Last call: Reminder to connect about food interest group and sustainable development goals discussion:
Email us at if you haven’t already to get on the email list for these discussions, which will convene in late August for an initial planning call.
Notice of interesting online event: Transitions to Sustainable Development eConference (free):
The Transitions to Sustainable Development Network (TSDN) brings together researchers, policy analysts, members of interested communities, and scientists to explore the relationships between the social and natural worlds that are mediated by science, technology and human values. This network will officially launch itself with the Transitions to Sustainable Development Social Science e-Conference (25 August ā 8 September).
The theme is Transitions for Sustainable Development ā Social scientists meeting the challenge. The e-conference is an online discussion using the private TSD Network Forum. Anyone is welcome to participate.
Other News:
In other news, working groups are meeting over the summer. If you haven’t heard from your group leader or would like to join a group, please let us know here.