
Publications and other resources from the INSS group:

Online resources:

Resource collection on the OEC on Sustainability. Frazier Benya. Our plan is to add a bibliography and/or materials specific to social sustainability to it. Some of the materials on it already are relevant to social sustainability discussions.

Publications and presentations in 2014

Boyer, Robert. “Sociotechnical Transitions and Urban Planning A Case Study of Eco-Cohousing in Tompkins County, New York.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 34, no. 4 (December 1, 2014): 451–64. doi:10.1177/0739456X14554037.

Surbeck, Cris. “Social Sustainability and Important Indicators in Infrastructure.” Paper submitted to the World Environmental & Water Resources Congress to be held in Portland, OR in June 2014.

Surbeck, Cris. “Engineering Education Case Study: Sustainability in a Service-Learning Course.” Abstract accepted to the first International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, to be held in Long Beach, CA in November 2014.

Peterson, Nicole. “Addressing the social aspects of sustainability” Presentation to UNC Charlotte Geography Department. January 27, 2014.

Publications and presentations in 2013

Peterson, N. Unequal sustainabilities: The role of social inequalities in conservation and development projects. Under review by Economic Anthropology.

Subeck, Cris, Nicole Peterson, and Helene Hilger. INSS_RCNposter. Presented at the 3rd International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE). August 2013.

Peterson, Nicole and Jen Munroe. “Social Sustainability: A Case for a New Conversation.” Paper presented at the UNCC Ethics Center Symposium. April, 2013.

Please email to have your publication about social sustainability listed here.

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