included.

  • Adger, W. N., and A. Jordan, eds. 2009. Governing Sustainability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineering). 2004. ASCE Policy Statement 418, The Role of the Civil Engineer in Sustainable Development, approved October 19, 2004.
  • Cialdini, R.B. 2005. Basic social influence is underestimated. Psychological Inquiry, 16(4), 158-161.
  • Colantonio, A. 2007. Social sustainability: An exploratory analysis of its definition, assessment methods, metrics and tools. EIBURS Working Papers Series, July 2007.
  • Collins, S.L., S.R. Carpernter, S.M. Swinton, D.E. Orenstein , D.L. Childers, T.L. Gragson, N.B. Grimm, J.M. Grove, S.L. Harlan, J.P. Kaye, A.K. Knapp, G.P. Kofinas, J.J. Magnuson, W.H. McDowell, J.M. Melack, L.A. Ogden, G.P. Robertson, M.D. Smith, and A.C. Whitmer. 2011. An integrated conceptual framework for long-term social–ecological research. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:351-357. doi:
  • Cuthill, M. 2010. Strengthening the ‘social’ in sustainable development: Developing a conceptual framework for social sustainability in a rapid urban growth region in Australia. Sustainable Development, 18 (6): 362-373.
  • Dillard, J.F., V. Dujon, and M.C. King, eds. 2009. Understanding the social dimension of sustainability. Volume 17 of Routledge Studies in Development and Society. New York: Routledge.
  • Duke Energy, 2011. Duke Energy Sustainability Report 2010-2011.
  • Escobar, A. 1998. Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements. Journal of Political Ecology 5: 53-82.
  • Haenn, N. and R. Wilk, eds. 2005. The Environment in Anthropology: A Reader in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable Living. New York: NYU Press.
  • ISI (Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure). 2012. Envision Sustainable Infrastructure Rating System.
  • Kessler, B.L. 2004. Stakeholder participation: a synthesis of current literature. National Marine Protected Areas Center, Santa Cruz, California.
  • Krantz, D., N. Peterson, P. Arora, K. Milch, K., and B. Orlove. 2008. Individual values and social goals in environmental decision making, pp 165-198 IN: Decision Modeling and Behavior in Uncertain and Complex Environments, Eds. Kugler, T.; Smith, J.C.; Connolly, T.; Son, Y.-J. Springer Press.
  • Lehtonen, M. 2004. The environmental-social interface of sustainable development: capabilities, social capital, institutions. Ecological Economics 49: 199-214.
  • Littig, B., and Greissler, E. 2005. Social sustainability: A catchword between political pragmatism and social theory. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8 (1/2), 6579.
  • Liu, J., T. Dietz, S.R. Carpenter, M. Alberti, C. Folke, E.Moran, A.N. Pell, P. Deadman, T. Kratz, J. Lubchenco, E. Ostrom, Z. Ouyang, W. Provencher, C.L. Redman, S. H. Schneider, and W.W. Taylor. 2007. Complexity of coupled human and natural systems. Science 317(5844):1513-1516. [DOI:10.1126/science.1144004]
  • Liu, Y., H. Gupta, E. Springer and T. Wagener. 2008. Linking science with environmental decision making: Experiences from an integrated modeling approach to supporting sustainable water resources management. Environmental Modeling and Software 23:846-858.
  • McDonogh, G., C. Isenhour and M. Checker. 2011. Introduction: sustainability in the city: ethnographic approaches. City & Society, 23: 113–116. doi: 10.1111/j.1548-744X.2011.01057.x
  • Morss, R.E., O.V. Wilhelmi, M.W. Downton, and E. Gruntfest, 2005. Flood risk, uncertainty, and scientific information for decision making: Lessons from an interdisciplinary Project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86: 1593–1601.
  • Murray, J., C. Dey and M. Lenzen. 2006. Systems for social sustainability: global connectedness and the Tuvalu test. ISA Research Paper 02/06,
  • Parkins, J.R., and R.E. Mitchell. 2005. Public participation as public debate: a deliberative turn in natural resource management. Society & Natural Resources 18: 529-540.
  • Rayner, S., H. Ingram, and D. Lach. 2005. Weather forecasts are for wimps: why water resource managers do not use climate forecasts. Climatic Change, 69(2-3):197-227.
  • Reynolds, P. and R. Cavanagh. 2009. Sustainable education: principles and practices. Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education, Nov 29-Dec 3, Canberra, AU.
  • Sitarz, D. 1993. Agenda 21, The Earth Summit Strategy to Save our Planet, Nova Publishing, Happaughe, NY.
  • Smith, N. 2010. Uneven Development: Nature, Capital, and the Production of Space. 3rd edition. New York: Verso Books.
  • Swyngedouw, E. 2004. Social Power and the Urbanization of Water – Flows of Power, University Press, Oxford.
  • USGBC (United States Green Building Council). 2000. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,
  • Vallance, S., H.C. Perkins, and J.E. Dixon. 2011. What is social sustainability? A clarification of concepts, Geoforum, 42(3):342-348, ISSN 0016-7185, 10.1016/j.geoforum.2011.01.002.
  • Weingaertner, C. and Å. Moberg. 2011. Exploring Social Sustainability: Learning from Perspectives on Urban Development and Companies and Products. Sustainable Development. doi: 10.1002/sd.536

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