Sarah Bell is Senior Lecturer at UCL in the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering. Her research interests lie in the relationships between engineering, technology and society as they impact on sustainability, particularly in relation to water systems. This includes work on water efficiency, the public acceptability of water reuse and water sensitive urban design. She works in collaboration with partners including Thames Water, Waterwise, AECOM and Arup. She is a Chartered Engineer and holds a PhD is in Sustainability and Technology Policy from Murdoch University, Western Australia. She is a previous co-director of the UCL Environment Institute and led the EPSRC funded Bridging the Gaps: Sustainable Urban Spaces project at UCL which provided support for new research collaborations across 26 departments, involving 63 researchers. She also led the EPSRC funded Emerging Sustainability project which involved collaborators from six universities investigating sustainability and complexity in different social, technological and ecological systems.
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