Laursen, Anne Lise, Ismael Arinas Pellón, and Michael S. Doyle. “Español para los negocios.” In Español para Fines Específicos (EFE) / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish for Specific Purposes (SSP). Eds. Barbara A. Lafford, Anita Ferreira Cabrera and Elisabet Arnó Macià. New York, NY: Routledge, 2025, pp. 191-207.
“Business Spanish in the United States: Origins and Continuum.” Hispania, vol. 105.4 (2022): 525-538. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/hpn.2022.0091.
“Introduction: Moving Forward with Spanish for the Professions and Curriculum Development Activism (CDA): Moving Forward with Spanish for the Professions and Specific Purposes (SPSP)Specific Purposes.” Hispania 102.4 (2019): 473–480.
“Foundational Considerations for SPSP [LPSP]-CDA.” Hispania 102.4 (2019): 481–490.
“Extending Models for Adapting Business Language Content to Context: Business Spanish at the United States Air Force Academy.” In Transferable Skills for the 21st Century: Preparing Students for the Workplace through World Languages for Specific Purposes. Eds. Carmen King Ramírez and Barbara A. Lafford. Sabio Books, 2018, pp. 107-135. Online appendix can be accessed at
“Teaching Language and Culture for Business.” Audio blog post: interviewed. WorldLanguages21. Sabio Books, 4 April 2018.
“Spanish for the Professions and Specific Purposes: Curricular Mainstay.” Hispania 100.5 (2017) Centenary Issue Prepublication PDF.
“Core Didactic Thematics and Methodology in Business Spanish: Developing Leadership with Integrity as a Priority for Language for the Professions and Specific Purposes.” Hispania 100.2 (2017): 261–73.
“Nicaragua’s Grand Canal: A Case Study in Political and Economic Culture.” Global Advances in Business and Communications Conference & Journal. 5: 1 (2016): 1-13. Web:
Cuadernos de ALDEEU. Español para las profesiones y otros usos específicos. Spanish for the Professions and Other Specific Purposes. Eds. Michael Doyle and Candelas Gala. 28 (Otoño 2014). Print and online. (Cut and paste into browser:
“Guest Editor Remarks – Adding Thickness and Granularity to SSP.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU. Español para las profesiones y otros usos específicos. Spanish for the Professions and Other Specific Purposes. Eds. Michael Doyle and Candelas Gala. 28 (Otoño 2014): 8-14. Print and online.
Uribe, Daniel, Jean LeLoup, Sheri Spaine Long, and Michael Scott Doyle. “Spanish at the United States Air Force Academy – Developing Leaders of Character as an LSP Curricular Model.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU. Español para las profesiones y otros usos específicos. Spanish for the Professions and Other Specific Purposes. Eds. Michael Doyle and Candelas Gala. 28 (Otoño 2014): 189-225. Print and online.
“Continuing Theoretical Cartography in the Language for Specific Purposes Era,” in Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes, UAB Digital Collections, March 2013, 2-13.
“Autobiographical Inscription and Experiential Pedagogy in Business Language: The Panama Canal and Ground Transportation in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.” Global Business Languages: Bridging Language and Business 13 (2008): 45-62.
“Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method.” The Modern Language Journal (MLJ). 96(s1), 2012, 104-120.
“Business Spanish in the United States: Evolution, Methodology, and Markets.” Cuadernos de ALDEEU (Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en los Estados Unidos; Spanish Professionals in America). Volume 24, 2012, 34-67.
“A Responsive, Integrative Spanish Curriculum at UNC Charlotte.” Hispania 93.1: 80-84. In Special Section: Curricular Changes for Spanish and Portuguese in a New Era.
Business and Spanish in the New American Educational Epistemology: Context, Development, Forecast. CIBER Working Paper Series. San Diego: Center for International Business Education and Research, San Diego State University, 1992, 1-20. Rpt. by invitation of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL – Washington, D.C.) in ERIC (ED 354 737), 1992, 1-24 (makes article available “in over 800 locations around the world”).
“Evaluating Learner Outcomes in Business Spanish: An Inventory of Testing Exercise Typologies.” Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions eds. T. Bruce Fryer and Gail Guntermann. Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1998, 167-187. Substantially revised and expanded version of CIBER Working Paper by San Diego State University.
“Language and Business Linking Educational Resources.” Hispanic Business: The Link Between the Americas and the Caribbean. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Hispanic Business and Economy. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico, 1987, 3-16.
Éxito comercial: Prácticas administrativas y contextos culturales, lead author, co-authored with Dr. T. Bruce Fryer. 7th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2019. ISBN-13: 9781337554978. 654 total pages. Advanced-level text and reference book for Spanish for business and international trade with focus on cross-culturally contextualized managerial functions. Comprehensive update and rewriting of previous 6th edition covers the socioeconomic data for each of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries, Brazil, and the United States.
- Seventh Edition of Exito Comercial – To the Instructor
- What’s New in Éxito 7th ed
- Since 1991, Éxito comercial has been adopted at 613 colleges and universities as well as over 66 companies, banks, agencies, and other language/culture training institutes and schools in ten countries, including the United States, Canada, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil. This project—text, workbook, Web page—is now more than 310,000 words in length. Please see
- Sample Éxito comercial reviews over the life of the project: Yesenia Rodríguez (University of Iowa ) in The Modern Language Journal 87 (2003): 638-640: “Exito comercial is a well-written book and an excellent tool for instruction…user-friendly…informative… One of the strongest aspects of this book is its cultural approach… One of the most valuable ancillaries is a Web page that provides additional resources as well as samples of testing material.” Jack B. Jelinski ( Montana State University) in Hispania 82.4 (1999): 789-790: “This is a text that promises to be all things to all those seeking to teach and learn how to conduct business in the Hispanic world and, remarkably, it delivers on the promise. . . It is difficult to avoid superlatives to describe the abundance of information and the flexibility of this book. . . a valuable resource for any teacher of Spanish language or culture.” Montserrat Villarubla ( Illinois State University ) in The Modern Language Journal 77.3 (1993): 401-402: “represents the option of using a good textbook for a business Spanish class.” Carmen Vega-Carney (The American Graduate School of International Management – Thunderbird) in The Journal of Language for International Business V.1 (1993): 53-56: “a timely and valuable contribution to the Spanish business bibliography.”
- Sample Doyle Contributions to Éxito comercial: Prácticas administrativas y contextos culturales
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 1 Lectura Comercial y Cultural
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 3 Lectura Comercial
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 4 Lectura Cultural
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 4 Minicaso – La Bank of America
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 4 Tabla 4-5 Los países hispanoparlantes, Brasil y EUA
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 5 Minicaso – El Gran Canal de Nicaragua
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 7 Asimilador Cultural
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 7 Minicaso – Patrick Cisneros y La entrevista de trabajo
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 7 Tabla 7-1 Gestos y algunos sonidos típicos
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 9 Lectura Comercial
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 9 Lectura Cultural
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 11 Lectura Comercial
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 11 Lectura Cultural
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 11 Tabla 11-2 PIB
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 13 Lectura Comercial
- Éxito 7th ed Capítulo 13 Minicaso – Impacto del turismo en Cuba
- Éxito 7th ed Apéndice 4 – La entrevista de trabajo
- Éxito 7th ed Apéndice 5 – Tendencias culturales en los negocios
Éxito comercial: Cuaderno de correspondencia, documentos y ejercicios comerciales, co-authored with Dr. T. Bruce Fryer. 6th ed. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2015 (258 pp.). ISBN #13: 978-1-285-73746-1. This is now embedded in the MindTap platform of the 7th ed.
“Literary Translation Criticism, Reviews, and Assessment.” In Washbourne, K. (Ed.), Van Wyke, B. (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translation. London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 551-574.
“Cormac McCarthy Mutative: Metaphoric for Reading, Literary Translation, and Filmic Adaptation.” Narrativas mutantes: anomalía viral en los genes de la ficción, Eds. Mihai Iacob and Adolfo R. Posada, Bucarest: Ars Docendi, 2018. 349-360.
“Translation as Glocalized Repositioning and Rebranding: Cormac McCarthy’s and the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men as No es país para viejos and Sin lugar para los débiles.” Translation, Globalization and Translocation: The Classroom and Beyond, edited by Concepción Godev, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 17-38.
Doyle, Michael Scott, Anton Pujol, and Concepción Godev. “English-Spanish Translation Studies: An Adaptable Curricular Model.” Dimension 2017. Languages: Your Global Fast Pass. Ed. Paula Garrett-Rucks. 136-152.
“The Poet and His Translator: An Interview with Salgado Maranhão and Alexis Levitin” with Cassidy Schenley. Eutomia, Revista de Literatura e Linguística, 2013. Also Rpt. in Teoria e Prática da Traduçao Literária. Eds. Sueli Cavendish and Michelle Valois. Recife, Brazil: Editora UFPE (Associaçao Brasileira de Editoras Universitarias), 2014. 217-229.
“A Translation Autopsy of Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited in Spanish: Literary and Film Coda.” Translation Review 86.1 (2013): 12-48.
“A Translation Biopsy of Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited in Spanish: Shadowing the Re-creative Process.” Sendebar 23, 2012, 79-109.
“Theoretical Foundations for Translation Pedagogy: Descriptive, Prescriptive, and Speculative (in Defense of the Good Utopian).” ADFL Bulletin (Association of Departments of Foreign Languages, Modern Language Association of America) Vol. 42, N. 1, 2012, 43-48.
“Una entrevista con Luis Murillo Fort, traductor de Cormac McCarthy.” TRANS. Revista de Traductología 14 (2010): 175-186. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad de Málaga (Spain). Different interview from that in Translation Review below.
“Enter the Monster: Meridiano de sangre y No es país para viejos de Cormac McCarthy y el traductor Luis Murillo Fort”. Héroes, mitos y monstruos en la literatura española contemporánea. Andavira Editora (Estudios de Literatura Española Contemporánea: Monográficos de PROGAF): Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña, Spain): 2009, 355-362.
“Five Translators Translating: Reading Blood Meridian from English into English, Spanish into English, and English into Spanish.” Translation Review 74 (2008): 35-66.
“Missing in Portuguese: Prolegomenon to a Translation of Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree.” Eutomia: Revista Online de Literatura e Lingüística (July 2008): 116-131. See link for Especial, Artigos (Destaque da Edicao [Featured Articles]) at and Departamento de Letras da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Dr. Sueli Cavendish, Editor of Eutomia, published her very good Portuguese translation of my article in volume 2 of Eutomia: Also, a rpt. in Teoria e Prática da Traduçao Literária. Ed. Sueli Cavendish and Michelle Valois. Recife, Brazil: Editora UFPE (Associaçao Brasileira de Editoras Universitarias), 2014. 217-229.
“Translating U.S. Undergraduate Admissions into Spanish.” The ATA Chronicle: A Publication of the American Translators Association XXXVII.3 (March 2008): 16-22.
“An Interview with Luis Murillo Fort: A Translator’s Translator in Barcelona.” Translation Review 73 (2007): 3-13. Different interview from that in TRANS above.
“‘A Whole New Style Seemed to Be Seeking Expression Here’: Cormac McCarthy’s Outer Dark in Spanish”.” Translation Review 72 (2007): 9-25.
“Translation Pedagogy and Assessment Adopting ATA’s Framework for Standard Error Marking.” The ATA chronicle 32.11 (2003): 21-28.
Matute, Ana María; Doyle, Michael Scott; Nicola, Maria. Mesa redonda – Ana María Matute y sus traductores Michael Scott Doyle y Maria Nicola.” Vasos Comunicantes: Revista de ACE Traductores.12 (1998-1999): 76-82.
“Translation and Translation Studies in the United States: the Struggle for Credibility and Legitimacy.” In Other Words: Journal of the Translators Association. London: Society of Authors, No. 4 (November 1994): 23-27.
“Translating Matute’s Algunos muchachos: Applied Critical Reading and Forms of Fidelity in The Heliotrope Wall and Other Stories.” Translation Review 41 (1993): 20-30.
“Translation and the Space Between: Operative Parameters of an Enterprise.” Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence, ed. Mildred L. Larson. Binghamton: State University of New York Press, 1991, 13-26.
“The Place of Literary Translation in American Higher Education.” Translation Review 36-37 (1991): 16-21.
“Contemporary Spanish and Spanish-American Fiction in English: Tropes of Fidelity in the Translation of Titles.” Translation Review 30-31 (1989): 41-46.
“Anthony Kerrigan: the Attainment of Excellence in Translation.” Translation Excellence: Assessment, Achievement, Maintenance ed. Marilyn Gaddis Rose. Binghamton: University Center at Binghamton (State University of New York Press – SUNY), 1987, 135-141.
“Coloquio con Ana María Matute.” Doyle, Michael and Noel M. Valis. Hispania, No. 4, Vol. 63 (December 1980), 763-765.
“Trace-Reading the Story of Matia-Matute in Los mercaderes.” Revista de estudios hispánicos XIX.2 (May 1985): 57-70.
“Entrevista con Ana María Matute: ‘Recuperar otra vez cierta inocencia’.'” Anales de la literatura española contemporánea 10.1-3 (1985): 237-247.
Sample Review: “Review of Jeremy Munday – Style and Ideology in Translation.” Translation Review 77/78 (2009): 211-216.
SAMPLE TRANSLATIONS: the first is from The Heliotrope Wall and Other Stories trans. of Ana María Matute’s collection of stories, Algunos muchachos. New York: Columbia University Press, 1989. Reviewed by Richard Burgin in The New York Times Book Review, 14 May 1989, 22 (“A lyric energy propels these adroit translations”); in Publishers Weekly, 27 January 1989, 451-452 (“seven extraordinary short stories of childhood and adolescence”); by Marian G. R. Coope (University of British Columbia) in the Dalhousie Review 70, Spring 1990, 131-133 (“excellently translated by Michael Scott Doyle”).(click below to read)
“The King of the Zennos” (translation of Matute short story from Algunos muchachos)
“Sin of Omission” (translation of Matute short story from Historias de la Artámila)
“Bernardino” (translation of Matute short story from Historias de la Artámila)
“The Conscience” (translation of Matute short story from Historias de la Artámila)