On this page is my complete, up-to-date publication list, with links to publications where possible. To see the complete publication list in pdf form, click here.
For those interested in downloading a copy of my thesis, “Nonradiating Sources and the Inverse Source Problem”, click here.
Some time back, a description of my research group’s work on singular optics with polychromatic light was published (unbeknownst to us) in a Russian science magazine. A pdf version of the article can be viewed here. For an English description of this research, see paper 22. To see an article about the experimental confirmation of this research, click here.
Some of my work on partially coherent beams propagating through turbulence has been verified experimentally. To see an article about this, click here.
Work I did with Professors Wolf and Agarwal on the coherence properties of sunlight was described in the scientific press at Physics News Update and Astronomy. I have pdf versions of the pages here and here.
Work I did with my collaborators in Amsterdam on plasmons and Young’s interference experiment was described in Physics World (though I am not mentioned by name). See the article here.
In recent years, the idea of dielectric invisibility devices has become quite popular with the media. Thanks to my thesis work on ‘invisible objects,’ I was asked to comment on these recent results. Comments appeared in Science Magazine, PhysOrg.com, The News & Observer, and even USA Today.
My proceedings paper for my invited talk at Photonics West 2007 is here.
Popular Science Articles:
- G. Gbur, “Visions of Invisibility in Fiction,” Optics and Photonics News (July/August 2011), 16-17.
- G. Gbur, “Les pérégrinations d’un escroc scientfiique,” La Recherche 458 (December 2011), 58-60.
- G. Gbur, “Arago’s Inadvertent Test of Relativity,” Optics and Photonics News (May 2012), 18-19.
- G. Gbur, “The Secret Molecular Life of Soap Films,” Optics and Photonics News (July/August 2013), 18-20.
- G. Gbur, “Robertson: l’homme au nom de la science,” La Recherche 475 (May 2013), 60-62.
- G. Gbur, “James Jeans’ Almost-Atomic Theory,” Optics and Photonics News (November 2013), 20-22.
- G. Gbur, “Making Magnets Speak: the Barkhausen effect,” Open Lab 2013.
- G. Gbur, “Le mystère des chats qui retombent toujours sur leurs pattes, » La Recherche 487, (Mai 2014), 54-58.
- G. Gbur, “A Protective Cloak Against Earthquakes and Storms,” American Scientist 103 (2015), 356-359.
- G. Gbur, “Blogging on the tenure track,” in Science Blogging: The Essential Guide, C. Wilcox, B. Brookshire, G. Goldman, eds. (Yale University Press, 2016).
6. G. Gbur and K. Kim, “The quasi-homogeneous approximation for a class of three-dimensional primary sources”, Opt. Commun. 163 (1999), 20; erratum, Opt. Commun. 167 (1999), 311. 24. H.F. Schouten, T.D. Visser, G. Gbur, D. Lenstra and H. Blok, “Creation and annihilation of phase singularities near a sub-wavelength slit”, Optics Express 11 (2003), 371. 27. G. Gbur, “Nonradiating sources and other ‘invisible’ objects”, in E. Wolf (Ed.), Prog. in Optics, vol. 45 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2003), p. 273. (contact me for a copy!) 68. G. Gbur and T.D. Visser, “The structure of partially coherent fields”, in E. Wolf (Ed.), Prog. in Optics, vol. 55 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2010), p. 285. (contact me for a copy!) 69. G. Gbur, “Invisibility physics: Kerker’s ‘invisible bodies'”, in B. Zivkovic, J. Goldman (Eds.), The Open Laboratory 2010 (Coturnix, Chapel Hill, 2010), p. 179. (original online post) 70. X. Pang, G. Gbur and T.D. Visser, “The Gouy phase of Airy beams”, Opt. Lett. 36 (2011), 2492. 76. G. Gbur, “Mpemba’s baffling discovery,” in Best Science Writing Online 2012, J. Ouellette and B. Zivkovic, eds. (Scientific American, New York, 2012), 108. 78. G. Gbur, “Invisibility Physics: Past, Present, and Future,” in E. Wolf (Ed.), Prog. in Optics, vol. 58 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2013), p. 65. (contact me for a copy!) 81. E. Hurwitz and G. Gbur, “Null-field radiationless sources,” Opt. Lett. 39 (2014), 6529. 82. G. Gbur, “Designing directional cloaks from localized fields,” Opt. Lett. 40 (2015), 986. 83. G. Gbur, “Singular Optics,” in The Optics Encyclopedia (Wiley, 2015). (contact me for a copy!) 85. G. Gbur, “Fractional vortex Hilbert’s Hotel,” Optica 3 (2016), 222. 92. G. Gbur, “Partially coherent vortex beams,” Proc. SPIE 10549 (2018), 1054903. 93. G. Gbur, “Nonuniqueness in imaging,” Encyclopedia of Modern Optics II, Vol. 3 (2018), 156-163. (contact me for a copy!) 108. O. Korotkova and G. Gbur, “Applications of Optical Coherence Theory,” in T.D. Visser (Ed.), Prog. in Optics, vol. 65 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020), p. 43. (contact me for a copy!) 114. J. Zeng, H. Zhang, Z. Xu, C. Zhao, Y. Cai, and G. Gbur , “Anomalous multi-ramp fractional vortex beams with arbitrary topological charge jumps”, Applied Physics Letters 117, 241103 (2020).
117. M.V. Berry et al., “A tribute to Marat Soskin,” Journal of Optics 23 (2021), 050201. 121. G. Gbur and M. Smith, “Controlled Coherence Plasmonic Light Sources,” Photonics 8 (2021), 268. 122. R. Lin, J. Wu, Y. Dong, G. Gbur, Y. Cai, and J.Yu, “Second-order statistical properties of conjugate mode “double-H” partially coherent beams in turbulence,” Opt. Express 29, 30809-30821 (2021). 123. W. Miao and G. Gbur, “Design of Lissajous beams,” Opt. Lett. 47, 297-300 (2022). 124. S. Lin, J. Wu, Y. Xu, X. Zhu, G. Gbur, Y. Cai, and J. Yu, “Analysis and experimental demonstration of propagation features of radially polarized specific non-uniformly correlated beams,” Opt. Lett. 47, 305-308 (2022). 125. G. Gbur and O. Korotkova, “Orbital angular momentum transformations by non-local linear systems,” Opt. Lett. 47, 321-324 (2022). 126. G. Gbur and T.D. Visser, “Young’s Interference Experiment: Past, Present, and Future,” in T.D. Visser (Ed.), Prog. in Optics, vol. 67 (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2022), p. 275-343. 127. Y. Yuan, X. Xiao, D. Liu, P. Fu, J. Qu, G. Gbur & Y. Cai, “Mitigating orbital angular momentum crosstalk in an optical communication uplink channel using cylindrical vector beams,” Waves in Random and Complex Media (2022), 10.1080/17455030.2022.2053609. 128. X. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Gao, G. Gbur, Y. Cai, and Y. Yuan, “Massive parallel sorting of particles using unwound polygonal vortex beams,” Frontiers in Physics 10 (2022), 10.3389/fphy.2022.877804. 129. Song, Haoqian, Zhang, Runzhou, Hu, Nanzhe, Zhou, Huibin, Su, Xinzhou, Song, Hao, Zou, Kaiheng, Pang, Kai, Liu, Cong, Park, Daeyoung, Lynn, Brittany, Gbur, Greg, Dogariu, Aristide, Watkins, Richard J., Miller, Jerome K., Johnson, Eric, Tur, Moshe and Willner, Alan E.. “Dynamic aerosol and dynamic air-water interface curvature effects on a 2-Gbit/s free-space optical link using orbital-angular-momentum multiplexing” Nanophotonics 11 (2022): 885-895. 130. Z. Yang, H. Wang, Y. Chen, F. Wang, G. Gbur, O. Korotkova, and Y. Cai, “Measurement of the coherence-orbital angular momentum matrix of a partially coherent beam,” Opt. Lett. 47 (2022), 4467-4470. 131. J. Yu, Y. Xu, S. Lin, X. Zhu, G. Gbur, and Y. Cai, “Longitudinal optical trapping and manipulating Rayleigh particles by spatial nonuniform coherence engineering,” Phys. Rev. A 106 (2022), 033511. 132. J. Xu, G. Gbur, and T.D. Visser, “Generalization of Malus’ law and spatial coherence relations for linear polarizers and non-uniform polarizers,” Opt. Lett. 47 (2022), 5739-5742. 133. J.D. Schmidt, J.A. Tellez, and G.J. Gbur, “Semi-analytic simulation of optical wave propagation through turbulence,” Appl. Opt. 61 (2022), 9439-9448. 134. O. Korotkova, S. Pokharel, and G. Gbur, “Tailoring the coherence–OAM matrices,” Opt. Lett. 47 (2022), 6109-6112. 135. R. Qi and G.J. Gbur, “Simplified superoscillatory lenses for super-resolution imaging,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39 (2022), C116-C125. 136. G. Gbur, G. Agarwal, M. Alonso, P.S. Carney, A.T. Friberg, P. Knight, J.P. Rolland, and T. Shirai, “100 years of Emil Wolf: introduction,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39 (2022), EW1-EW2. 137. Y. Zhang, J. Yu, G. Gbur, O. Korotkova, “Evolution of the orbital angular momentum flux density of partially coherent vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence,” Frontiers in Physics 10 (2022), 10.3389/fphy.2022.1073662. 138. J. Mays and G. Gbur, “Partially coherent superoscillations in the Talbot effect,” J. Phys. A 55 (2022), 504002. 139. Z. Zhang, Z. Liu, X. Liu, G. Gbur, C. Liang, Y. Cai and J. Zeng, “Measuring the orbital angular momentum of a vortex beam under extremely low coherence,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 (2023), 011101. 140. H. Chang, X. Cai, F. Wang, Y. Zhang, G. Gbur, Y. Cai, and J. Yu, “On z-coherence of Schell-model sources carrying a prescribed astigmatic phase,” Opt. Lett. 48 (2023), 558-561. 141. A. Shiri, J. Schmidt, J. Tellez, and G. Gbur, “Modified Huygens–Fresnel method for the propagation of partially coherent beams through turbulence,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40 (2023), 470-478. 142. Y. Xu, Y. Guan, Y. Liu, S. Lin, X. Zhu, Y. Cai, J. Yu, and G. Gbur, “Generating multi-focus beams with a spatial non-uniform coherence structure,” Opt. Lett. 48 (2023), 2631-2634 (2023). 143. R. Abney and G. Gbur, “Nonradiating orbital motions,” Phys. Rev. A 107 (2023), 053517. 144. S. Kumar, A. Ghosh, C. Kaushik, A. Shiri, G. Gbur, S. Sharma, G.K. Samanta, “Simple experimental realization of optical Hilbert Hotel using scalar and vector fractional vortex beams,” APL Photonics 8 (2023), 066105. 145. J. Mays and G. Gbur, “Angular momentum of vector-twisted-vortex Gaussian Schell-model beams,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40 (2023), 1417-1424. 146. H. Song, R. Zhang, H. Zhou, K. Zou, N. Hu, X. Su, H. Song, K. Pang, Y. Duan, D. Park, B. Lynn, G. Gbur, A. Dogariu, R.J. Watkins, J.K. Miller, E. Johnson, M. Tur, A.E. Willner, “Investigation of the 2-D modal coupling of a Laguerre Gaussian beam through the dynamic air–water interface,” Opt. Commun. 545 (2023), 129689. 147. R. Qi and G. Gbur, “Super-resolution imaging system developed from vector superoscillatory field illumination,” Opt. Lett. 48 (2023), 4284-4287. 148. W. Miao, Y. Zhang, and G. Gbur, “Deterministic vortices evolving from partially coherent fields,” Optica 10 (2023), 1173-1176. 149. Y. Zhang, Y. Cai, and G. Gbur, “Switch of orbital angular momentum flux density of partially coherent vortex beams,” Opt. Express 31 (2023), 38004-38012. 150. W. Miao, T.D. Visser, and G. Gbur, “Lissajous singularities in Young’s interference experiment,” Opt. Express 32 (2024), 813-824. 151. Greg Gbur, “Visions of invisibility in optics: retrospective,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 41 (2024), 435-443. |