Heather Vorhies recently learned that her article titled “Women and Corporate Communication in the Early American Republic” has been accepted for publication in Peitho Journal.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines— Here is an important date to keep in mind:May 4  —  The English Department’s Student Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 4, from 12:302:00 in the Halton Reading Room at Atkins Library.

Quirky Quiz Question —  In addition to teaching creative writing courses, Allison Hutchcraft is a publishing poet.  She has published a number of poems that make reference to a particular type of bird that was once common in America.  Do you know what type of birds do so often show up in Allison’s poems?

Last week’s answer: Sam Watson

At the English Department spring party, both Lil Brannon and Connie Rothwell were honored as they complete their last semester before retiring.  After I presented them with their retirement gifts, they both talked about their experiences in the department.  Both of them mentioned a retired colleague who now lives in McClellanville, SC, and writes poetry.  What is the name of this retired English professor?