For some reason, the unbridled enthusiasm of fans appeals to me. I like their passion for stories, their willingness to immerse themselves in the details of plots and characters’ backstories, and their desire to create a sense of community with other fans. In many ways, fans have much in common with those of us who write literary or film criticism or who teach courses on literature and film. As academics, we tend to be a bit more restrained in our responses to stories, but I suspect that beneath the surface of many a literary critic there is a fan waiting to awaken.
As every fans knows, there are pleasures that come with sharing stories and participating in communities. These are among the pleasures that I hope all of you are able to enjoy during our much-deserved winter break. May the force be with you.
Lance Phillips recently learned that two short poems of his have been accepted by the print journal Fence, and a longer poem will be included in the new edition of the online journal Apartment.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines— Here are some dates to keep in mind:
December 23 — UNC Charlotte closes for winter break.
January 11 — The first day of classes for the Spring 2016 semester isJanuary 11.
Quirky Quiz Question — When George Lucas wrote the screenplay for the original Star Wars movie, he was strongly influenced by a book titledA Hero with a Thousand Faces. What is the name of the author of this book?
Biltmore Estate has long had a nickname among the residents of Asheville. This nickname includes the word “Hill” but it has nothing to do with Senior Associate Dean Bill Hill (although Dr. Hill received his undergraduate degree from nearby Appalachian State University). What is the nickname for Biltmore Estate?