Meeting agenda and keynote speaker announcement: We are finalizing a few items for the April meeting, including our keynote speaker, Julian Agyeman, who works on just sustainabilities and sustainable communities. We also have some exciting manufacturing case studies lined up, and are planning several interactive workshops.
Registration deadlines for the April meeting: Travel funding requests and poster abstracts are due January 15, so register here for the meeting and to apply for travel funding, and see the webpage for information about the poster sessions.
Have you submitted your poster abstract yet? Now is the time to submit it here.
Project updates: The group formerly known as the grid group will be meeting online in January – email us or join a group here to help map the network. The workshops group is also planning some exciting presentations at ACSE events this spring. More on projects here.
INSS blog this month: The INSS blog posts in November included posts by Brett Tempest on teaching engineering students, and Frazier Benza on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. As usual, please enjoy the ideas of our network members and join the conversation through comments and your own posts. Please email us with any ideas for a post of your own.
Know someone who should be a member? We are always recruiting new members for the network, particularly in underrepresented areas, like practitioners in public health, safety, or planning. If you know anyone working in these areas, please recommend them here.
Finally, welcome to our new members, and thanks to those who continue to keep the network active and exciting! Have a happy holiday!
Nicole Peterson