NSF collaboration possibility

NSF collaboration possibility

The goal of the 2014 NSF Sustainability Research Networks Competition (SRN) is to develop and support multidisciplinary teams of researchers, educators, managers, policymakers and other stakeholders working together to conduct cutting-edge research, education and outreach that addresses grand challenges in urban sustainability. SRNs are of a scale and complexity that would not be possible within a single institution, center, or even through the normal collaborative modes of NSF research support. SRN awards are up to $12,000,000 over 4 to 5 years in duration. An estimated 2 – 4 awards will be made.

The overarching question for 2014 is, “How can we develop sustainable, resilient urban systems that provide healthy, safe, and affordable environments for the growing number of people living in cities and their surrounding metropolitan areas across the globe?” Proposers may frame their networks around particular issues or topics important to urban sustainability,Collaborations will cross traditional disciplinary boundaries of the natural sciences, engineering, computing, mathematics, statistics, and computation, the social and behavioral sciences, and educationHumanities research may be included in the team if appropriate to the project scope.

Program solicitation and eligibility: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14534/nsf14534.htm

If interested, please email Dianne Quigley at dianne_quigley_1 [at] brown [dot] edu (no spaces) as soon as possible; she would need to submit a short pre-proposal to Brown by March 24.