Butterfly Highway updates
Those at the 2015 INSS conference in Charlotte had the opportunity to work with INSS member Angel Hjarding on her Butterfly Highway project. We had a great time helping her map the flowering plants in Charlotte’s Druid Hills neighborhood!
If you’re on Facebook, you can also keep up with Angel’s project through her posts, which document the different garden beds she helps the neighborhood install. And we’re hoping she’ll update us on her INSS-sponsored conference travel to Europe this summer to talk about her work.
Great job, Angel! Keep up the good work!
Sounds like a great project! As part of another project I manage, we have created a MIGRATION STORIES tool to help people connect human migration stories to animal migration stories. The tool is free to download and use from the website above. If you use it–please share your feedback! It will be finalized as part of a toolkit to be shared online next year.