Survey offers guidance for biking equity in Charlotte

Survey offers guidance for biking equity in Charlotte

By Robert Boyer [Posted initially on] More cycling in Charlotte is good for you, even if you never mount a bicycle. More butts on…

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Special issue on sustainability, context, and governance from our 2015 conference

Special issue on sustainability, context, and governance from our 2015 conference

We’re pleased to announce the publication of our special issue of Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, based on presentation from 2015’s INSS conference. The issue includes…

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New book by Paul Thompson on food ethics

New book by Paul Thompson on food ethics

FROM FIELD TO FORK Food Ethics for Everyone Paul B. Thompson (Oxford | June 5th 2015 | Hardcover | 344 pages | $21.95 | ISBN:…

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Butterfly Highway updates

Butterfly Highway updates

Those at the 2015 INSS conference in Charlotte had the opportunity to work with INSS member Angel Hjarding on her Butterfly Highway project. We had…

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Climate Mitigation as Socio-Technical Transition: The Evolution of Eco-Cohousing in Tompkins County, New York

Climate Mitigation as Socio-Technical Transition: The Evolution of Eco-Cohousing in Tompkins County, New York

This post is another in our series presenting member research, focused primarily on the many insightful posters presented at this year’s conference.  by Robert Boyer…

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Urban agriculture and behavior change

Urban agriculture and behavior change

Last night, I was asked to participate in a Keeping Watch panel discussion on urban agriculture in Charlotte along with Henry Owen, who talked about his…

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Community-Based Mitigation Project in Peru: Seismic Retrofit of an Adobe School Building in Rural Peru Using Geomesh

Community-Based Mitigation Project in Peru: Seismic Retrofit of an Adobe School Building in Rural Peru Using Geomesh

This post is another in our series presenting member research, focused primarily on the many insightful posters presented at this year’s conference.  Jose Quispe Acosta…

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Food Sovereignty and Social Sustainability Through Solidarity Economy Networks

Food Sovereignty and Social Sustainability Through Solidarity Economy Networks

This year’s INSS conference included many really exciting attendees, and we were fortunate that many presented their current projects in our poster session. Jonny Hankins…

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